Because a trace of connection came from his mind, it was the information of the knight system

  At this time, he already understood that he was selected by the knight system

  But at this moment, he was not happy at all, he was deceived, and Tianluo was also killed, a burst of anger broke out in his heart

  "I'm going to find them!!!"

  After returning to her senses, Kagami's eyes became firm, and then she ran directly towards the inside of the factory.

  "This guy……"

  Tenra looked at Kagami's back in a speechless manner.

  Although it was selected by the knight system, the character of this product has not changed.

  Shouldn't he ask where his body went?Or who are you?

  "Forget it, because you are so sad, I don't know you in the same way."

  Tenra shrugged, and then his figure quickly followed Kagami.


  Next to the exit inside the factory, little boy Xiaocheng plans to go out from here

  This factory is completely over at this moment, he has no need to fight anymore

  But just as he was about to go out, footsteps suddenly came from behind him.

  Turning around, I saw Kagami running towards here in a daze.

  "Why? After finally saving a life, why do you have to run back to die?"

  Although I don't know why Kagami is still alive, Kojo couldn't understand Kagami's actions.

  The power gap is there, why is this guy still chasing after him?

  "Deceiving human feelings, I will never forgive you!!"

  Kagami roared angrily, then raised her arms

  Following his movement, an explosion suddenly came from above, and a blue figure flew over quickly.


  Grabbing that figure, Kagami put it directly on the belt

  The body gradually changed, and a layer of blue armor appeared on Kagami's body.

  Kamen Rider... Steel Bucket

 "Hehe, the god of battle, he really has a lot of power."

  Tian Luo, who came over, looked at Kagami at the moment with a smile on his face.

  The steel bucket, called the strongest knight system by zect, has powerful strength and combat methods, and its potential even surpasses the armor bucket.

  Of course, this is only data, and battles are also viewed separately.

  According to Tiandao's persuasive attributes, Kagami will never be able to surpass it in this life.

  At this moment, a loud noise suddenly appeared, and then a group of Zerg appeared behind the small town.

  "kill him"

  Xiaocheng said something coldly, and the zerg rushed towards Kagami like crazy.

  "How about one and a half?"

  Tenra appeared to face Kagami Michi on the side.

  "No, I can do it alone"

  Kagami shook her head directly

  Then I saw a sudden burst of powerful energy cannons from the two gun barrels on his shoulders.

  The energy cannon hit the larvae and exploded instantly, only a few seconds later all the larvae were destroyed

  Knight Cannon, the weapon in the initial state of the steel bucket, the energy is very terrifying, and the larvae can only be killed in seconds.

  "Sure enough, there are a lot more things than other knight systems"

  Tian Luo looked aside and nodded.

  "What's going on here?"

  At this moment, a voice came from behind Tianluo, and I saw that Tiandao did not know when he had come here.

  "welcome new friends"

  Tian Luo smiled and said

  "This is……"



  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Tian Dao was stunned.

  He didn't expect Kagami to become a knight again, and a new knight

  "Do stupid people have stupid blessings?"

  After a while of silence, Tian Dao couldn't help but spit out a few words

  "Maybe, you say whether this guy can finally start, after all, the Zerg on the opposite side is the one he always wanted to save"

  Tenra shrugged and looked at Kagami playfully.

  "I see, but this idiot should make some stupid moves."

  Tiandao nodded.

  Following the conversation between the two, Kagami at the moment was already facing the opposite town.

  With the blessing of the knight system, Kagami's combat power has multiplied a hundred times, and in his hands, Xiaocheng has no room to resist

  But at the last moment, Kagami stopped.

  Tianluo and Tiandao didn't speak, they just looked at Kagami quietly.


  With a loud bang, a big hole appeared on the roof of the factory

  A ray of light shone down from above and turned into a colorful rainbow under the superspeed.

  The rainbow shines on Xiaocheng, which makes Xiaocheng stunned for a while

  "You said before that you wanted to see the moon rainbow, I'll help you, and this..."

  Taking out something from the side, Kagami walked to the small town

  From accidentally entering the factory, to encountering Zerg, and then being rescued by Xiaocheng

  Scenes and scenes appeared in the minds of the two of them.

  "You really are an idiot"

  Xiaocheng chuckled lightly, then stood up abruptly.

  The claws in his hand attacked Kagami fiercely.

  The superspeed disappears, and the rainbow disappears with it

  Kagami didn't hesitate again this time, and moved the belt with her fingers quickly.

  "Knight Kick"

  A flying kick, accompanied by the appearance of sparks, Xiaocheng's figure was kicked out

  "It's over, fortunately this guy didn't make a fool of himself"

  When Tian Luo saw this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  "Hmph, but he's still acting stupid."

  Tiandao snorted coldly. He has no compassion for this kind of zerg that has killed humans.

  "You are you, he is him, if it were the same, the world would become very boring"

  Tian Luo shrugged

  Tiandao didn't speak anymore

  Everything is doomed, there's no point in saying anything

  At this moment, an explosion suddenly came, and then I saw a group of flames rushing from the passage.

  "It's zect's bomb, it looks like they're trying to detonate it here"

  Tian Luo said

  Although he and Tiandao had already reacted, Kagami was a step behind.

  The fire now has spread to them

  But at this moment, a figure stood in front of Kagami.

  The impact of the explosion made Kagami fly out, but the figure blocked the flames from pouring in again.

  "Small town!!!!"

  Kagami stared blankly at this figure

  At this last moment, it was Xiaocheng who saved her.

  The unspeakable mood filled his heart, making him silent.

  "What is this? Is it a miracle?"

  Looking at this scene, Tian Luo and Tian Dao didn't know what to say.

  This is only the case with Kagami, and even the Zerg is infected.


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