Kagami scolded secretly

  If the way of heaven was not so arbitrary, then things would not have developed to this stage.

  But if the way of heaven is so easy to compromise, it is no longer the way of heaven he knows.

  "I understand"

  With a sigh, Kagami's face became decadent, and then she walked out of the office


  Time came to the afternoon in the blink of an eye, and Tianluo, who came back from the Metropolitan Police Department, happened to meet Kagami, and the two went to the hotel where Xiaoxi was staying.

  "Unfortunate, congratulations, become a knight, such a tall existence"

  As Tenra walked, he faced the silent Kagami Michi.


  Kagami nodded.

  As the director of the Metropolitan Police Department, Tianluo knew that these things were not difficult, so he was not too surprised.

  But the next moment, he looked at Tian Luo Dao depressedly.

  "Can you not call me the unlucky one?"

  "Oh, that's a very fitting description"

  Tianluo ignored Kameiga's resentful eyes, and then took him into the restaurant.

  "Yo, Kagami, congratulations"

  A voice came from the store, and the two looked over, only to see Tiandao sitting there enjoying afternoon tea

  "The way of heaven..."

  "What? Is there something wrong?"

  Tendo looked at Kagami and asked aloud

  "Can you come out with me?"

  Kagami said


  Tian Dao nodded, and then the two walked out.

  "Xiao Xi, have a small steak"

  Tian Luo sat down and faced Xiao Xi who was beside him.


  Xiaoxi nodded, then looked towards the door

  "Why are the two of them outside every time they talk?"

  "Hahaha, maybe there is something unspeakable."

  Tian Luo smiled and said


  "Well, think about how two men who have been single for more than [-] years will spark when they collide."

  Tian Luo said with a sinister smile in his eyes.

  "What do you mean?"

  Xiaoxi froze for a moment

  "Of course we're talking about some small movies, little yellow books, [-]* games, etc."

  Tian Luo laughed


  Looking at Tianluo, Xiaoxi slowly spit out two words, and then went into the kitchen without looking back.

  "Come on, aren't all single men like this?"

  Tian Luo pouted

  About ten minutes later, Kagami finally walked in, but Tiandao had already returned.

  Kagami's face was filled with anger, and she sat down without saying a word

  "Hehe, the negotiation broke down"

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  It's easy to think of what the two of them are going to say.

  Kagami must still want Tiandao to give up on the Zerg, and she said her next purpose.

  But the way of heaven will not pay attention, still go its own way

  "Don't that guy know I'm for him? I treat him as a friend, but he treats me as..."

  "Turtle, right?"

  Tianluo Shunkou Road

  "Pfft~ how do you know?"

  Kagami directly spit out a mouthful of water

  Because as Tianluo said, the original words of Tiandao are

  "You and I are the difference between a god and a turtle, to be friends? Stop joking."

  Hearing this, Kagami's heart was icy cold, and he almost did it

  "Really similar"

  Looking at Kagami, Tenra nodded thoughtfully.

  "..." Kagami

  He really doesn't want to talk now

  Two guys who are finally friends appeared, but unfortunately one is arrogant and the other is stinky, can we still have a good time?

  "Actually, this matter is not difficult to choose, it depends on whether you are willing to 830"

  There was a smile on Tian Luo's mouth.

  "What do you mean?"

  Kagami was in a state of mind for a while, and he looked at Tian Luo excitedly

  "you guess"

  "Pfft...you're going to die"

  Kagami lay directly on the table, and sure enough, he shouldn't think that Tianluo can solve the problem at all, it's good not to cause trouble

  "your little steak"

  Xiaoxi came out of the kitchen and put the steak on Tianluo's table

  "Xiao Xi, I want too"

  Kagami said immediately.

  "you have not"

  Xiaoxi refused directly.


  "Haha, what right does a guy who is absent from work a dozen times a month have to ask why? Sure enough, you should still be fired."

  Xiaoxi's mouth twitched

  If it was elsewhere, this kind of employee would have already packed up and left.


  Kagami lowered her head helplessly

  He didn't want to if he could, but he would go when the zerg appeared, and he couldn't tell Xiaoxi his true identity.

  "Hehe, it's more fun to be an official. I sit in the office every day, go for a walk when I have nothing to do, and get paid, so my life is beautiful."

  Tian Luo said with a smile while eating.

  "Damn capitalism!!!"

  Kagami looked at Tenra with envy and hatred

  At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was weak. Even if he became a knight, he would still not be as handsome as Tian Luo and Tian Dao.


Chapter seven hundred and forty fourth Negishi

  "It's been a boring day. Saying that Zect has all gone to the trouble of looking for heaven, I seem deserted here."

  Walking on the street, Tian Luo lazily hit a Hache

  At this moment, Zect's full attention is all on Tiandao and Zerg, but his mysterious identity has been deliberately ignored.

  This line of wandering made Tian Luo feel bored.

  "Let's give zect some hints, otherwise it's really not interesting."

  Tian Luo sat on the chair beside him, and after thinking about it, he picked up the phone

  "Want to know the identity of Heijiadou? Come to this place if you want to know. Of course, the premise is that you can defeat me."

  This is sent directly to zect HQ

  After finishing everything, Tian Luo showed a meaningful smile

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