As for pondering, the experience of being abused is still vivid in my mind, and it makes me shudder to think about it.

  "Trash, what are you afraid of!!!"

  Seeing the situation of the two, Bei Qi roared angrily, and then looked at Tian Luo again.

  "Will you die? Don't underestimate me, this time I'm going to cut you in half"

  The violent aura suddenly burst out from his body, and all the orphnoch around took a step back.

  "This guy... so strong"

  There was also a layer of cold sweat on the heads of the three Kiba. They did not expect such an existence in smartbrain.

  There is absolutely no way to resist the power, much stronger than Kageyama Yuko and the others

  "What should I do? Can this guy really resist!"

  Haitang looked at Tian Luo with difficulty, can this guy really defeat this terrifying monster?

  "Definitely, Mr. Tian Luo is the strongest"

  Nagata Yuka also said firmly

  "Bei Qi, he gave it to you, let's deal with them"

  Takuma on the side pointed to the three of Kiba and said.

  Hearing this, the three of them quickly transformed, and then stared vigilantly at the orphnoch around them.

  "It's a bit of a hassle, or I'll just stop playing and just kill you all..."

  Tian Luo looked at everyone thoughtfully

  "Don't underestimate me, kill me if you can!!!"

  Seeing that Tian Luo still did not move, Bei Qi roared angrily, and a long whip shot out of his hand and flew towards Tian Luo


  Tian Luo casually put down the attack, and then took out his mobile phone

  "Since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you."




  The golden photon blood began to spread towards Tian Luo's Zhou Shen, instantly forming a suit of armor

  Kamen Rider Orga

  "Pfft... what the hell is this? A knight?"

  Haitang and Kiba on the side were stunned when they saw Tianluo's form.

  They have seen the knights. Haitang used to use faiz, but Tianluo's belt has never been heard of.

  "This is researched by Mr. Tian Luo, it's very powerful"

  Nagata Yuka explained on the side

  "My... research?"

  Haitang became even more confused after hearing the information

  "This guy really is a monster..."

  "Hahaha, that's it, come on, fight again, this time I want to avenge the last time..."

  Seeing Tian Luo transform again, Bei Qi laughed loudly, his aura became even more violent, and he was always ready to attack.

Chapter eight hundred and fifty-fifth more chaotic scenes

  "It's here, hurry up..."

  Just when the atmosphere reached freezing point, a sound suddenly came from the factory door, followed by footsteps from far to near.

  It was two young men who were stunned when they came in and saw the situation on the field

  "Why... so many orphnochs?"

  I can't believe it at all. I used to fight orphnoch at most two or three. Now there are more than [-] here.

  what the hell?Have a meeting?

  "How did these two guys find this place?"

  Seeing the two of them, Tian Luo was also stunned.

  No way, it's too familiar, it's Gan Qiao and Souka

  But now is the critical moment, ah, there is wood, the two of you came and the scene suddenly became chaotic! ! !

  "Never mind, let's solve it together"

  Sure enough, Souka on the side didn't care so much and transformed directly.

  Although Gan Qiao was a little flustered, she could only follow her transformation, and then rushed directly into the orphnoch group.

  "These two idiots have absolutely no idea what their level is..."

  Seeing this, Tian Luo sighed speechlessly.

  According to the two of them's current fighting strength, it is already very difficult to deal with a superior orphnoch, plus the remaining intermediate orphnoch, this is simply courting death

  Does blood really make the brain dull?Who gave you the courage to do this?

  "Two little ants came again? But it's okay, just to take back faiz and kaixa"

  Bei Qi sneered at Gan Qiao and Souka, but then his eyes turned to Tian Luo again.

  "Come on, it's the two of us next..."

  As his voice fell, blue flames suddenly filled the entire space, and the surrounding stones began to slowly turn into sand under the flames.

  And even all the people and orphnoch in the battle were affected, and flames were burning on their bodies.

  "Hey, Bei Qi, do you want to kill us all together!!!"

  Yoshiko Kageyama hurriedly extinguished the flames on her body, and then roared at Beiqi.

  This guy is completely crazy when he fights, even his own people are not spared

  But the sadness at the moment can no longer be controlled, the whole brain becomes violent, and the eyes become blood red

  "Destroy it!!!"

  A faint blue energy condensed from his mouth, and then shot towards Tian Luo fiercely.

  "The gun of the orga"

  The spear in Tian Luo's hand appeared, and then he waved it violently.

  The flame was split in two and passed by Tian Luo by mistake, and finally landed on the wall beside it.

  As the flames fell, an entire wall was instantly deserted, and the sun came in from outside.


  While noticing the situation here, they swallowed their saliva subconsciously.

  "Who is this guy? That belt..."

  Gan Qiao looked at Tian Luo in shock, and was even more surprised when he saw Tian Luo's belt

  A belt that has never been seen before, is this the last piece of truth that the truth said?

  "So strong, these two guys are so strong..."

  Soka, I looked at the two of them in disbelief, and the aura from the two of them made him feel fear

  "No, I am the strongest"

  After recovering from the fear, Soka looked at the orphnochs on the other side. It was Kiba and the others.

  "Let me get rid of you..."

  After he finished speaking, he rushed towards the three of them.

  "How is it possible that Mr. Qian Qiao is faiz..."

  Unlike others who noticed, Kiba's eyes were on Gan Qiao.

  It's not the first time the two have met, and they have fought, but they don't know each other's identity.

  Kiba always thought that Gan Qiao was just an ordinary person, and Gan Qiao also always thought that Kiba was just a... um, little white face

  In short, Kiba has understood everything now, it's really a creation to fool people...

  "Be careful"

  Just when Kiba was thinking about it, Yuka next to him suddenly shouted.

  Then, a muffled sound came from behind Kiba, and Yuka Zhijian blocked Soka's sword at a time of crisis.

  "Go to hell, bastard!!"

  Begonia on the side was dispatched instantly, and then punched the belly of the participant with an angry punch.

  Soka groaned and stepped back a few steps, then confronted the three of them.

  "Bastard, it turned out to be this guy..."

  Haitang gnashed her teeth and looked at Souka, this guy, Miss Truth's boyfriend


  "Don't get excited, remember, we're not here to fight, don't conflict with them"

  Kiba stopped Haitang and looked around vigilantly.

  The orphnochs have already gathered around at the moment, if you add the two of them together, it will be dangerous this time.

  But whether he wanted to fight or not, the opposite Souka didn't plan to let them go.

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