"It must be successful"

  Looking at the figures of the four, the section leader's expression became solemn, but he couldn't do anything, he could only feed Shinnosuke and the others to pray.


  the other side

  At this moment, the four hearts have come to the agreed construction site

  The construction site is now empty, and there is no obstacle for individuals to come in

  Came to a room, heart looked at the machine in the middle with serious eyes

  "Has it finally begun? The ultimate weapon..."

  "Yeah, it's finally here"

  medic and they also sighed with emotion

  The ultimate weapon, it is a system rather than a weapon, a super system that surpasses human beings and includes evil paths.

  This super system is developed by the savage scientists who are equally famous. He represents a higher level, the terminal of life, just like God in human mouths

  But unfortunately, the ultimate weapon has not been completed. In the final analysis, it is only a semi-finished product.

  And the scientist died that night because of the freezing day, and the ultimate weapon was hidden here by the heart and the others.

  Although it has not been completely completed, as long as the power of four super-evolutionary evil paths is collected, then it can become the strongest existence and can easily freeze the world.

  "let's start"

  Heart nodded, his body began to change, and the golden body slowly appeared

  The medics followed closely, and the three golden figures stood quietly behind the heart.

  "Transfer Energy"

  Heart let out a low voice, and then suddenly shot a powerful energy from his palm, and the energy shot towards the machine in the center of the room


  With the movement of the heart, the machine suddenly burst into a ray of golden light

  The three people behind them are also like hearts, and the four energies are overwhelming and condensed towards the machine.

  The golden light on the machine is getting more and more dazzling, and it emits a powerful and suffocating breath. This is the strength of the four people.

  "Stop, heart, it will never let you succeed"

  At this moment, I saw the people behind the four suddenly open, and a roar suddenly came, it was the Shinnosuke people who came in a hurry.

  "Hahaha, Toshinosuke, you are late this time, we are destined to defeat humans"

  Heart laughed and looked at Shinnosuke

  "I will absolutely stop you"

  Shinnosuke said seriously

  "Really? Then try it"

  The corners of heart's mouth twitched slightly

  As his voice fell, a terrifying energy suddenly burst out from the machine above.

  With the burst of energy, Chase and Shidao who had just arrived just fell down, and Shinnosuke's body froze. The only thing that was okay was Tianluo.

  "Damn, so heavy, what the hell is going on?"

  Shijima just looked at them in disbelief

  Their strength is also good at the moment, even the space is still because Tianluo can break it, but now this is different

  It is very heavy, as if the body is being suppressed so tightly that it is impossible to even stand up.

  "This is the power of the ultimate weapon, you have no chance of winning at all"

  Seeing Shinnosuke and the others, heart said with a smile

  "I said, I will organize you"

  Shinnosuke's face also became ugly at this moment, but he didn't give up when passing by. Without Tianluo, he is the only hope in this world, so he must not lose.


  With a roar, a huge force suddenly erupted from Shinnosuke's body, and then his Zhou Shen's environment gradually changed, and his body returned to normal.


  Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened in surprise. They didn't expect Shinnosuke to break out in this situation.

  "Hehe, this kind of power is a bit domineering. Without strong power, it can only be crushed."

  Tian Luo on the side suddenly showed a smile

  He already understood what kind of power this is, the space is still, and the domineering arrogance in Pirate King is simply unbearable for ordinary people. Only those who are firm in heart and strong in strength can not be affected, and Shinnosuke is Such people


  Just when the space was dignified, I saw a loud noise suddenly erupted from the machine, and a powerful force suddenly spread around.

  Tianluo became gloomy, and countless thunder and lightning flashed in the clouds

  A golden energy suddenly flew towards the sky, and then the energy spread out and instantly enveloped the entire earth

  bang bang bang

  A muffled sound suddenly came, and I saw that the four of them had fallen to the ground at this moment.

  It's not easy to ask for energy, not to mention that the four people sent almost all the energy

  Without the assistance of the machine, the four of them also felt the pressure in the space. Except for the heart, the three of them could no longer stand up.

  "Is this the power of the ultimate weapon? But..."

  Heart's brows suddenly wrinkled, because just now a familiar feeling suddenly uploaded from the final weapon

  "Am I feeling wrong?"

  "Hahaha, heart, your feeling is not wrong, this time thanks to you guys, otherwise I wouldn't have such a powerful power"

  A burst of laughter suddenly came out of the machine, and the expressions of everyone in the field changed after hearing this.

Chapter [-] The final battle, all the women participate in the war

  "Nani? Savage?"

  Hearing this voice, the expressions of everyone in the heart changed greatly.

  They didn't expect that Savage was really still alive, and everyone's eyes turned to Tianluo

  "Hey, hey, what kind of expressions do you have? He's data. It's only natural that he didn't kill him."

  Tian Luo looked at them speechlessly, he had already guessed this matter, he was not surprised.

  "Congratulations to the master for gaining strength"

  On the other hand, 004 said to the savage in the machine at the same time.

  "Very good, thanks to you this time, otherwise I won't get the power of the four."

  Savage nodded to 004

  "Damn, 004, it's all because of you, you bastard!!"

  After hearing the words of the two people, everyone finally knew the whole story, and brain even yelled at him.

  It was 004 who asked for cooperation, but his goal was the power of the four

  Now the savage has mastered the ultimate weapon, and the three of them are like fools to replenish the savage energy

  Now the power in their bodies has been depleted, and Savage has become more powerful, and now his power is four times as much as before

  "Four times the strength, coupled with this special ability, is indeed quite powerful."

  Tian Luo said thoughtfully

  "Tianluo, do you regret not killing me completely? It's too late, I can't spare you, I want to catch you and let you abuse day and night, I want you to regret coming into this world"

  Looking at Tian Luo, who seemed to have nothing to do, the sound of savage roars spread throughout the entire space.

  He is a genius, even human beings and evil paths are under his control, but Tianluo is beyond his expectations.

  Thinking of the scene of being brutally murdered by Tian Luo, the savage self-esteem received a serious blow. This is a humiliation, and he will never make Tian Luo feel better.


  Shinnosuke glanced at Tian Luo worriedly.

  At this moment, he has already felt the power of savagery. He is much stronger than him. It is impossible for him to win, even if it is difficult to walk, let alone fight.

  "Hehe, it's so funny..."

  Tian Luo waved his hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

  He didn't expect Savage to be resurrected in this way, and his strength has increased so much

  However, can a mere four times the power really be so arrogant?


  With a loud bang, the door behind everyone suddenly shattered into powder, and even Savage, who was still laughing wildly, was stunned. He stared blankly at the door.

  "Who is so arrogant? Husband, do you want us to teach him how to behave?"

  Several beautiful figures walked in slowly, Wakana at the head, followed by Ma Ye, Li Xing, Xiao Wu, Naomi, and Nana.


  The space picture was quiet, and everyone stared blankly at the sudden appearance of several beauties. This posture...

  "Then...why are you here?"

  When he saw his wives, Tian Luo was stunned. He didn't expect them to come.

  "Didn't you say leave after the fight? Let's help"

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