But at this moment, she was separated from her classmates at Meteor School, and came to this remote bridge alone with her bag on her back.

  Looking at the bag she was carrying, Saye Kimura sighed helplessly.

  Delta, the belt given to him by his father, made everyone in Meteor School break up.

  Everyone who wears the delta has lost himself by the power of the belt, and the students who were very good have also become mortal enemies.

  In desperation, she could only escape, because this belt must not be handed over to people with bad intentions

  Before, she had already thought about the destination of this belt, so he was going to a place

  The happy wash house, the man called Qian Qiao

  It has heard of this person before, the current host of faiz, a very cold and gentle person

  Since he got faiz, he has been protecting the truth and human beings, even if he is injured, he has persisted until now

  Whether it is the will or the heart to protect human beings, Gan Qiao is definitely the most suitable person for delta, he will never be controlled by power

  Taking a firm look at the backpack, Saya Kimura walked towards the front again.

  But at this moment, a figure in front suddenly blocked his way.

  That 14 is a young man with an explosive head, clothes that are very out of tune, and an unpredictable smile on his face.

  "Is delta on you?"

  The youth looked at Saya Kimura and said with a smile

  "No, it's orphnoch"

  Hearing the young man's words, Kimura Saye's face changed instantly, and then he directly opened the bag and took out a black belt

  “Sure enough delta”

  Seeing Saya Kimura's movements, a gleam appeared in the young man's eyes, and then his body began to change, and the hideous orphnoch appeared in front of Saya Kimura.

  Dragon-shaped orphnoch... Beiqi

  "I will never give it to you, transform"

  Putting on the delta belt, Kimura Saya's expression became serious

  In Meteor School, she is the only one who is not lost because of her power wearing delta, which is why her father gave the belt to him for safekeeping

  Although she is a girl, her fighting power should not be underestimated

  The white photon blood wrapped Saya Kimura, and then a layer of black armor was put on him.

  As the strongest belt, delta eliminates the weaknesses of the first two belts, and even the transformation has become a voice input

  The strength is stronger, the speed is faster, and the powerful burst, the attributes of this belt have reached a very terrifying level

  "Oh~ this is delta, it's really strong, so you should leave it to me..."

  Beiqi looked at Saya Kimura with some joy.

  Just standing there, he could feel the power emanating from delta. However, no matter how powerful the power is, it depends on who is using it.


  A flash of light flashed across, Bei Qi subconsciously avoided, a small hole appeared in the wall next to it

  【Burst Mode】

  After adjusting the gun in his hand, Saye Kimura shot at Beiqi again.


  With a muffled sound, Bei Qi's armor cracked, and he came to Kimura Saye in the next instant.


  "Even if it's not in the state of the province, it's just easy to deal with you..."

  Looking at the surprised Saye Kimura, Bei Qi said with a sneer, then grabbed Saye Kimura by the neck and lifted her up


  Sayaka Kimura struggled, but no matter how much he moved, he couldn't escape.

  "The delta belt is mine..."

  With a grim smile, Bei Qi grabbed towards the belt

  bang bang

  At this moment, three flashes suddenly shot towards Bei Qi's back.

  After being attacked, Beiqi finally let go of Kimura Saye, and then jumped aside.

  With his movements, the ground where he was originally was bursting with several small holes.


  Bei Qi looked around angrily.

  A gust of wind blows, no one

  And even Saya Kimura lost track

  "Bastard, who is it!!!!"

  Seeing that the belt in his hand flew like this, Bei Qi couldn't calm down any longer, he shouted at the surrounding angrily.

  There was no response, just a few bird calls getting further and further away


  "It's really dangerous, you will be killed in a while..."

  In Tian Luo's house, looking at the girl in front of him, Tian Luo said with a smile

  "Thank you, I didn't know you were?"

  Saya Kimura looked at Tian Luo in confusion

  Although he was rescued by Tianluo, he had absolutely no idea who was in front of him.

  And being able to save her in that situation, it seems that this person a few years ago was not easy.

  "My name is Tianluo, and the person pouring water over there is Jiehua. As for you, I know you and the belt in your hand."

  Tenra smiled and shrugged, then looked at Kimura Saye who was getting more and more confused and said again

  "I heard Kagata talk about you, so I know something about Meteor School"

  "You know Dad?"

  Saya Kimura looked at Tian Luo in surprise after hearing this

  "Then do you know where Dad is now?"

  She has been missing since her father gave them the belt, no one knows where he is, and now she is surprised to hear the news

  "I've seen it before, but he has something to do recently, so he won't appear for the time being."

  Tian Luo smiled and shook his head

  He knew the relationship between Meteor School and Kagata, but what Kagata told him before was all made up

  Anyway, the flower shape won't appear now, I'm afraid he will come out and break it down.

  "So this is ah"

  Listening to 657 to the flower shape, there is a lost expression on Kimura Saye's face.

  Kagata is the father of all Meteor School students, so he holds a high status in their hearts

  Originally, they could always live happily with their father, but that has changed since the alumni reunion.

  No one knew what happened in that reunion, everyone lost their memory

  Then they were taken elsewhere by the teacher until the flower shape appeared and disappeared.

  "Okay, let's put other things down first, then let's talk about delta"

  Tian Luo nodded and pointed to the backpack

  "You should know by now, smartbrain has found you, and you can imagine the consequences if you take it again"

  "But I have to take it and give it to someone"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Kimura Saye's face also became serious.

  "What a coincidence?"

  "how do you know?"

  Hearing Tenra's answer, Kimura Saye asked in surprise.

  "Hahaha, it's useless, you can't give it to him at all"

  Tian Luo smiled and shook his head


  "Because you will die"

  Tian Luo suddenly said solemnly

  Gan Qiao is destined not to have delta, because he is destined to be faiz

  And the delta belt will also be robbed, and there is no way to keep it with Kimura Saye's power.

Chapter eight hundred and sixty seventh Zetian

  As belts made by smartbrain, of course they have some protection, which is why orphnoch can always meet up with them

  As long as you wear a belt, it will also bring endless trouble

  Saya Kimura is just a little girl, no matter how strong she is, she can't keep fighting with orphnoch

  This time, because Tianluo was there, if it weren't for this, he would have been killed by Bei Qi long ago.

  "I won't be afraid, I must give the belt to Mr. Ganqiao, thank you for your care"

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