Gentaro thought of this and said quickly

  "Star Child Kindergarten, didn't Wonsan say to donate paintings to those children? It's time to go there"

  singer xiango says

  "Yes, it's there, let's go"

  Hearing the words of singer Kengo, Gentaro nodded, and then planned to go

  "Gentaro, your injury..."

  When he saw Gentaro's appearance, Hayabusa reminded him.

  "It's okay, Wonsan must be stopped, he must never be turned into a monster"

  Gentaro shook his head and rushed out


  Singer Xianwu and the two looked at Tianluo

  "It's okay, let him go, you all leave first, I'll rush over later"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  "Well, teacher, you must come, our life will be handed over to you"

  Although I don't know why Tianluo didn't go with them, the two of them didn't ask any more questions, and after saying two words, they ran towards Gentaro.

  Watching the two walk away, Tian Luo laughed again, and then he looked around.

  There is a burning smell around, it is very quiet, and it seems that Tianluo is the only one left in the whole space, but...

  "Cough, that, little tadpole, isn't it time to come out after watching it for so long?"

  Tian Luo let out a snort, Hache looked lazily at a corner of 230

  "It was discovered? And... what the hell is a tadpole?"

  A surprised voice emerged from a hidden place, and then a black figure walked in

  The figure is dark all over, and there are white spots on it, as if it is a star in the universe.

  His head is blue, with two red eyes. The most bizarre thing is the one on the head. With the eyes, it really looks like a tadpole.

  "Pfft...hahaha, it's so funny..."

  Seeing him like this, Tianluo burst into laughter, his body bent, as if he was uncomfortable

  "Hey, what's so funny?"

  The figure really can't stand Tian Luo like this and yelled at him.

  "Cough, that... little tadpole"

  "Don't just name anyone else!!!!"

  Hearing these three words again, the figure seems to be on the verge of eruption

  "Pfft...hahaha, so funny..."

  Tian Luo couldn't stand it anymore

  "..." figure

  Damn, is this guy really sick?Was it all hallucinations?Is this guy not the one fighting at all?

  The figure at this time felt like a gorilla, and the one opposite was like a tourist visiting him.

Chapter [-]: meteor

  "Bastard, don't laugh!!!!"

  Seeing Tianluo laughing all the time, the figure finally couldn't bear the angry roar, and a strong breath erupted from his body, and the trees next to him began to sway.

  "Uh, are you angry?"

  Tian Luo stopped his laughter and looked at the figure strangely

  "Remember, my name is meteor, don't blame me for being rude about tadpoles"

  The figure gritted his teeth and said

  "Oh, well, meteor, right, what am I calling you for?"

  Tian Luo suddenly wondered

  "The devil knows!!!!"

  At this moment, Meteor's brain is about to explode. He feels that he can't catch up with this guy's ideas at all, or that this guy's ideas can't catch up at all. The ghost knows what he wants to do.

  "Oh, I remembered, you were peeking just now, little tadpole, why did you peek at us?"

  Tian Luo suddenly realized

  "I said don't call me a tadpole again, damn it, kill me"

  Meteor roared and came directly to Tianluo and punched him in the head.

  "Okay, if you don't call it, don't call it rude."

  Tian Luo casually avoided the attack and said helplessly.

  "Asshole, I don't care who you are, and I don't want to talk to you anymore. In short, Perseus, you can't touch him, at least you can't touch him until he fully evolves"

  Seeing that Tian Luo easily dodged his attack, Meteor spoke with anger.


  "How can there be so many whys, not allowed is not allowed"

  "This can't be done. I have principles in my life. If you don't tell me, how do I know what you want to do?"

  Tian Luo shook his head directly


  Seeing Tian Luo's lack of oil and salt, Meteor suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He really wanted to kill this guy, but when he thought about the battle he saw before, it seemed a bit difficult.

  "I need him to evolve into an Aries"

  After hesitating for a while, meteor said


  "They said where did you come from so much and why!!! In short, there must be no mistakes before he may become an Aries"

  meteor said seriously

  "That's it, but... he can't become an Aries."

  Tian Luo hesitated for a while and said.


  Meteor froze for a moment, then looked at Tian Luo suspiciously

  "What do you mean?"

  "That is to say, there are already people in Aries, do you think there will be two Aries?"

  Tian Luo shrugged


  At this moment, the meteor couldn't calm down when he heard Tian Luo's words. This matter was too important to him, so he would keep staring at Perseus, which may evolve, if Aries really appeared...

  "Who is it? Who is Aries!!!"

  Meteor reacted immediately and looked at Tian Luo excitedly

  "Uh, why should I tell you?"

  Tian Luo suddenly said

  "..." meteor

  Damn, I want to kill him

  At this moment, meteor really can't wait to blow Tian Luo with one punch

  "Actually, it's okay to tell you, please, I'll tell you if you beg me..."


  Hearing Tianluo's cheap words again, meteor really broke out

  "Since you don't say it, don't blame me for being rude."

  Having said that, Meteor punched Tianluo again.

  "Really, today's young people are so restless"

  Tian Luo shook his head, then flipped the switch, violent energy suddenly poured out of him, and meteor was rushed out by this sudden explosion.

  "Meteorite Attack"

  Meteor stood up again, and saw a ball suddenly appeared on his arm. The whole body of the ball was surrounded by a layer of golden light, just like the stars in the universe.

  "Sure enough, you are stronger than Gentaro."

  Feeling the energy erupting from the meteor, Tian Luo nodded in admiration.

  "I hit..."

  With a low growl, Meteor quickly came to Tian Luo and punched him on the body


  With a loud bang, Tian Luo's stomach was directly punched with a big hole.

  "Why, how can you be so weak?"

  Meteor was also a little dumbfounded when he saw his masterpiece, has he been killed in seconds?Then how did he ask about the whereabouts of Aries?

  "Hehe, it seems to be small"

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