"Hehe, it would be great if it were him. The enemy this time is not this era, but... the future."

  Tian Luo said with a smile


  Everyone looked at Tian Luo in confusion, they couldn't understand

  "Yes, the enemy who came here from the future" 340

  Tian Luo nodded.

  As his voice fell, the conference hall fell silent in an instant, so everyone was silent.

  They felt that Tian Luo's words were a bit ridiculous, and they couldn't believe it at all, but they had to believe it, because Tian Luo was a knight, so there was no need to lie to them.

  "Tianluo, can you tell me in detail?"

  Mist asked aside

  "To go into detail, we must first understand the laws of physics and the universe, first of all, latitude..."

  "Haha, keep it simple..."

  Seeing that Tian Luo was planning to talk at length, the congressman on the side coughed dryly.

  "Well, the technology that travels through time and space in the future has been successfully developed, and a future evil way has come to our time through this"

  Tian Luo shrugged.

  "It's a little weird, but it's acceptable, so what's his purpose?"

  The congressman nodded thoughtfully and asked again.

  "Of course I want to kill Shinnosuke. Without him, the world will be destroyed sooner or later. By the way, the betrayal of Shinnosuke before that should be part of the plan, understand."

  Tian Luo looked at the congressman and raised his eyebrows.


  The congressman was stunned for a moment and then nodded subconsciously. His face was a little ugly. I don't know if it was okay. After knowing it, he realized that they were all just pawns being used by others. As a high-level government, he was the first to have such a feeling of suffocation

  "Tianluo, is that guy strong?"

  The principal frowned and asked again.

  "It's normal, but the guys who come from the future will have some special abilities, such as time pause, space pause, etc."

  Tian Luo shook his head.


  Everyone was silent, is this really just normal?

  "There is also a special evil path. If two evil paths with the same number meet and merge, then they will evolve into a super-evolved body. The kind that can freeze the world"

  Tian Luo looked at the silence of the crowd and explained again.

  It's okay not to explain. As his voice fell, the atmosphere in the conference room became more dull, and everyone's face showed a look of horror, especially the important task of the special case class.

  They know the most about the evil way, and they have seen the evolutionary forms, such as heart...brain, and the previous 001. It can be said that it is not easy to deal with any one of them. Now Tianluo even said that There is a better existence, the amount of information is too large to imagine

  And others are because they heard the four words global freeze, these four words are absolutely the nightmare of this world, no one wants to experience it once

  "Then what are we going to do now?"

  The congressman was also a little scared. He looked at Tian Luo with an ugly expression. If this matter is true, then it is absolutely impossible to arrest Shinnosuke and Tian Luo, because without them the world will really experience hell again.

  "Don't interfere, you should eat, drink, and have a big health care. Maybe it will be over when you come out."

  Tian Luo said lazily

  "..." MP

  "..." Everyone in the special case class

  "……"other people

  Everyone was bewildered by Tian Luo's answer, big health care?What a joke, if they were okay in normal times, now is a critical juncture! ! !

  "Anyway, just remember, I'll go first"

  Tian Luo waved his hand and planned to leave here

  "Where are you going?"

  Seeing that Tian Luo was about to leave, everyone quickly asked

  "Bullshit, go home for dinner, and I'll give you the bullshit here."

  After giving everyone a blank look, Tian Luo walked out directly.


  Tian Luo, who had left the Metropolitan Police Department, drove back home in a black sports car and opened the door. At this moment, all the girls were watching TV on the sofa. Watching Tian Luo come in, everyone's eyes turned to him.

  "Okay, I know what you're asking, it's just a misunderstanding, no big deal"

  Looking at the appearance of the girls, Tian Luo helplessly waved his hand.


  The girls nodded, and then their eyes turned to the TV again.

  "Hey, your reaction is too bland, I have no sense of accomplishment!!"

  Tian Luo, who originally wanted to brag, suddenly looked at the girls with a black line.

  "It's not that we don't know about your troublesome temperament, and we're not surprised. Even if you say tomorrow that you're the emperor of Japan, we won't be surprised."

