"and many more"

  At this moment, an untimely voice came out, and I saw Negishi and Mishima slowly walking over.

  "Mr. Negishi, what's the matter with you?"

  Kagami asked suspiciously

  "Hehe, I think the launch time can be moved earlier, which can bring unexpected blows to the Zerg."

  There was a smile on the corner of Negishi's mouth, and there was a hint of strangeness in his expression.

  "Impossible, if this is the case, Director Tian Luo and the others will also have an accident."

  Kagami Milu's face suddenly sank.

  Those few people in the city are the hope of mankind. If there is an accident, mankind will never get up again.

  "Although I understand your feelings, this is also for human beings. What's more, do you think you still have the right to speak now?"

  Negishi said with a smile

  "What do you mean?"

  "Hahaha, what do you mean? Do you think what you're doing is very secretive? I know all about it, so now you've been dismissed..."

  As Negishi's voice fell, those high-level executives who were standing behind Kagami Milu all walked to Negishi's side


  Kagami Milu's face suddenly turned ugly. After calculating for so long, the final result was still like this.

  "I'm very unwilling, but there's no way out. How can humans beat us and take him down..."

  Negishi smiled again and then ordered to his subordinates.

  Kagami Milu was taken away, and the surroundings fell into silence

  Negishi came to the side of the monitor, and saw a cold light in his eyes when he saw the zerg walking around the city.

  "Launch, destroy everything in the city!!"



  in the city

  "It's really scary, there are so many"

  Tian Luo sighed as he looked at the zerg full of worms downstairs.

  And just in front of these zerg, three young men in coats are standing there

  Old acquaintance... Reiji Nogi

  "It turned out to be three this time, isn't it scary?"

  Looking at the three Nogi Reiji, Kagami said helplessly.

  "Well, the power is obviously much weaker than before, and it should be no problem to duel"

  Tian Luo waved his hand

  "But why do they come here knowing that this is a conspiracy?"

  Tiandao frowned.

  Everyone in the city was evacuated. Logically, Reiji Naoki should have known about it, but he still came here, which makes no sense.

  "Hehe, the three strongest knights of mankind are all here. Of course he will come. As long as we kill us, the human and the protozoa will be completely finished. At that time, even if only he is a zerg, he can destroy the world."

  Tian Luo shrugged.

  "But with the lives of all the zerg, will he be so stupid?"

  Kagami asked in disbelief

  "Haha, you're still too naive, the zerg even feed on the same kind, and their beliefs are only strong and weak without companions"

  Tian Luo laughed

  In order to kill them, even if all the zerg die, Reiji Nogi will not have any emotion, this is the zerg

  The so-called conspiracy is just empty talk in front of him, even if nuclear weapons come, he can escape in an instant.

  There is only one thing he really wants to do now, kill the three people on the opposite side

  "You can come down and die..."

  Looking at the three people watching the play upstairs, one of them, Reiji Nogi said coldly.

  "Looks like you really want to kill us."

  There was a smile on Tian Luo's mouth.

  "This time you can't run away, and there are those guys outside the city. When I kill you, I will kill them all!!!"

  Another Nogi Reiji showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his fists clenched even more.

  "Well, in fact, it is reasonable to say that we will fight first, but it seems that there is an accident, and this is something that can't be helped."

  Tian Luo suddenly sighed.


  The three Nogi Reiji froze at the same time

  "Look at the sky"

  Tian Luo pointed to the sky

  "According to the original plan, these things will come in ten minutes, but it seems that someone does not want us to live."

  "Damn, those bastards, hide them all from me!!!"


  Tian Luo lazy sheep shrugged, and then his fingers slid slightly

  I saw a zipper suddenly appeared in front of them, the zipper opened, and a forest appeared inside

  "Let's go in"

  Tianluo said to the two of them, and Xiaoxi and the others were going in just after they spoke.

  "it is good"

  Because it had been planned before, Tendo and Kagami didn't show any surprised expressions.

  Two worlds, when the zipper is blocked again, the two worlds are completely separated

  However, the original city suffered a violent explosion, houses collapsed one by one, and flames filled the entire city.

  And the originally crowded Zerg also turned into ashes in this explosion.

  Half an hour later, the zipper appeared again, and the three of Tianluo came out of it.

  The original house is gone, the place is completely in ruins

  There is still flames around, and thick smoke is constantly condensing in the sky

  "It's terrible, even the knight system is difficult to survive, right?"

  Kagami said in shock.

  "No, as long as there is an overspeed, you can escape quickly"

  Tiandao shook his head.

  He didn't think that such an attack would kill Reiji Nogi, if that were the case, the human race would have disappeared long ago

  With superspeed, those hot weapons are completely useless, not to mention the Zerg seems to be amazingly strong

  "come 2.7"

  Tian Luo looked at the ruins and said suddenly

  As soon as he finished speaking, a dozen figures suddenly appeared in front of them.

  The three Nogi Reiji, there are more than a dozen adult worms around them

  "Sure enough, adults are not so easy to die"

  Tiandao's face also became serious

  "Hahaha, thank you for helping me clean up those useless things, but that's all, as long as you kill you, I can let them hatch again at any time, or even more..."

  Looking at the three, Reiji Nogi laughed out loud

  "Thank you so much, but I really want to know how you gave birth to children. We can refer to it if necessary."

  Tian Luo shook his head

  Hearing this, Reiji Nogi's eyes showed a cold look.

  "Then let you go to hell for reference...". …

Chapter [-] Do you want to die or do you want to die or...

  "Are we really okay with this?"

  On the roof balcony, Kagami looked down at Tian Luo with a strange look.

  The three of them are sitting there at the moment, there is a table in the middle, and there is a melon seed drink on the table. At first glance, they think they are enjoying afternoon tea.

  However, unlike the above, there were continuous explosions from downstairs, mixed with cursing sounds.

  "Asshole, if you have the seeds to fight one-on-one, let a woman come forward as a man!!!"

  "Coward, coward, despicable, scum..."

  "Damn, stinky woman, die for me!!!!"

  Hearing the frantic voice below, Kagami and Tendo looked at each other speechlessly.

  In fact, this incident also exceeded their expectations. They thought it was a fierce fight, but Tianluo stopped them because his wives were going to fight.

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