"..." 108

  "Don't worry, you will be fine with me."

  Tian Luo looked at 108 Shinnosuke and said with a smile

  "..." 108

  "What's wrong with you, nephew?"

  Seeing that 108 did not speak, Tianluo asked quickly

  "No, it's fine, wait... eldest nephew?"

  108 shook his head, then suddenly looked at Tian Luo and asked

  "Yeah, aren't you Shinnosuke's son? My dad and I are brothers"

  Tian Luo patted 108's shoulder and said seriously

  "..." Shinnosuke

  "..." 108

  Both of them looked at Tian Luo with a confused look, and Shinnosuke was a little puzzled, because the young man in front of him had a problem, and 108 was depressed, but he didn't dare to say anything, and finally nodded obediently.

  "Uncle... uncle"

  "Hey, darling, I'll buy you some candy later"

  Tian Luo laughed again, and then touched 108's head

  "..." 108

  If possible, 108 really wanted to kill Tian Luo with one punch, but at the moment there was still no chance of a mistake, so he held back.

  "Tianluo, what should we do?"

  Looking at Tian Luo, Shinnosuke asked worriedly

  "It's best not to go back now. The Metropolitan Police Department is not easy to deal with. As for where to go... little nephew, what do you think we should do?"

  Tian Luo's eyes turned to 108

  "Let's hide now, those guys might chase after them again"

  108 nodded and replied

  At this moment, he is really going crazy, because all his men are dead, and the locomotive and dark drive can't be used. Now he has changed from a person who controls the whole situation to a person who will be killed if he is not careful. ...

  But just after he finished speaking, his brows suddenly wrinkled, and his eyes flashed again.

  "what happened?"

  Shinnosuke and Tenra who noticed this looked at him strangely

  "No, nothing"

  108 hurriedly shook his head, a smile appeared on his face, it was a genuine smile, because just now, the dark drive was able to contact again

  "It's fine, let's leave now"

  Shinnosuke nodded, then got into the sports car, 108 and Tian Luo also got into the car quickly, the car started, and a few people disappeared here.

Chapter [-] IQ Crush

  "Little nephew, what's the future like? Does anyone need to eat anymore..."

  "Little nephew, there will be many beautiful women in the future..."

  "Little nephew, will you come out of Love Crazy Twenty in the future, if you have one, give me one..."

  "Little nephew..."

  108 I feel like I'm going crazy. If it wasn't for scruples, Tian Luo would have died a dozen times.

  This guy is simply a chatterbox. He has been answering Tian Luo's questions since he drove for two hours.

  And Tianluo also had a little nephew, which made 108 very annoyed, and it was simply taking advantage of himself.

  "Ok, here we are"

  Shinnosuke's voice finally interrupted Tian Luo to save 108 from the nightmare

  "By the way, Yingzhi, why are you here?"

  Looking at the relieved 108, Shinnosuke asked again

  Bo Yingzhi is 108's current name and the name of Shinnosuke's son in the future, and the place he is now is where he said he would come.

  "Because there's something here that can help the planet"

  Hearing Shinnosuke's question, 108 explained that he

  Of course, I won't tell Shinnosuke that this is actually the place where he woke up, which means that the current 108 is still sleeping somewhere here.

  "Is that so..."

  Shinnosuke also nodded and planned to get out of the car after speaking, but at this moment, the sound of a car roaring suddenly sounded, just behind them

  "It's... not good, they're catching up"

  108 shouted loudly, but it was too late now, a black sports car stopped beside them, and then walked down a black figure


  Shinnosuke said in surprise

  "No, it's the dark drive, the knight from the future, he's here to hunt me down"

  108 said in horror

  "let me come"

  Shinnosuke frowned, and then planned to get out of the car.

  "Father, you can't transform now, otherwise Kulim will have to..."

  "Can't handle so much anymore"

  Shinnosuke gave a low drink, then transformed directly, and then rushed towards the dark drive, and the two sides hit each other directly.

  "Little nephew, isn't this dark drive very strong?"

  Tianluo and 108 didn't get out of the car, and Tianluo asked aloud as they watched the battle.

  "It's very strong, it's impossible for my father to win"

  108 nodded, and his heart was full of joy, and then the manipulator Dark Drive fought Shinnosuke

  "Oh, then do you know how to manipulate him?"

  Tian Luo asked again

  "Nani? Baga..."

  108 was startled, he subconsciously felt a hand on his shoulder, and then he couldn't move, an ominous premonition filled his heart.

  Sure enough, a burst of energy suddenly flowed into his body. It was very warm and wanted to sleep. At this moment, he knew it was broken and he was overcast.

  The energy flowed into his brain, and the memory was opened page by page, but he had no ability to stop it, until a bracelet flew out of his hand and turned into a piece of glass.

  "This is the main control board? Interesting, it really deserves to be the technology of the future"

  Holding the main control board in his hand, Tian Luo tapped a few times, and some data quickly appeared on the transparent glass, as if it were a projection.

  "Unlock the program, re-identify the master"

  A smile appeared on Tian Luo's mouth, and then he quietly fiddled with the main control panel.

  Over time, he finally understood how to use the main control panel, released his fingers, and the 108 was free

  "Damn, what do you want to do?"

  As soon as 108 regained his mobility, he subconsciously stepped back a little, and he looked at Tian Luo in horror.

  "What do you think? Didn't I come here to get it? Thanks a lot"

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at 108 Dao

  "You know? Sure enough, the previous anomaly was created by you, bastard!!!"

  108's face showed a look of shock, but the next moment he was angry, he understood that Tianluo already knew his identity, and everything before was just pretending to be Tianluo.

  No wonder his plan failed, not because of Shinnosuke, not because of the police, everything is the guy in front of him, from the beginning he played around with himself

  "Damn, you die for me"

  With a low drink, 108 could no longer remain calm, his body began to change, and then turned into an initial evil path.

  "Dear viewers, it's time to witness the miracle. Have you seen it or not? This is the evil way from the future. Hurry up, or I'll check the water meter tomorrow..."

  Seeing the transformation of 108, Tian Luo suddenly shouted excitedly, and then took out the mobile phone from his jacket pocket.

  Seeing what Tian Luo looked like at the moment, 108 was stunned. He stared blankly at Tian Luo, who was most accurate with his mobile phone.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Bullshit, of course it's a live broadcast, hahaha, tens of millions of popularity, just ask if you're afraid"

  Tianluo laughed proudly, and then the phone screen was aimed at him, and barrages appeared in his eyes.

  "Is this a mechanical life form? It's ugly..."

  "Damn, where is the handsome guy just now? I want the handsome guy..."

  "This idiot doesn't know that we have been looking at him, he is dumbfounded, his IQ is crushing..."

  "Go to hell, monster..."


  108's brain is in a state of shutdown, live broadcast?In other words, this guy has been live streaming all the way from just now?But why doesn't he know?

  "Hmph, as a hero loved by the people, I have always adhered to the principle of being a high-profile person and doing things in a low-key manner. Did you think I would tell you in advance that I was a big anchor a month ago?"

  Tian Luo looked at 108 with disdain

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