Kagami looked at the ruins and muttered to herself

  "Yeah, it's over..."

  Tendo and Tenra also came to Kagami

  "Tian Dao, and... Who are you?"

  Kagami glanced at Tiandao, then looked at Tianluo suspiciously


  Tianluo laughed, and then released the transformation together with Tiandao

  The scene suddenly became weird, and it was directly cold.

  next moment

  "Ghost, ghost!!!!"

  "Damn you uncle!!!"

Chapter seven hundred and seventy-five new trends of the zerg

  "So...I've been kept in the dark?"

  Back in the hotel, after Luo told Kagami everything that day, Kagami looked at the two in disbelief.

  Well, I haven't been happy for a long time since I became a knight, and then the person next to me said "Brother, I'm missing you"

  It really feels like a dog, and the confidence that I finally found is gone in an instant.

  "No, it's just because you're too weak to know what really hurts your self-confidence"

  Tian Luo explained

  "Why tell me the truth, I'd rather believe you're doing it for my own good"

  Kagami burst into tears when she heard Tenra's explanation, and the truth is always so sad.

  I originally thought that my time had finally come, but now it seems that I think too much

  "Tianluo, let's play a game"

  Kagami suddenly stood up and shouted



  Both Tianluo and Tiandao looked at him, with a trace of pity in the target.

  "Hey, what are your expressions? Although I am later than you, my strength is not bad at all."

  Seeing the expressions of the two, Kagami felt insulted and roared.

  "Cough, okay, I accept your challenge"

  Looking at Kagami, who was a little anxious, Tianluo finally agreed.


  "KO, Tianluosheng"

  In about five seconds, Tiandao announced the result of the game expressionlessly


  Kagami kneeled on the ground with a decadent look on the ground

  "Haha, do you understand the difference in power? Even though we are both knights, it is our own combat power that ultimately determines the outcome."

  Tian Luo waved his hand.

  Kagami's fighting instinct is still too bad now, maybe she will grow up after a lot of battles, and then she will be the real God of War

  "I understand"

  Kagami finally recovered from the blow, with a firm look in his eyes

  His original goal was Tiandao, but now there is another Tianluo

  If you want to become a real strong man, you must cross these two mountains.

  "Just understand, let's go, Xiaoxi should have prepared the dishes"

  Tian Luo nodded, and then walked towards the hotel where Xiaoxi was with the two of them.


  the other side

  in an office at zect headquarters

  At this moment, Mishima finally returned here, and his face was very ugly.

  He was sent by Tianluo to the place where birds don't poop, and the ghost knows what he went through

  If it wasn't for my own strength, I might have to wait ten days and a half months to come back.

  "Damn, that guy turned out to be Heijiadou. Who is he? And where did the knight system come from?"

  At this moment, Mishima was confused. He felt that he knew nothing about Tianluo, but Tianluo knew them well, and even the people behind him knew about them.

  "We must contact Mr. Negishi as soon as possible about this matter, otherwise the plan will be over"

  After that, Mishima decided to contact Negishi.

  But just then the door rang


  "Mr. Mishima, it's us, let's settle the remuneration this time"

  An old voice came from outside

  "come in"

  Mishima put down the phone and sat down

  Then the door opened, and I saw Shendaijian and his butler walking in slowly

  "Mr. Mishima, the reward..."

  The housekeeper smiled and looked at Mishima

  As the exclusive butler of the Sword of God, he accepts all consumption funds of Sword of God. As for Sword of God... He only needs a luxurious life.

  "Give you"

  Mishima gave the housekeeper a check, and the housekeeper took it with a smile, but his face froze after seeing it.

  "Mr. Mishima, why is there nothing left?"

  The butler said with an ugly face, because the check was empty and there was no money.

  "Because we don't need you anymore, now employer relations are in touch"

  A smile finally appeared on Mishima's face.

  "what why?"

  The butler looked at Mishima in surprise

  "The strongest knight of zect has been born, you are useless"

  Tiandao shook his head lightly.


  "Enough sir"

  Just when the butler wanted to say something, the sword of the gods suddenly made a sound.


  "It's just money, and we don't lack it. As for the strongest knight, give me a message, all the zerg must be hit by me."

  Divine Sword glanced at Mishima coldly, and then walked outside.

  "Master... That Mr. Mishima, please continue to cooperate with us, even if it is only a third of the payment."

  The housekeeper glanced helplessly at Daijian's back, and then looked at Mishima pleadingly.

  "Didn't you tell him? That so-called wealthy family has long since fallen."

  Mishima smiled and looked at the housekeeper

  The butler smiled bitterly after hearing this.

  The family where the Sword of God belonged has long since fallen, and the seemingly beautiful life has actually run out of money, and even has to mortgage things for food.

  But this kind of thing can't be told to Shendaijian, the housekeeper is afraid that he won't accept it

  "Leave, we're not related anymore"

  Mishima directly issued an expulsion order

  The housekeeper could only leave this place in a daze.

  Seeing the back of the housekeeper leaving, Mishima took out the phone again.

  A minute later, after putting down the phone, Mishima sat quietly in his seat with a dignified expression on his face.

  "The zerg have already moved further, this time it's a bit difficult, but those guys should help solve it..."


  "Xiaoxi, give me another flavor-enhancing soup. Today's soup is delicious..."

  In the restaurant, Tianluo shouted to Xiaoxi in the kitchen

  At this moment, Tiandao and Kagami have left, and Tianluo is a little bored playing with his mobile phone.

  "Here, this is made of fresh mushrooms I just bought today, very fresh"

  Xiaoxi brought out a cup of flavor-enhancing soup and handed it to Tianluodao

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