At first, the two refused to hear it, but they were stunned when they saw the transformation of Qi Shushua.

  Xiaoxi, Wakana, Maya, Xiao Wu, Li Xing, Naomi, Nana

  Originally, these beautiful girls with their own strengths and strengths erupted with great power. The two of them found out sadly that the power of these women seemed to surpass them.

  Even Xiaoxi, who was usually taciturn, was already powerful enough to explode, and then they stopped, and they didn't want to stay here if they could.

  It's really uncomfortable to be compared to 18 by several women

  "Alright, it just so happens that they haven't fought for a long time, so I just take advantage of this time to have a good time, there's no danger anyway."

  Tian Luo was lying lazily on the chair. If he added a parasol, it would be like taking a vacation by the sea.

  "It's just... a fight?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the two were silent again.

  This is the end of the world. If you lose humans, it will be over. In Tian Luo's eyes, there is no danger at all.

  "Husband, this guy's mouth is so stinky, can you stop him from talking?"

  Suddenly, Wakana's voice came from below, and the voice was full of complaints.

  Since the start of the fight, the three Nogi Reiji have been scolding non-stop, which is really annoying

  "Let Li Xing use a silence spell, I remember she should have learned it"

  Tian Luo replied lazily.

  "Wait, I'm looking for it, I almost forgot about the spells and so on"

  After listening to Li Xing, she started to read in her mind.

  "You look down on people less!!!"

  Seeing that Li Xing and the others still had time to chat, Reiji Nogi roared angrily.

  He has never been so suffocated as he is now, even if it is at least Tiandao, they are not

  He came to take revenge in high spirits, but most of the Zerg died before it even started. Finally, we were able to fight, but only a few women came down.

  It's humiliation, absolute humiliation

  What made him even more humiliated was that he couldn't beat these women. Hell, aren't all human women weak?What the hell are these! ! !

  "You're just too weak..."

  When Ma Ye saw this, he swung the long sword in his hand, and a zerg that rushed up was directly smashed and flew out.


  One of them, Reiji Nogi, went into overdrive and rushed towards Maya.

  But when he was about to meet Ma Ye, a figure appeared directly in front of him, faster than him.

  "Your opponent is me"

  Xiao Xi said with an expressionless face.

  "Just a mere human, don't be too arrogant!!!"

  Seeing this, Reiji Nogi slashed at Xiaoxi with a knife, and the blade exuded an icy luster.


  Seeing this, Xiaoxi just snorted

  The surrounding environment suddenly changed, and the original city became a snowy mountain with icy snowflakes falling on top of it.

  After constantly familiarizing himself with the armor, Xiaoxi now has a deeper understanding of illusion

  sight, smell, touch

  In this fantasy, everything seems to be real

  "What's the matter? Where is this place?"

  Reiji Nogi looked around in panic.

  "Although my abilities are all for self-protection, some of them can also be used as killing techniques. Let's sink in forever..."

  Xiaoxi said softly, and then disappeared into the space

  On the other hand, Reiji Nogi in the outside world became motionless, and the overspeed was released. He seemed to have become a sculpture.

  "Hee hee, thank you little sister Xiaoxi"

  Seeing this, Ma Ye smiled at Xiaoxi, then jumped up, the white energy condensed on her feet, and then kicked one of the zerg fiercely.

  "Looks like it's time to end the fight"

  The other girls looked at Maya, then nodded.

  The colorful rays of light are constantly flowing in the space, and the brightness even surpasses the sun overhead

  "Okay, it's almost settled here, we should also deal with other things."

  Tian Luo stood up from the chair, and then said to the two who were still silent in shock

  "What, what's the matter?"

  Kagami came back, and then asked suspiciously

  "Of course it's the matter here. Why do you think the missile will be launched in advance?"

  Tian Luo rolled his eyes and asked

  "It only means that someone doesn't want us to live, and that person has taken control of Kagami's father"

  Tiandao also returned to God, and then thought for a while and said

  "How can this happen, then will my father be in danger?"

  Kagami panicked when she heard this

  His father is his only relative now. If something goes wrong, he really doesn't know how to face life next.

  "It shouldn't be now, but it won't be possible if you wait."

  Tenra shrugged, then jumped directly from the roof, Kagami and Tendo followed closely.


  outside the city

  "How? Are they still alive?"

  Negishi excitedly asked the 367 staff around him.

  This time the plan is foolproof. If it succeeds, then the danger of the zerg will be completely solved, and the rest of the earth will belong to them.

  Compared with humans, protozoa are still very terrifying creatures. At that time, humans will be completely dominated

  "It's not clear yet, but after investigation, it seems that there is some thermal energy reaction"

  The staff shook his head and said

  "Zerg or Human"

  Hearing this, Negishi hurriedly asked

  "It can't be detected temporarily, but the thermal energy reactions are disappearing one by one, and finally only..."

  "How many are left?"

  Negishi asked again

  "Only seven left"

  A voice said from behind Negishi

  "Well, seven..."

  Negishi nodded subconsciously, but the next moment his expression was stiff, and then he turned his head mechanically, and he saw a smiling face

  He smiled happily, but that smiling face was undoubtedly a nightmare in Negishi's eyes, although even he didn't know why he was so afraid of this face


  Tian Luo greeted Negishi


  "Don't get excited, I'm actually here with a friendly attitude, so let's have a good chat, do you want to die... or do you want to die... or do you want to die..."

  The smile on Tian Luo's face became unusually amiable.

Chapter [-] is over

  "Come here, come here, this person wants to shoot at me, you stop him!!!"

  Hearing Tianluo's words, Negishi jumped up, and then quickly stepped back ten meters away and shouted to the guard beside him

  "Hehe, now the rest are all your people, right? It's amazing, [-]% of the top human beings are mimicked by protozoa"

  A smile appeared on the corner of Tian Luo's mouth, and then he looked around.

  I saw a large group of people gathered around him, some of whom he did not know, and some of whom he knew, but these were all protozoa, not a single human being.

  It can only be said that Negishi is really powerful, and unknowingly has driven human beings into a desperate situation.

  As long as all the Zerg are dead and the knight system is recycled, then there is really nothing in this world that can threaten the protozoa.

  "I advise you to stay away from Mr. Negishi, otherwise..."

  There was a cold light in Mishima's eyes, and he stared at Tianluo like this.

  "Is that so, Mishima, how does it feel to betray humanity?"

  Tian Luo nodded and asked with a smile


  Mishima's face instantly darkened.

  Unlike those who were mimicked, Mishima voluntarily became a protozoan

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