The driver in the hand glowed, then inserted into the hilt of the sword in the hand

  【Energy filling...】

  "Mr. Kiba..."

  Nagata Yuka called out

  "Well, the two of us together"

  Kiba nodded solemnly, and then his body suddenly swelled, and his lower body also changed into the appearance of a horse.

  Centaur orphnoch, the second form, the power speed is several times that of the normal form

  Seeing this, Yuka Nagata also nodded, and then suddenly grew a pair of wings, and her footsteps also changed into sharp claws.

  The second form of the crane-type orphnoch always has the ability to fly at high speed, and the air combat power is several times stronger

  "Blade Storm"

  A golden golden energy suddenly shot out from Soka's hand, and then fell on Kiba's body.

  Kiba was imprisoned there, unable to move.


  "Jiehua, it's now"

  Kiba suddenly shouted at Yuka in the sky

  "it is good"

  Yuhua came to Soka's back in the blink of an eye, and the sharp claws grabbed onto Soka's body without hesitation.

  Magnetic pull...

  A spark flashed across Souka's body, and Souka let out a scream.


  Seeing this, Qian Qiao shouted anxiously.

  Although I hate this guy very much, but now I can't let it die

  He escaped from the hand of an orphnoch on the side, and came to the side of Souka who fell to the ground in an instant.

  Seeing this, Jiehua also flew back, and the scene became a little chaotic


  At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly came out, the whole ground shook, and even the abandoned factory began to crumble.

  "what happened?"

  "It's Mr. Tianluo's place..."

  Jiehua and the others looked towards Tianluo

  At this moment, Tianluo and Beiqi have been fighting to the point of white-hot

  There are potholes left by the battle between the two people. The voice just now is that this factory really can't stand the battle between the two of them.

  "No, this place is going to collapse"

  Haitang exclaimed suddenly

  As his voice fell, a crisp sound came from above, and then the sound gradually spread

  ps: My friend's new book "Kamen Rider Sora My Journey"

Chapter [-] is over, play big

  "Hahaha, it's comfortable, that's it..."

  The abandoned factory has completely collapsed, and the surrounding vision has become clear

  Beiqi and Tianluo are standing opposite each other in the center of the waste, and Beiqi has become even more crazy at this moment.

  "This guy is still crazy?"

  Tian Luo looked at Bei Qi with interest

  Compared with the first meeting, Bei Qi at this moment is obviously stronger

  Both strength and speed have increased several times, and pain and fatigue have also been reduced to the extreme, reaching the level of top orphnoch

  However, there is also a significant disadvantage in this state, that is, the IQ seems to have dropped.

  Of course, Tian Luo had never felt Bei Qi used his head in battle before, this guy is rampant

  "Huh? That's..."

  At this moment, Tianluo suddenly looked towards Junhua.

  This battle is also taking place there at the moment, it is still Souka, he is attacking Yuhua and a few people like he is crazy.

  The other orphnochs also gave up their attack on Soka under the leadership of Takuma, and turned to Kankyo and Kiba.

  The situation of Kiba and the others suddenly became critical, not only to deal with Soka, but also to prevent other orphnochs

  "Do you mean to think about that guy? It's just the same despicable..."

  There was a smile on Tian Luo's mouth.

  "Do you dare to be distracted by fighting with me?"

  At this moment, Bei Qi's voice suddenly appeared in front of Tian Luo, and then Sharp Claw came to Tian Luo.


  Tian Luo shrugged, and then his body floated back strangely, and finally floated to a position ten meters above the sky.

  "So the solution should start from there..."

  The voice fell, and a strange USB flash drive appeared in Tianluo's hand, with the English letter w on it.

  Picking up the gun of the orga, Tian Luo directly inserted the USB flash drive into it.


  The electronic sound came from the gun of the orga, the gun god lit up instantly, and then returned to its original state again.


  With a low voice, Tian Luo slowly raised the gun of the orga

  The gun of orga flashed again, and the surrounding wind suddenly gathered, forming a tornado of more than [-] meters in the blink of an eye.


  The sudden appearance of the tornado made these people who were fighting suddenly stunned, and then looked at this side blankly.


  Tianluo's voice came again, and then the tornado moved and charged directly towards Bei Qi.

  "Damn, how can there be such power, I..."

  Bei Qi roared angrily, but the next moment he was taken away

  Putting the sadness into a few sides, the tornado did not stop, but went towards the scene over there

  "No, run away..."

  Seeing this scene, Yuko Kageyama hurriedly shouted at the orphnoch beside him

  No matter how strong the strength is, it can't directly split the hurricane, so no one dares to rush directly to see this situation.

  "We also retreat"

  Seeing this, Kiba also glanced at the two people on the side.

  "it is good"

  Without any hesitation, Nagata Jiehua and a begonia ran towards Tianluo directly.

  "Mr. Tianluo, how did you do that just now?"

  When he came to Tianluo, Kiba looked at Tianluo in shock and asked

  "It's just a whim, I didn't expect it to be successful"

  Tian Luo shrugged

  The fusion of Gaia's memory and the gun of orga is indeed just his flash of inspiration

  Rely on the gun of orga to control the energy of the memory, which can be more convenient to operate, because there are buttons on the top of the moves.

  As long as you press it lightly, countless moves can be released at will, and you only need to consume a little bit of your own energy, which is simply the gospel of a rookie knight.

  "Well, the next thing is the falling thunder"

  Tian Luo nodded, and then used the gun of orga again

  A black thundercloud suddenly emerged from the sky, and the sky suddenly turned dark.


  A loud bang came from the thundercloud, and then countless red thunderbolts fell.


  A scream came from a distance, and Tian Luo heard the sound, and it turned out that it was the guy who was hit by Souka.

  It is very painful to be struck by lightning even in armor with a human body


  Seeing this, Haitang smiled gloatingly.

  I've been depressed for so long, now I'm finally vented


  Tian Luo snorted again. Under the thunder, the air suddenly became cold, and the ground began to condense except for a layer of frost, which made the whole space even colder under the blow of the wind.

  "Ahh~ can't we attack unilaterally?"

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