This feeling made Tianluo ring when he first met Xiaoxi

  However, unlike Xiaoxi, this girl still has strong resentment, and that resentment is against the world.

  "It turned out to be like this, I know there is a place, not very far from here"

  The girl nodded weakly after hearing this.

  "That's good, my name is Tian Luo, how about you?"

  A smile appeared on Tian Luo's face

  I finally found a house, I thought I had to find a place to deal with it this time.

  "I... my name is Nagata Yuka"

  "Okay then, I'll ask you to knot flowers in the future, then please take me there, I don't know the way."

  Tian Luo said with a headache


  Nagata Yuuka's face suddenly turned red, and then nodded subconsciously.

  "Hey, interesting little girl"

  There was a smile on Tian Luo's mouth.

  This girl is obviously not good at communication. She was a little excited when she just said a few words. It seems that few people talk to her like this.

  Picking up the umbrella and leather bag on the stairs, Nagata Yuka led Tianluo to the distance

  They quickly came to a house and stopped

  This house is not very big. It has two floors, exactly the same as the surrounding buildings. You can go up directly through the stairs outside.

  Before, every time he went to a world, Tianluo would buy a big house, but now he has a very interesting feeling when he sees a small building

  "This is going to be a phone call to the landlord...they'll be there soon"

  Looking at the closed door, Nagata Yuka said to Tianluo, and then they both walked under the house to avoid the snow

  "Uh, come on, I have nothing on me"

  Tian Luo froze for a moment and then said

  Times are different, so are cell phones, let alone making calls.

  He only has [-] yuan left in his hand now. This is still from Minglong. He will have to exchange some money later.

  "OK then……"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Nagata Yuhua was speechless for a while.

  If he hadn't seen Tian Luo holding money, he would have thought Tian Luo was a beggar

  The matter was dealt with for about an hour, and a series of contracts were signed when the landlord came.

  Although the identity is a bit troublesome, but after Luo took out some valuable things that day, these became unnecessary problems.

  The landlord left happily, and Tianluo also invited Jiehua to be a guest.

  "TV, refrigerator are all complete, the kitchen is also good, thank you for closing flowers"

  Walking into the room, Tian Luo waved his hand to dispel the cold air and thanked Jie Hua with a smile.

  "No, it's okay, thank you too..."

  "no need thank me?"

  Tian Luo asked with some doubts

  "No, nothing"

  Jiehua immediately shook her head excitedly, her face was also a little rosy

  She dared not say that because Tianluo was able to speak to her on an equal footing, this was the first time she truly felt respect

  "Haha, I'll get you some boiling water"

  Tian Luo also had a smile on his face, and then began to prepare things

  Seeing Tianluo walking around, Nagata Yuhua couldn't help being in a daze.

  I have never felt love since I was a child. I was bullied by my family and my classmates. The whole person is just a punching bag in the eyes of others.

  The only person I can talk to is a friend I met online, her life can be described as hell

  This is the first time he feels that he is a person, and that someone is willing to talk to him, and there is only disgust in his eyes

  "It should be because I just came here..."

  Nagata Yuuka lowered her head and said softly.

  "The water is coming, and there is nothing at home, so let's just leave it at first."

  Tian Luo smiled and walked over and handed Nagata Yuhua a glass of water

  "Thank you"

  A smile appeared on Nagata Yuka's face

  "You're welcome, I will live here in the future, you can come to me if you have anything."

  Tian Luo nodded.

  When I first came here, I met a girl, and it really was a good start, Minglong...well done

  After chatting for about half an hour, Nagata Yuhua still left here, she also has a lot of things to do

  Tian Luo smiled and sent her out, then quietly watched him leave

  "Resurrection from the dead, Chang Tian Jiehua, hehe, it turned out to be here, no wonder Minglong said that there can be no perfection here..."

Chapter [-] Don't make trouble, stand and let me study it

  "Life is fair, life is limited"

  "What do you think about real life

  "Be smart, a new life has just begun..."

  A low voice came from the TV, and a girl in a blue uniform appeared on the screen

  Seeing this girl, a smile appeared on Tian Luo's face.

  smartbrain, a large company in this city, has a lot of business, it can be said to be a giant of the city

  Of course, this is only in the eyes of ordinary people

  I've been to too many worlds and seen too many villains, let alone remember this world, even if I don't remember Tianluo, I will be the first to investigate this company

  Too much experience tells him that the vast majority of villains come from the most powerful, well-known and eye-catching companies

  Acknowledge this, prepare to be wrong

  "Very good, the first target is you"

  Stretching, Tian Luo sat up from the ground, and then walked to the balcony

  The heavy snow has stopped at this moment, the sun is falling down, and it becomes very beautiful against the snow.

  But instead of going to smartbrain right away, he went to a gold shop

  After all, he doesn't have much money at hand, and it's very inconvenient to go out. He plans to change some gold and silver or something.

  When I came to Jindian, Tianluo Diai walked in.

  "Hello, what do you need?"

  The service staff immediately came to Tian Luo and asked with a smile

  "Is your boss here? I want to talk to him about a business"

  Tian Luo asked with a smile


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, the service staff suddenly hesitated. This was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

  "Anna, you can't handle this kind of thing well, let your boss come over."

  Tian Luo smiled and waved his hand

  Perhaps feeling that Tianluo is not a bad person, the service staff nodded, and then walked to the front desk

  In about a minute, a middle-aged man in a suit walked downstairs, and he walked towards Tianluo.

  "Hello sir, what do you need?"

  "Are you the boss here?"

  Tian Luo asked with a smile


  The store owner nodded.

  "It's like this, I need some money now, so I took some things and sold them. I think you will need them."

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  "Oh? What?"

  The owner of the gold shop also showed a curious look

  He felt a strange temperament from Tian Luo, so he did not show any contempt.


  Tian Luo slowly raised his hand, and then took out a piece from his pocket... um, a golden brick

  The owner of the gold shop "..."

  The moment he saw the gold bricks, the owner of the gold shop was stunned. How did such a big thing fit into his pocket?


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