Haitang couldn't help sneezing, then looked at Tian Luo shiveringly

  It's hot and cold, it's easy to catch a cold in this case, so is the calculation formula orphnoch

  Regardless of Haitang's complaints, everyone on the other side can't stand it anymore.

  "What the hell is this weather? Is that guy a god?"

  Chuan looked at Tian Luo in disbelief

  In all the history of orphnoch, there has never been a person who could control the weather.

  Even Beiqi can only use discharge, but it is only a single discharge to increase speed and attack.

  But this kind of strong wind, frost, and lightning should not be a power that humans can control at all, only gods can

  Fear once again condensed in the hearts of the two of them, and the eyes that looked at Tian Luo became even more fearful.

  "Ahh~ I hate cold weather"

  Gan Qiao couldn't help but sneezed, and then glanced at Souka with some pity.

  It looks like it was struck by lightning just now, right?Really...well done! !

  If possible, Gan Qiao would really like to have a beer to celebrate. I've been seeing this stuff for a long time.

  "Bastard, give it to me!"

  A roar suddenly rang out the entire space, and I saw that the original tornado suddenly dissipated, and Bei Qi rushed out of it and jumped towards Tian Luo in the sky.

  "Go to hell, the final blow"

  The thunder condensed on his claws, and the power of destruction continued to radiate from above.

  It's getting closer and closer, but it has come to Tianluo in an instant

  "It's really crazy, if that's the case, I'll give you the final blow."

  A smile appeared on Tian Luo's face, and then he slowly raised his spear.

  "Slash...Super Tornado"


  As Tianluo's voice fell, there was a sudden explosion, and a terrifying air flow burst out from around Tianluo.

  Compared with the tornado just now, a tornado was countless times bigger, and Bei Qi, who had just approached Tianluo, was directly flown into the sky along the airflow.

  "The Thousand-Kilometer Burial..."

  Seeing Bei Qi, who was blown away and disappeared by the air current, Tian Luo exhaled.

  Flying to an altitude of several kilometers, even an orphnoch cannot land safely

  What's more, this is not an ordinary tornado, but countless wind blades composed of tornadoes.

  In short, this time Bei Qi will be disabled even if he does not die.

  Looking down, there is a ruin, no, not even the ruins, all the gravel has been blown away, and the rest are a few people and orphnoch lying in the distance

  "Wait, lying down?"

  I'm going, this time it seems that the game is a bit big. I forgot that their level is very low...

Chapter [-] Mr. Tian Luo is a really good man

  "Bastard, are you going to kill us all!!!!"

  In Kichang's villa, Haitang, who was lying there wrapped in bandages, yelled at Tianluo.

  The battle is over, but the result is extremely tragic

  The first is the orphnoch sent by smartbrain. More than [-] people came, but more than half of them died.

  Even the strongest Bei Qi has disappeared, and only Takumo Kageyama Yako escaped with the remaining defeated soldiers.

  There are also two knights, faiz and kaixa, who originally had nothing to do with them, but after they arrived, they were both seriously injured and left.

  In the end, it was Yuhua and the others. Kiba's body that was just a little better was severely injured again, and Haitang was also half-dead because he was too weak.

  The only good thing is the knot flower, he flew away when the madness just started, but still got a little injury from the aftermath

  In short, everything was fine in the early stage, but it was directly destroyed by the tornado group in the later stage.

  And the initiator of all this is Tian Luo who is sitting in the living room watching TV

  "Cough, don't say that, in fact, I have already protected you, otherwise you would have died long ago with such a weak body."

  Tian Luo answered Haitang with a smile while watching TV

  "Then I really want to thank you!"

  Haitang looked at Tian Luo fiercely

  "No need at all. I'm not the kind of person who insists on keeping a name for good deeds. If you really feel bad about it, just invite me to dinner."

  Tian Luo waved his hand and said indifferently.


  Haitang almost rolled her eyes in anger

  Still eating?Now I can't even move, I eat shit and fuck you...

  "Although the result seems a bit tragic, it's not a bad thing for us. Can we live a little more peacefully in the next period of time?"

  Kiba, who was lying on the other side, suddenly opened his mouth and said that the worst among the knights was him.

  Fortunately, the result was not so unacceptable, and he didn't say anything.

  "I don't know this. If they are desperate to deal with you, they will not take it into account at all, but it should be impossible."

  Tian Luo shook his head.

  Now smartbrain has just been integrated, and Murakami's purpose should be to collect belts

  If they have to deal with them, the belt thing will be postponed, which is not something they can afford

  Because the resurrection of the king cannot be delayed at all, so Murakami will not be so crazy

  "Although it won't be like this, but you should be careful. It's the same sentence, try to become stronger until no one can threaten you again..."

  "Well, thank you Mr. Tianluo."

  Kiba nodded after hearing this.

  This incident made him thoroughly understand the importance of power, and he also saw the power of Beiqi and Tianluo.

  What if someone like Bei Qi appeared again and Tian Luo was not around?only by himself

  "It's good to know, here is the food for the past two days, you should be able to move after lying down for a few hours, and Jiehua and I are going back too."

  Tian Luo said with a smile

  Living in someone else's house is really not used to it, so after the matter is settled, he plans to go back with Yuhua

  "Go back? But what if we already have to go to the toilet?"

  Haitang couldn't help but said

  "hold on"

  Tian Luo glanced at him and said

  He doesn't want to help when you go to the toilet or something, even more so when it comes to knots.

  And it's a super-evolved human anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem if you don't go to the toilet for a day or two, right?


  Haitang looked at Tianluo angrily

  If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't move now, he would definitely rush up to fight Tianluo one-on-one.

  "Okay, bye, I hope you don't hang up before you're well."

  With a wave of his hand, Tian Luo glanced at Jiehua, and then the two of them walked out. Before leaving, the door of the villa was locked.

  "This bastard...is it really orphnoch?"

  Seeing the disappearance of the two of Tian Luo, Haitang who was lying there suddenly spoke up.

  He doesn't know Tianluo's true identity, but in his cognition, only orphnoch can possess such terrifying power

  But when he saw Tianluo's power again, he was a little confused.

  Orphnoch can really burst out this kind of power?

  "Does it matter? Just know that he did help us."

  Kiba on the other side opened the door

  "Are...are you sure you're helping?"

  "Uh... maybe"

  After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other speechlessly again.


  "Phew~ it will indeed be more comfortable to come out and relax..."

  On the way back, Tian Luo stretched lazily and said with a smile

  "Mr. Tianluo is happy"

  The knot flower on the side also smiled and said.

  "By the way, Yuhua, how is your body feeling now?"

  I heard looking at the knot flower and asked

  "It's not a big deal anymore, it's just some internal injuries, and it will be back to normal in a few hours."

  Yuhua replied

  He can be said to be the lightest in the hands, and relying on orphnoch's physical fitness is really not a problem

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