
  On the other hand, when the top management of zect headquarters saw the message from Tianluo, they were all silent.

  "Mr. Negishi, do you think this is true or false?"

  An old man in the lead looked at a casually dressed middle-aged man below and asked

  "I don't know either, but I don't know why. As soon as I hear Heijiadou, I feel so familiar. What's the reason?"

  The middle-aged man known as Negishi shook his head in confusion.

  He always felt like he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember anything.

  "Really? It seems that we have to prepare for it. If it is a trap, it can be prevented. By the way, how is Kagami Mixin recently!"

  The old man nodded and asked again

  "Minister, Lingzi's situation is normal. I took over the task of clearing the armor before."

  A young man with glasses beside the old man said lightly

  "That's good, then let the third and fourth teams from the headquarters be dispatched together. I hope nothing will happen."

  "If possible, I'll be with you too. I really want to know who he is."

  Negishi said with a solemn expression.

  "Think about it, rash action is dangerous"

  "Don't worry, I will hide in the last row"

  Negishi nodded, and then he walked outside.


  "Really, it took half an hour to get here, the zect speed is really slow."

  Tian Luo, who was waiting far away at the destination, is now bored enough to play mobile games.

  When he sensed that someone was approaching here, he let out a lazily Hache


  The knight system is installed, and a thick armor slowly emerges on his body

  As his movements were completed, figures gradually emerged around him, all dressed in black, holding firearms.

  "Oh ho, zect folks"

  Standing up, Tian Luo smiled and waved


  Seeing Tian Luo's figure, more than [-] figures all entered a state of battle

  "Ara, don't be so excited, who are you leading?"

  Tian Luo waved his hand, he has nothing to do with this kind of scumbag, what he wants to call is the person behind them

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the last party came up with a figure with a stereo in his hand.

  "who are you?"

  Negishi's voice came from the speaker

  He also knows a little about the power of Heijiadou, so he can only use this method to talk. I believe no one can know his true body.

  "You're really afraid of death, don't you even have the guts to see me?"

  There was a smile on Tian Luo's mouth.

  But the next moment the main control board appeared in his hand, and his smile became stronger.

  "It's hard to hide from my eyes, so, zect players, we'll see you again"

  Looking at the zect players, Tian Luo's figure disappeared.


  In a residential building far away from here, a middle-aged man suddenly put down the microphone in his hand

  "Hurry up and retreat, that guy has found it"

  He's going to leave here

  bang bang

  Three muffled sounds, the sound of objects falling to the ground came from outside the door, and then the door opened

  "Is the guy you're talking about me?"

  Tian Luo walked in slowly from the door, with a playful smile on his face

  "You, how did you do it?"

  Negishi looked at Tian Luo in shock

  Even the headquarters don't know the address here, but Heijiadou knew it instantly, it's terrible

  "I'll tell you after this matter, let me introduce myself now. In Xia Tianluo, I'm currently affiliated with the Metropolitan Police Department."

  Tian Luo lifted the transformation

  "The Police Department?"

  Negishi was stunned for a while.

  "That's right, Director of the Metropolitan Police Department"

  Tian Luo looked at Negishi with a smile and nodded.

  "How is it possible that it will be the Metropolitan Police Department, and it's still the director?"

  Negishi was completely dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the enemy who made them devastated turned out to be his own, no, not necessarily his own.

  "Hahaha, it seems that you understand it very well, then you can start your self-introduction. By the way, I have cut off the network just now, and there is no way to send it out."

  Tian Luo waved his hand and nodded.


  Hearing that what he had just secretly done was invalid, Negishi was at a loss for words.

  "I'm Negishi, a researcher from the headquarters. This time I'm here to investigate the matter of Heijiadou."

  With a sigh, Negishi said slowly.

  "Hey, are you coaxing children? Or do you think your IQ is low?"

  Tian Luo pouted his lips.

  "..." Negishi

  "I advise you to introduce honestly, otherwise..."

  Tian Luo clenched his fist

  "What do you want to know!!!"

  Negishi also stood up angrily. He has never been slapped like this before, and he is not in a good mood now.

  "Hehe, your true identity, the one that was hidden, don't you want to know the origin of Heijiadou? Are you familiar with it? Can't you remember it?"

  Tian Luo sat on the chair beside him and asked back.

  "Is all this your masterpiece?"

  Negishi was shocked, and a drop of cold sweat left on his head.

  "Let's help you remember"

  Tian Luo smiled and snapped his fingers

  Negishi's body suddenly froze, and a special message flowed into his mind

  "Special experiment, the first artificial protozoan, mimic the way of heaven, black armor..."

  Everything seems to be unraveling, but the more he does, the more terrified he is

  He was unknowingly washed away by this guy in front of him, and he didn't know it at all.

  If it weren't for today, maybe he would have forgotten about it all his life.

  "Are you surprised? Are you surprised? As the leader of the protozoan, you should really like this gift from me, right?"

  Tian Luo raised his eyebrows at Negishi

  "..." Negishi

  Sure enough, this guy also knows his identity

  In fact, it is not only the zerg that came to the earth, there is also a race that is very similar to the zerg, that is, the protozoa

  But the protozoa arrived 35 years ago, decades before the zerg

  They had long expected the zerg to come, so they cooperated with the earthlings in the knight system, and then dealt with the zerg together

  There are not a few protozoa hidden on the earth at this moment, and the Negishi in front of them is their leader.

Chapter [-]: The Tragic Kagami

  "Who the hell are you?"

  Negishi gritted his teeth and looked at Tian Luo

  From the beginning, he seemed to be under control, even today his arrival may be a hint from the guy in front of him

  This kind of enemy is really terrible. It is definitely not something that the government can control.

  "I'm just a passerby. As for the purpose... how about you give me the design of your knight system? This seems to be the only valuable thing, right?"

  Tian Luo smiled and thought

  "This is impossible!!!"

  Negishi directly rejected it. This is the result of their decades. How could it be cheap Tianluo?

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