The truth looked at Gan Qiao and asked

  "It should be him, and Souka should know, the black knight last time."

  Qiao nodded his head

  "It's him? But why is he helping us?"

  Souka frowned.

  "look behind"

  Hearing Souka's words, Gan Qiao blushed and turned the paper over, and then Souka saw a line of words

  【Because you are ugly】

  Grass plus "..."

  Asshole, don't let me meet you! ! !


  "Hahaha, did you see that, the expression on his face is so wonderful"

  Tian Luo, who was standing in the distance, laughed out loud when he saw Souka's appearance.

  And Nagata Yuhua is also smiling. Although she is bullying people again, in her eyes, Tianluo looks very handsome when he bullies people.

  "Mr. Tian Luo can't help but help them."

  "No, no, it's just to make the game more interesting, and by the way, it's just to block the guy in Murakami. After all, I said before that I can't destroy them."

  Tian Luo smiled and shrugged

  The figures of the two disappeared again, as if they had never appeared.

Chapter [-] Meteor School and delta

  "Yo, little brother, are you alone?"

  "Hahaha, the whole brothers are short of money to spend, boy, hand over all the money..."

  "Come on, or I'll be rude to you..."

  Under a secluded flyover, three gangsters surrounded a young man and said with a smile

  The expression of the surrounded young man did not change at all, he just looked at the three of them indifferently.

  "Yo, you're still pretending to be cool, buddy, I'll show you some awesomeness!!!"

  A little gangster's face turned gloomy when he saw this, and then he punched him directly.


  There was a sound, and then a pile of sand appeared on the ground

  The young man still looked at the remaining two people indifferently, while the other two were already stunned, because the pile of sand was their companion

  It's really weird, just touching the guy in front of him, his companion turned into sand.

  "Strange, monster..."

  "Hehe, is it interesting to do this?"

  Seeing the terrified eyes of the two, a smile finally appeared on the young man's face. If Tian Luo saw it, he would be very familiar with Bei Qi.

  After being defeated by Tianluo, I woke up today. My eyes and arms were processed by smartbrain to make artificial prostheses, which looked no different from normal people.

  Although this is the case, his body cannot be completely healed, so he came out to relax when he was depressed. Who would have encountered such a thing as soon as he came out

  "Damn, you monster!!!"

  The two thugs finally recovered from their panic, and then one of them directly raised his hand and hit Bei Qi again.


  Again, there is a pile of sand on the ground again

  "Didn't I ask you, what's so interesting about doing this?"

  Ignoring the sand on the ground, Bei Qi's eyes turned to the last gangster

  "Strange, monster, help!!!"


  There was a pile of sand on the ground again, Bei Qi also slowly withdrew his hand, his face became cold again

  If he used to be able to play well, but now he is not in the mood at all.

  Because my current body is really bad, which makes the sadness who always thought I was the strongest feel extremely aggrieved

  After the most perfect treatment, his strength has only recovered by two-thirds

  And these two-thirds can't be used completely explosively, because they can't bear it

  My own strength, but the body can't bear it, this feeling is too suffocating

  Although relying on the power of destruction, he is still the strongest among the lucky four-leaf clover, but it is far worse than before.


  Thinking of that man, Bei Qi's mouth showed a sneer.

  Everything I have now is thanks to that guy, but now I don't even have the chance to take revenge

  Just when Bei Qi was silent in despair, the phone suddenly rang.

  Picked it up and looked at it, it was Murakami calling

  "Beiqi, smartbrain was broken into, their target is the belt..."

  Murakami's voice came from the phone

  "Then what? You should be able to deal with it, right?"

  Bei Qi replied with an expressionless face.

  "Yes, but something happened in the middle. Forget it, the call is to tell you another thing, something that can restore your strength."

  "what's up?"

  Hearing Murakami's words this time, Bei Qi's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

  Now what he wants most is to regain his strength so that he has a chance to take revenge

  "The last belt has appeared, the delta belt. As long as you have this belt, your power can return to its peak, and delta is now in the hands of the people at Meteor School..."

  Murakami's voice came out again

  "I know, just leave this to me."

  Bei Qi nodded, then hung up the phone

  Looking at the phone in his hand, a smile finally appeared on his face.




  On the other side, Tian Luo is also talking about this name

  Nagata Yuuka helped him massage, and his face showed a comfortable expression

  "Mr. Tianluo, has the third belt come to fruition?"

  Hearing Tianluo's words, Nagata Yuhua asked aloud

  "It does, and smartbrain should have received news too"

  Tian Luo narrowed his eyes and nodded.

  "But now things are enough for them to worry about. It just so happens that they have already encountered the flower shape, and with the help of the flower shape, they got the belt back..."

  "Oh, that's good, but is the delta belt really that powerful? Mr. Tian Luo often says that"

  Yuhua nodded and asked again

  He had heard Tianluo talk about delta, but in her eyes, it was still Tianluo's belt that was the most powerful. As for that delta, he had never seen it before.

  "It should be five or five points, but the two belts have their own characteristics, so it's hard to compare."

  Tian Luo shrugged

  Relying on the strength of the belt itself, they are really not much different, but it depends on who is using it.

  If the user is too bad, even faiz may not be able to play

  The delta belt is a work that goes beyond faiz and kaixa and removes the biggest side effect of the two-day belt

  Ordinary people can also be transformed, and because the power of the belt is too strong, even if the transformation power is removed, it will remain in the host.

  This becomes a man-made superpower, which can be said to be very powerful.

  However, because it is too strong, this kind of power will gradually sink people into it and cannot extricate themselves from it, and finally make a big change in temperament.

  In short, there are too many examples of this kind of gradual loss of strength. If you have poor self-control, don't think about it.

  "But I really want to give it a try. After all, it's one of the strongest belts."

  Sitting up from the sofa, Tian Luo stretched his waist and said with a smile

  "It seems that Mr. Tian Luo already knows the location"

  Nagata Yuuka smiled and nodded.

  "Fate always connects related things together. We have been involved since we met. Meteor School is an interesting group of people."

  Tian Luo nodded, then walked to the bed and looked into the distance

Eight hundred and sixtieth chapters Kimura Sayaka

  Saya Kimura, one of the students of Meteor School, is a very strong and kind girl

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