Hearing Tian Luo's explanation, the girls laughed helplessly. What kind of explanation is this?

  "It's not them, it's another pair of eyes, I felt it a long time ago"

  Tian Luo shook his head

  In fact, I have felt this way since I got in the car, but it was only fleeting. It is not ordinary to have this feeling again here.

  Being able to escape his own mental power, the guy who appeared this time seems a bit interesting.

  "Then what? Do you want to find him?"

  Hearing this, the girls also frowned. They believed it this time. Tianluo wouldn't make such a joke.

  "No, you continue to play, we can only wait for him to appear automatically"

  Tian Luo shook his head

  Although he can't find it, he is still very confident in his own strength. A guy who only dares to hide has nothing to be afraid of.

  A meal was spent in this inexplicable atmosphere, and everyone left the restaurant to travel

  And in the lively crowd, a figure slowly emerged

  "What a powerful guy, fortunately my abilities are quite special, otherwise I would have been discovered..."

Chapter [-] Brother, I was wrong...

  056 is very depressing, really depressing. As an evil way of crafting with hidden skills, he is confident that no one will be able to find him.

  When he was sent by 001, he thought it was a very simple task, wasn't it just tracking a person?

  But when Luo first felt him that day, he was frightened.

  That was the first time he saw Tian Luo, and then he was noticed. What a terrible sense of ability this must be. Fortunately, he was born to hide his breath, otherwise it would be really bad.

  From that moment on, he no longer dared to look at Tianluo and his group, and he hid under the car and dared not move until Tianluo and the others went to eat.

  He didn't dare to come out until Luo walked into the restaurant that day, and then he looked at them who were eating again, who knew that they had just seen it and were noticed by-

  Tracking a person can't even take a look, which makes 056 feel crazy, he even wants to rush out and fight Tianluo directly

  "Calm down, you have to be calm, this guy is a Kamen Rider anyway, so I definitely won't be able to get it, by the way, those women..."

  Thinking of the women following Tianluo, 056 suddenly thought of a way, and then laughed


  "So comfortable, diving in this weather is really the best"

  On the beach, the girls were lying comfortably on the beach chairs and drinking drinks. They were obviously very happy about diving in the deep sea just now.

  "Okay, let's say diving, even if you go down and unplug the oxygen"

  Tian Luo shrugged and said lazily.

  As he said, after the girls went down, they unplugged their equipment and played on the bottom of the sea all morning. If they didn't come out often to get some air, the rescuers inside would definitely think something was wrong.

  "That kind of thing is possible"

  A few women said indifferently

  They have already transcended the realm of human beings, even if they settle down in the water, it will be fine

  "Forget it, you can play whatever you want, and I'll buy some of what you want to eat?"

  Tian Luo also smiled indifferently, and then said to the girls.

  "Well, I want fruit salad, cream cake, ice cream..."

  Nana snapped her fingers and said

  "Me too……"






  "Okay, just say the same thing."

  Tian Luo glanced at a few naughty guys, and then slowly walked towards the outside

  On the other side, a figure was sneaking aside, and when he looked at the position of Wakana and the others again, Tianluo's figure had disappeared, and only a few women were left chatting and talking.

  "good chance"

  The figure laughed, and then turned into a handsome young man, he smiled confidently, and then slowly walked towards the girls

  "Several beauties, could you be honored to invite some of you for a drink?"

  The handsome young man showed a bright smile, then looked at Wakana and the others and said

  "Wow, someone actually approached me, it's funny to say"

  Naomi showed a cute smile

  "It's a beauty's authority, isn't it?"

  Ma Ye smiled indifferently, it's natural to see this kind of thing

  "It's pretty handsome, but if my husband sees it, will he just throw him under the Atlantic Ocean?"

  There was a smile in Xiao Wu's eyes

  "No, I think with that guy's character I'll throw him into a volcano"

  Nana had a sly smile on her face.

  "Maybe Humane Destruction is also a good choice"

  Wakana is thoughtful

  "It's too scary for you to say that, just feed my pet."

  Li Xing said hesitantly.

  "Hmm, good idea" x5

  "..." 056

  I'm going, who are these people, please, I'm still listening, why are you talking about such a dangerous topic so casually?

  At this moment, 056 is depressed all of a sudden, what are they doing, kidnapping, but why do I feel a little scared?

  "Cough, beauty, let's stop joking, okay?"

  After a dry cough, 056 finally couldn't help but say

  "We're not kidding, handsome guy, I advise you, it's better to leave quickly, otherwise it will be very dangerous"

  There was a smile on the corner of Ma Ye's mouth, but no matter how he looked at it, there was contempt in his eyes.

  "Damn, I can't take it anymore, none of you can leave today"

  Despised by women, and despised by a group of women, 056's self-esteem received an unprecedented blow, he was really angry

  An air flow erupted from his body, and the surrounding space instantly solidified. The ordinary people who were playing around stopped, and 056's figure finally changed back to his body.

  "Hahaha, you dare to despise me, I want you to taste my power"

  Seeing that the girls also stopped, 056 shouted excitedly

  "Sister, is he stupid?"

  At this moment, a voice suddenly came, and Nana suddenly turned her head to look at Maya.

  "Well, it's a bit"

  Mayo also nodded, and then drank a drink in his hand.

  "..." 056

  what's the situation?Why is it okay?

  "Hehe, fortunately, my husband has implanted a program to crack and re-accelerate in our bodies, otherwise it would be really difficult to do."

  Wakana also smiled.

  "I didn't expect this guy to be an evil way. Should we study it carefully before my husband comes back?"

  There was a hint of curiosity in Li Xing's eyes. Wouldn't it be interesting to make this kind of thing into a magic tool?

  "Okay, let's play too"

  Xiao Wu and Naomi both nodded

  As their voices fell, a powerful force erupted from the bodies of several women, and groups of rays of light emerged, all transformed

  "..." 056

  "Come on, let our sisters teach you a good lesson today"

  All the women are gearing up, and they feel itchy after not fighting for a long time

  "That, ladies and gentlemen. The younger brother is just here to make some soy sauce, can you spare the younger brother..."

  Feeling the strength of the other party, 056 simply admits to counseling, and he said in a panic.

  He was really about to cry, what a joke, why these women are all knights, this is the rhythm of destroying the world, is it that humans have been hiding their power?very scary……

  "Miss? Are we very old?"

  Maya frowned. Age was a taboo for him. Compared with Wakana and the others, he was indeed very old.

  "No, no, the younger brother is wrong, how can you get old?"

  056 Almost Kneeled

  "Hehe, even if you say that, I won't let you go, don't talk nonsense, beat him up"

  Maya laughed, and then the girls rushed up without hesitation, followed by a terrifying scream.

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