Another piece, exactly the same, looks heavy, but...

  "Where the hell did this come from? The trouser pocket doesn't fit at all, right?"

  The owner of the gold shop was even more confused, he stared blankly at Tian Luo

  "Cough, you can take a look, I don't think you will refuse?"

  Tian Luo coughed dryly and said with a smile.

  "Okay, okay, please wait"

  The owner of the gold shop also came back to his senses, then nodded quickly, and then walked upstairs with the gold bricks.

  Now he can't confirm the authenticity, and he needs to ask some experts to identify it.

  About half an hour later, the owner of the gold shop came down again, with a somewhat excited smile on his face

  "I think you already understand?"

  "Yes, according to the market conditions, I will definitely give the most reasonable price"

  The store owner nodded.

  The gold bricks Tianluo gave him are definitely the purest kind, even better than the treasures in his shop.

  If you use these two gold bricks to make some jewelry, it will definitely be attractive enough, even if you don't collect it.


  Tian Luo also nodded.

  He doesn't care about such mundane things, and he won't tell the boss that these two gold bricks were randomly picked up when they came.

  Turning stone into gold is just one of his many abilities

  After everything is negotiated, Tian Luo plans to leave after the transaction, but things are often unexpected, such as...

  "Don't move, robbery!!!"

  Tian Luo "..."

  Looking at the big masked man who appeared in the store, Tianluo's head froze.

  I mean...that sounds familiar.

  Crap, isn't that what I always say?

  "If you hear me, lie down and give me all the valuables"

  The masked man saw everyone roaring in anger, a gun appeared in his hand, and several shots were aimed at the ceiling.

  The staff of the gold shop and some customers screamed in fright, and then fell down. Tian Luo was also pulled by the gold shop owner and squatted down.

  "Isn't your law and order too bad? You dare to rob in broad daylight?"

  Tian Luo looked at the shop owner speechlessly and asked

  "Now is not the time to say that? We should call the police"

  The owner of the gold shop said with some tears.

  This unfortunate child, just made a business and came to rob, it's a tragedy

  "That's right, but this brother is really powerful enough to dare to rob a man with a gun, he's awesome"

  "Can you pay attention to the key points? We are hostages now..."

  The owner of the gold shop didn't know what to say anymore. He found that Tianluo's brain circuit was a little different. Why didn't he notice it just now?

  "What are those two Jijiwaiwai over there? You want to call the police, right? Just you, hurry up and hand over the money!!!"

  The masked man also noticed Tian Luo in the corner, and roared when he saw this.

  "Pfft, you go into the gold shop to steal money, you have a sick mind!!!"

  Tianluo burst out laughing

  "Big brother, you are my big brother, can we talk about two less games?"

  The owner of the gold shop is about to urinate. He really regrets being with Tianluo now.

  "Brother, you can take those jewelry as you like, we have no money"

  "Fuck, you think I'm blind, I just saw you take out two gold bricks, hurry up and hand them over to me"

  The masked man roared angrily after hearing this

  The owner of the gold shop "..."

  Well, this is premeditated, sin, I would have known that I would not have done this deal

  "Well, you're not doing well"

  Tian Luo slowly raised his hand and said helplessly.

  He won't do this kind of bullshit. Fair trade is yours, but as soon as you come out, it's over.

  If people don't admit it, they'll be the worst offender

  "Bullshit do this, take it out, or die, what do you choose?"

  The masked man's face became ugly, and then the gun was aimed directly at Tian Luo

  This is the first time I saw such an idiot, he dared to bargain with the robbers

  "Uh, I choose to die, but you die"

  Tian Luo said suddenly, and then suddenly came to the robber's side in an instant.

  He stretched out his hand slowly, and saw that the robber's gun had already appeared in Tian Luo's hand.


  "So, what do you choose now?"

  Looking at the gun in his hand, Tianluo smiled at the corner of his mouth.

  "Bastard, don't be too arrogant, let you see my true power!!!"

  Unlike what he expected, the robber roared instead, and then saw his body swell up, but in an instant 4.3 kung fu, he turned into a hideous monster.

  The monster looks like a wild boar with two long tusks

  The body is gray-white and looks unusually strong, but just standing there gives the feeling of being stared at by a beast

  "Hehe, boy, everyone here is going to die!!!"

  "So that's the case, is this the monster orphnoch of a world..."

  Tian Luo nodded as if he didn't hear it.

  "Bastard, die"

  The monster roared after hearing this, and then charged directly towards Tianluo.

  The ground continued to vibrate, and cracks extended as the monster ran.


  a muffled sound

  The air became silent in an instant, and neither the monsters nor the hostages could believe the scene in front of them.

  A finger lightly tapped on the monster's fangs, and then the monster stopped

  "Don't make trouble, stand and let me study..."

  monster"……". ……

Chapter [-] Meet again, the confusion of knot flowers

  "Jiehua? Why are you here?"

  After returning from Jindian, Tianluo saw Nagata Yuhua, who was squatting downstairs in his house.

  At this moment, she looks very embarrassed, her clothes and hair are messy, and more importantly, she doesn't even wear shoes.

  I can't stand without shoes in this weather, and Tian Luo frowned.

  "Heaven, Mr. Tian Luo, I..."

  "Don't talk yet, come in with me..."

  Tian Luo waved his hand, and then directly pulled Nagata Yuhua up the stairs.

  At this moment, Yuhua Nagata looks very bad, and it seems that it has been frozen here for a long time.

  Walking into the house, Nagata Yuhua's face finally improved a lot

  "I'm going to pour water"

  Tian Luo walked towards the kitchen, then quickly came out with a glass of water

  Taking over who Tianluo handed over, Nagata Yuuka showed a grateful look

  And Tian Luo didn't speak, the room suddenly became silent.

  After a long time, Nagata Yuhua finally put down the cup, and then lowered his head, he was a little afraid to look at Tian Luo.

  "What happened, can 17 tell me?"

  Tian Luo asked softly


  Nagata Yuka raised her head with a look of pain on her face

  "Why, why do everyone hate me, my classmates, my sister, and my parents..."

  I was ignored by my parents at home and hated by my sister

  When I went back to school, I was bullied by my classmates, the back of my schoolbag was scratched, the money from my part-time job was robbed, and even my shoes were taken away by them.

  One thing after another made her feel extremely disappointed, and now the only person who can say anything is Tian Luo, who just came here, because only he will not show that annoying look.

  "I just want to live a good life, without harm, without ridicule, is there really no such a happy world?"

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