  Wakana sat there and gave Tianluo a blank look

  "So, it seems that you have a lot of confidence in me."

  Hearing Wakana's words, Tianluo laughed, but he was greeted with blank eyes.

  The girls didn't ask anything next. They did have confidence in Tian Luo. After a while as usual, Tian Luo left the house again. The matter is not over yet, the real battle has just begun.

Chapter [-] is called uncle...

  "Bastard, what's the problem..."

  In an unmanned warehouse, a young man in white looked gloomily above, and it was the young man who called himself Shinnosuke's son whom he had seen before.

  He is indeed related to Shinnosuke, because he has all the memories of Shinnosuke's son, but his true identity is evil~

  108 is the evil way that he woke up more than ten years later. He is still asleep at the moment. When he wakes up, the world has changed. The evil way with wisdom is only himself, and the other 107 brothers- brother has disappeared

  In order to change the fate of the evil way, he killed the future Kamen Rider, the son of Shinnosuke, and copied him, and later came here through the passage of time and space

  His purpose is to wake up the current self, then merge, and finally evolve into the strongest evil path to freeze the world. In this case, the future will not happen, and the earth will be controlled by their evil path.

  But when he came here, he found that everything was not as good as he imagined. First of all, the dark drive had disappeared, and even the main control version could not be found.

  And those police officers didn't do anything except issue a bounty. Even if they showed up, they didn't come to arrest Shinnosuke.

  After wasting so much effort, I even lost money in the dark drive, but I found that it was useless. What is this special code? ! !

  At this time, only two words appeared on 108's face...Fuck

  Unlike 108, Shinnosuke already understood what was going on. He knew that Tianluo did it all, so he finally let go.

  He is not afraid of fighting, he is afraid of being misunderstood, if he is regarded as a wanted criminal, even if he is dead, he will not dare to face his father

  The only thing worth worrying about now is the belt problem. There is still something unknown in his body. Maybe it was savagely created last time, or...

  Hiding the anger in his heart, 108 walked out of the warehouse. The moment he walked out, he saw Shinnosuke standing in the distance, and there was a person standing next to him. He had seen it last time. The chemical factory, but he didn't care, but thinking about it now...

  "Could it be he..."

  108's eyes suddenly lit up, and then walked towards Shinnosuke.

  "Father, who is this?"

  "Aren't you from the future? Don't you know Tian Luo?"

  Shinnosuke was stunned for a moment. He looked at 108 strangely. It stands to reason that as a Kamen Rider, Tianluo's future will definitely be famous, but why doesn't this guy who claims to be his son know him?

  "This...I really don't know"

  108 Confirmed again and again, even after searching all the information, there is no clue

  "Hahaha, don't worry, because I don't belong here, I will leave sooner or later"

  Tian Luo laughed loudly.

  He went out from home and found Shinnosuke directly. Now that the matter of the Metropolitan Police Department has been resolved, then he can play the game with Shinnosuke here.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Tian Luo, are you leaving?"

  Shinnosuke and 108 asked in surprise at the same time

  "Of course, I will leave when the battle between you and heart is over. After all, a peaceful life is not suitable for me, so I should find a more exciting world to play in."

  Tian Luo smiled and nodded

  Hearing Tianluo's words, Shinnosuke nodded helplessly. In fact, he knew in his heart that a person as strong as Tianluo couldn't be here all the time. Maybe the current battle is really just a play for him.

  108 is confused, who is this guy who has never heard of it?Are there any other events that I don't know about?

  At this moment, a dazzling sound of footsteps suddenly came, and the three of them reacted at the same time and looked into the distance.

  Those are three evil paths, the same as the ones I've seen before, but they don't have numbers on them

  "This is……"

  "No, it's the evil way of chasing and killing us in the future"

  108 shouted, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

  At this moment, the dark drive has lost contact. The only thing he can do is to order a few evil paths from the future, which should cause some trouble for them.

  "give it to me"

  Tian Luo nodded, and then rushed up when 108 hadn't responded yet. In three seconds, it only took three seconds, and the three evil journeys became fragments, and then he saw Tian Luo as if nothing had happened. walk back

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