Sayaka Kimura shook his head when he heard Tenra's words, and then stood up with a serious look.

  Tian Luo didn't say anything. After the two chatted for a while, Saye Kimura left, and the belt was also taken away.

  "Mr. Tianluo, is this really good?"

  Seeing Saya Kimura leave, Yuka Nagata hesitated and asked

  Having fought with orphnoch many times, Yuhua understands their horror. If it wasn't for Tian Luo Zai, she wouldn't be able to last long.

  But Saya Kimura has no one to accompany her, and she is holding a hot potato. She is a little worried about Saya Kimura's safety.

  "To say it now will make her doubt our purpose, although I did have a purpose."

  Tian Luo shrugged indifferently.

  He wants this belt, modified to be used for knot flowers

  But in the end he didn't say it, because Kimura Saye couldn't trust the person he just met.

  If she said it, she would only think of herself as a smartbrain

  "But it's just a matter of time. After all, it's a waste of time for delta to fall into the hands of ordinary people."

  "Well, but there seems to be something wrong with that girl's body. I don't know if it's my delusion."

  Nagata Yuuka nodded, then frowned.

  "I've been transformed too many times, and my body can't bear the power of delta, but it's not a big problem."

  Tian Luo waved his hand and smiled.

  Although ordinary people can also use delta, it is also limited

  Sayaka Kimura is too weak, so there will be some sequelae, such as weakness, fever, cold, etc.

  Not a problem at all for some physically strong people

  "Okay, I'm going to cook"

  Nagata Yuka nodded and walked into the kitchen


  Regardless of Tianluo's side, the group of people at Meteor School have already fallen out.

  The delta belt is missing, making a few of them irritable

  "Bastard, did Soka make it?"

  Looking at Souka and the others in front of them, one of the boys roared angrily

  "What am I?"

  Souka looked at this boy strangely

  "The delta belt, did you take it!!!"

  After saying that, the boy grabbed towards Souka's collar.

  With a muffled bang, the boy was thrown out by Souka and fell to the ground

  "I do not know"

  Seeing the boy who fell to the ground, Souka said lightly

  "Kongsuke, calm down."

  At this moment, a girl on the side also quickly grabbed the boy on the ground.

  Also a member of Meteor School, she doesn't want to see this situation

  "Isn't he that bastard Arai, damn..."

  Seeing that he couldn't beat Souka, Kyousuke could only hammer the ground angrily, and then said angrily.

  "Wait, you mean there's a belt?"

  At this time, the truth looked at the two of them suspiciously.

  "Yes, Dad gave you a faiz, and we have a kaixa, but we secretly gave one to Saya"

  Hearing the truth's question, the girl nodded.

  "Hmph, Dad gave it to the wrong person, I'm the real owner of delta, I used it to beat orphnoch"

  Kyousuke stood up and sneered.

  "Defeat orphnoch?"

  Surprised to hear the truth

  "That's right, it's not just Gongsuke, we've all used it before, delta is very special, and ordinary people can also transform."

  The girl explained

  Both Gan Qiao and the truth showed shocked expressions, only Souka's face was normal

  "The delta belt is mine, the kind of power that holds some..."

  Kyousuke stared at Souka with gritted teeth.

  As long as he has delta, he can control the power beyond Souka, and he doesn't have to be so aggrieved now.

  "Where is Arai now?"

  truth asks

  "I don't know, it should be the guy who took the belt, we must find him!!!"

  Both Gongsuke and the girl shook their heads, Gongsuke's eyes showed a crazy look, and Kusaka who was watching couldn't help frowning.

  Just when the atmosphere became solemn, the truth mobile phone suddenly rang.

  "Moses Moses, Arai? Where are you?"

  The truth shouted in surprise, and several people next to him also looked over excitedly.

  Putting down the phone, the truth nodded at a few people

  "It's from Arai"

  "Where is he?"

  Kyungsoo asked excitedly

  "Let's find him together"

  Soka open mouth

  "it is good"

  Several people nodded, and the truth's eyes looked at Gan Qiao, who had never spoken.

  "I'm interested in this too"

  Qiao shrugged his shoulders

  "No, I don't think you need to go"

  Soka on the side suddenly spoke up.

  "Souka, you..."

  Hearing Souka's words, the face of truth suddenly looked a little ugly. The relationship between the two has always been like this, which made him very embarrassed.

  "Truth, now our students have become like this because of a belt. I don't think you want outsiders to see this shameful scene, right?"

  Souka looked at the truth and said slowly.


  After listening to the truth, she was silent for a while, and then looked at Gan Qiao with some embarrassment.

  "I don't care, or I'll go back first"

  Gan Qiao smiled and then rode on his motorcycle

  "Let's go too..."

  Watching Gan Qiao leave, Soka took the truth and got on the motorcycle, and then left here


  In the dim bar, the lights are constantly flashing, the music is resounding throughout the space, and a figure is constantly twisting his body, making the atmosphere here reach its climax.

  At this time, in a corner, a young man with headphones slowly ignited the Qianzhihe in his hand, and then his body began to change.

  After a minute...

  The lights go out, the music stops, the surroundings become silent

  Figures fell to the ground one by one, then turned into a pile of sand, and there was only one person left in the entire bar

  "Papa, very good, really talented, congratulations on your success in joining the lucky four-leaf clover, Mr. Sawada..."

  A burst of applause came from the corner, and the four figures were already standing there at some point in time.

  Murakami, Kitaki, Takuma, Yoshiko Kageyama

  ps: I feel that I have written myself to death, and I am seriously stuck in a bottleneck. If it is like this, it will be too dull, so I plan to speed up the progress and jump over.

Chapter [-] Rescue, are you willing to be my magical girl?

  [Yesterday, a group of passengers on the bus disappeared, and there was strange sand left in the car. The Metropolitan Police Department is still investigating the cause...]

  [There was a large-scale disappearance incident in the early hours of this morning. It is said that all the missing persons went to a certain bar before...]

  [A school started an activity, and as a result, all the students and teachers disappeared, and the place is still a pile of sand...]

  Sitting in the living room, Tianluo and Nagata Yuhua quietly watched today's news, the more they looked at the more surprised they looked.

  "Killing hundreds of people in three days, even that guy from Murakami can't do such a thing, right?"

  Tian Luo said in surprise

  This time can be said to be the biggest murder of orphnoch, and the modus operandi is the same, it can be said that it was done by one person

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