
  Ten minutes later, Tian Luo came over with some things. The first thing he saw was a few girls who were joking and laughing, and then an iron ball was quietly placed on the ground.

  "This is……"

  "Brother, I was wrong, help..."

  With the arrival of Tianluo, a miserable cry came from the iron ball.

  ps: A friend said before that the heroine didn't show up, so this one comes out once. If you have any suggestions, you can also mention it to the author. If you can change it, you will change it.

Chapter [-]: Return and Mutiny

  "Hehe, that is to say, the sight that I felt before is yours..."

  Hearing Wakana and the others, a smile appeared on Tianluo's face, and he looked at the iron ball on the ground with a playful expression.

  "Brother, it was 001 who asked me to look at you, I really don't know anything"

  056 hurriedly shouted

  At this moment, he finally gave up running away or something. There was no way. These women were so terrifying. He was actually being played by them as baseball. He swore that if he could survive.Must run far away, this war is simply one-sided, and the evil way is impossible to win

  "Hehe, 001 asked you to deal with my wife?"

  The playfulness in Tian Luo's eyes became stronger.

  He is not a fool, this guy has been observing himself for so long, and he is doing it while he is away. He must be trying to threaten him with his wife, but he made a mistake. Ruocaijinu is not a little sheep, but a wife , the kind that eats people

  "This... big brother, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding"

  056 suddenly felt finished, he shouted at Tian Luo anxiously

  "Is it true that the misunderstanding has to be read to me?"

  Tian Luo smiled and shook his head, then slowly put his hand on the iron ball, his fingers emitting green light, and the light entered the iron ball like a living thing

  "You...you want to do..."

  The sound stopped abruptly, the space became silent

  Ruona and the girls didn't speak, they quietly looked at Tian Luo who closed his eyes.

  A minute later, Tian Luo finally opened his eyes, his hand also let go of the iron ball, and the corners of his mouth curled up

  "It's really annoying guy, are you still saying it's a misunderstanding?"

  Looking at 056, Tian Luo said slowly

  "You, you actually took my memory program, who are you?"

  056 said in horror, just now he had understood what Tianluo had done and captured his memory to watch. This is simply cheating. He is a machine life form. This kind of thing is impossible for humans to do.

  "There is no need to say, boy, where do you want to travel?"

  Tian Luo stood up and said with a smile.

  "You...what do you want to do?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, 056 felt a stun in his heart, and he said in horror

  "Forget it, I'll send you to the moon, but make some preparations"

  Tian Luo stretched his waist and then reached out to touch the ball again. Following his movements, a strange force instantly wrapped 056, and 056's body quickly petrified in his terrified cries.

  "Slowly be your meteorite"

  Looking at the stone ball in front of him, Tian Luo grabbed it directly in his hand, and then threw it violently towards the sky.

  The stone ball was like a flash of lightning, and the surrounding space seemed to be divided into the sky, and then entered the atmosphere and flew to the universe.

  "Husband, what are they going to do?"

  Seeing the end of the matter, Ma Ye looked around. There were already quite a few people watching here, and they all looked at this scene in shock.


  Tian Luo shook his head with a smile, and then snapped his fingers lightly, all the people around stood blankly on the spot.

  "Let's leave first"

  Nodding with satisfaction, Tian Luo said to the girls.


  The girls did not refuse, although they left with Tian Luo together


  It's been two days

  After the last incident, there were no more accidents. Everything seemed to have become an ordinary trip. Tianluo and his party also enjoyed a relaxed and happy life.

  But time will always pass, and the heaviest group decided to go back. After all, Tianluo is still a policeman.

  On the third day, everyone got in the car and went home, and Tian Luo rushed to the special case class after returning home.

  It was still such a small place, and it was also these people. After Luo entered the special case class that day, everyone was there, but the atmosphere was a little weird.

  "Hey, what's your situation?"

  Tianluo looked at everyone in the special case class suspiciously. Why did it seem like something happened again after not seeing him for two days?

  "Tianluo, are you back? Something big happened"

  Seeing Tianluo, everyone said excitedly

  As the strongest Kamen Rider in the special class, Tian Luo holds a very high status in their hearts, especially his ability to easily resolve dangerous things is more convincing.

  "whats the matter?"

  Tian Luo looked at Shinnosuke, he was the only one who was calm here.

  "It's about Gang"

  Shinnosuke sighed and finally said

  "That guy? He won't be beaten again, will he? He just rescued him two days ago"

  Tian Luo couldn't help but complain

  For this guy, Tian Luo is very helpless. He is still like a child even though he is not young. Sure enough, the bear child is the most annoying.

  "Just... betrayed, he went to the brain's camp"


  Hearing what Shinnosuke said, Tianluo directly sprayed, he couldn't believe it, but then he calmed down and looked at Shinnosuke again

  "Well, we met today, and we had a fight, and we think he should be controlled."

  Shinnosuke said with a serious look

  "Looks like you've found a clue."

  Hearing Shinnosuke's words, Tian Luo nodded and said.

  Being controlled, it seems that Shinnosuke also knows who he is

  "001, no, it should be said that it is Minister of Defense Soichi Kageyama..."

  After hesitating for a while, Shinnosuke said slowly.

  In fact, he was also very surprised when he just learned the truth. He didn't expect such a big man to be 001, but they all saw the memories left by chase, and this is the truth.

  "Then what are your plans?"

  Tian Luo nodded, this matter could not be concealed at all, so he was not surprised.

  "I want to search him, he definitely has something to do with my father's death"

  Shinnosuke's expression turned cold

  Not only Gang, but even the death of my father was caused by this 001, so Shinnosuke will never let him go

  "Shinnosuke, don't be impulsive, you can't deal with 001 with your current strength, so you must not act rashly"

  Just after Shinnosuke finished speaking, the belt on the stage next to 3.9 suddenly said

  His heart is full of fear for 001, because the dive belt was destroyed by him at the beginning, and that power is even stronger than the heart, so the belt does not want to enter the interface to face 001 now.

  "But he..."

  "Nothing but, if you act privately, then I will refuse you to transform"

  The belt opening threatens, the tone is full of seriousness

  "OK then"

  Shinnosuke hesitated for a while and finally agreed with a sigh, but there was a gleam in his eyes.

  Tian Luo looked at him thoughtfully, and then a smile appeared on his face.

  "I didn't expect to encounter such a thing as soon as I came back. It's really interesting. And that little ant, it's time to go and see him. It's a courtesy..."  …

Chapter [-] You seem to be floating

  Soichi Kageyama, the commander of the Ministry of National Defense, can be said to be very good

  But others don't know that the real film Zouichi died as early as more than ten years ago, and the person he is now is a mechanical life form 001

  "056's connection is broken, could it be discovered?"

  Soichi Kageyama sat in his office, his brows furrowed.

  He already knows the news of Tianluo's return. It stands to reason that 056 should also be back, but there is no news now, there can only be one possibility... something happened.

  "Hehe, what do you say?"

  At this moment, a gentleman suddenly came from beside him, and there was an extra young man on the sofa beside him. It was Tian Luo.

  "You, how did you get in?"

  Kageyama Soichi was taken aback, he dodged and pulled away from Tianluo, but the next moment his body froze, and a hand suddenly appeared on his shoulder

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