Wakana said with a smile

  "Well, if you want to play, just play"

  Tian Luo nodded after hearing this.

  "Tianluo, this..."

  Hearing Tianluo's agreement, Shinnosuke and the others were speechless. This is barbaric. Tianluo wants these beauties to go up. Isn't this a death sentence?

  "Hehe, don't underestimate women, it's scary for women to get angry."

  Tian Luo smiled and said to him

  "Bastard, don't go too far with me, I'm going to kill you all!!!"

  Seeing that Tian Luo actually let his woman fight, his savage self-esteem took a hit again, he felt that he was underestimated, and he wanted to kill everyone here

  A terrifying energy condensed from the mouth of the machine, and then rushed towards Tianluo and his party.

  "Transformation" x6

  The girls blocked directly in front of Tian Luo, and then they emitted a powerful light, and the energy cannon dissipated directly under the light.

  "This is……"

  Savage and Shinnosuke stared blankly at the girls in the light

  When the light dissipated, the girls appeared in front of them again, but their appearance was no longer the same, and they all wore armors on their bodies.

  Li Xing in purple magic outfit

  True Night in white bat costume

  Little dance in red apple

  Wakana of Green Memory

  The beauty of the golden tooth king

  And Athena in the form of electricity king

  Six women in armor stood there quietly, each of them exuding terrifying energy


  "Impossible, how can this happen, when did the belt become so cheap? And it's not made by us at all!!!"

  Savage's whole person collapsed, he looked at the girls in disbelief

  This blow was too great. He tried desperately to make a copy of the belt, and it was destroyed.

  And Tian Luo actually had so many in his hands, and he even used it for these women. ! !

  "Hehe, I'm not the same as you. What do you know if you can even give up your family? In the end, you're not alone."

  Tian Luo smiled disdainfully

  He is different from Savage. In order to make the girls follow in his footsteps, Tianluo will help them transform if they have nothing to do. At this moment, their strength has reached a terrifying level.

  "You won't understand me. I will be the master of the world. It's the right thing to abandon those things that don't matter. No matter how many of you are, I will still kill you all."

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Barbarian said grimly.

  "There's a lot of bullshit, let's talk, we beat you or you singled us out"

  Nana on the side couldn't bear it anymore, she walked forward and shouted to Savage

  "Uh... when did this girl become so shameless?"

  A black line suddenly appeared on Tian Luo's face.

  "I didn't learn from you"

  Li Xing also took a step forward, the magic element in her body was surging rapidly

  "Don't worry about it so much, sisters, beat him up..."

  When Ma Ye saw this, he rushed up directly.

  Seeing that Ma Ye had already started, Wakana and the others were not to be outdone, and the women quickly rushed towards the barbarian.

  "Then let's die together"

  Savage roared, and a powerful force erupted from his body.

  With the attack of the girls, they rushed out of the house and flew outside.

  At this moment, there are only the hearts and Tianluo gangs left in the field, but no one can move except Shinnosuke's heart, and the others are all suppressed and unable to move.

  "Tianluo, are you really okay?"

  Shinnosuke couldn't help but ask

  "Of course it's fine, but make sure I'm going out in case, as for you..."

  Tian Luo looked at the two of them. It was obvious that the battle had just begun, and the savagery could only be regarded as an episode.

  "Don't worry, leave it to me here"

  Shinnosuke nodded.

  "This is the last battle, I will go all out"

  heart looked at Shinichi

  "Me too"

  Shinnosuke's face also became solemn

  "In that case, I'll go first"

  Tian Luo didn't say anything, the battle between the human race and the evil way, now the future of the two races is in the hands of the two.

Chapter [-] ends

  "Go die die die!!!!"

  Accompanied by a savage roar in the sky, countless energy cannons shot out and rushed towards the girls.

  At this moment, Savage really feels that he is crazy, because he is really powerless

  At this moment, his strength is four times as strong as before. He originally thought that he would be invincible against this world, but he was wrong, and the mistake was very outrageous.

  These women are simply outrageous, even if he burst out with all his strength, he is still limited

  "Hey, let me down"

  Ma Ye did not know when she appeared behind Barbarian, and the sword in her hand slashed towards Barbarian fiercely.


  With a muffled sound, Savage smashed straight down, and the ground collapsed instantly.

  "Why...why is this again..."

  Savage lay quietly on the ground, his tone was very low, but there was a hint of anger in his deep voice

  The step-by-step plan, in the end, was replaced by this result, how could he accept it, if it wasn't for that guy...

  "This is fate, you can't change it, you are destined to die"

  A voice came into Savage's ears, he turned his head to look, and saw Tian Luo was standing there quietly, and those women had come behind him at some point in time.

  "Hehe, fate? Are you talking about you again?"

  Barbarian smiled disdainfully when he heard this.

  "What do you think?"

  Tian Luo smiled indisputably.

  "If it weren't for you, the medic would have been controlled by me, and the hearts are just toys in my hands. The whole world will be mine, it's all you. You destroyed all my plans. Is this the so-called fate? I want you to die. , I want you all to die!!"

  Savage gnashing his teeth looking at Tianluo Dao

  "This...is your last word?"

  Tian Luo didn't show any other expression, he slowly came to Savage

  "It's not yours"

  Savage shouted suddenly, a long golden whip suddenly came out of his body, and then plunged into Tian Luo's body fiercely.


  "Hahaha, this time you are too careless, your heart was pierced, I see how arrogant you are"

  When Barbarian saw this, he immediately stood up with a laugh. He has been preparing for this opportunity.

  Tian Luo is very arrogant and arrogant. He never defends very much. This is what he noticed in the previous two battles, and it is also the key reason for this success.

  Now that he has finally succeeded, the previous repression has been completely liberated. If there is one word to describe the current savagery, it is "cool"

  "So that's the case, this is your last resort? You shouldn't be able to escape next, right?"

  Tian Luo looked at Savage and suddenly asked with a smile


  Seeing Tian Luo's appearance, Savage suddenly froze.

  The heart and brain were pierced, and Tian Luo didn't die immediately?No, it's like there's nothing at all

  "How come, you..."

  Savage opened his mouth wide, he couldn't believe the position of Tian Luo's heart

  I saw that there was no blood at the moment, but a faint golden light was revealed.

  As the whip was pulled out, the golden light enveloped Tian Luo's wound, and then slowly healed under the savage and shocked gaze.

  "It hurts, but unfortunately I still can't die, are you disappointed?"

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at the Savage Road

  "Are you... a human or a ghost?"

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