However, with the current status of smartbrain, it is impossible for them to be so high-profile, which means that they are a newbie.

  "It's abominable, so cruel..."

  Nagata Yuka said angrily.

  This kind of thing is simply outrageous, the perpetrator has completely abandoned people's hearts

  "This is something that can't be helped. Human beings are the most unable to withstand the temptation."

  Tianluo feels nothing

  He has seen too many cows, ghosts and snakes, and he has seen through the inferiority of human beings.

  "Then what should I do? Is it possible that Mr. Tian Luo can think of a way?"

  130 Nagata Yuhua looked at Tianluo

  The kindness in her heart still made it unable to help but want to help humans, but she knew that her own strength could not do it at all, the only way was to ask Tianluo

  "This is actually very simple, just get rid of the initiator."

  Tian Luo looked at Jiehua with a smile on his face, and then took out the main control board.

  After a few random clicks, a piece of information is displayed.

  "Although I have a hat to hide my appearance, I can still analyze it by comparison."

  Looking at the young man on the screen, Tian Luo's smile grew stronger

  "Aki Sawada, a member of the Meteor School, has been with those companions before, but five days ago, he inexplicably turned into an orphnoch, and then began to slaughter humans..."

  "Meteor School? That is to say... He was Miss Truth's classmate before, but why is this?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Nagata Yuhua said in shock.

  She also knows a lot about Meteor School, not only the truth, but also Saye Kimura who came here the day before yesterday, they are all fighting orphnoch, why did Sawada become like this?

  "There are not so many whys, just one thought is enough for a good person to become a bad person"

  Tian Luo shrugged and smiled.

  Companions have become enemies, and now the most troublesome thing should be the truth and them

  Suddenly, the screen of the main control board turned, and Tian Luo's eyes were instantly attracted.

  "This is... Kiba?"

  "Mr. Kiba, how did they fight orphnoch?"

  Nagata Yuuka also asked in surprise

  Due to the last agreement, smartbrain will not attack Kiba and the others, but how long has it been since the two sides fought again?

  "No, look at those people on the side"

  Tian Luo shook his head.

  The screen began to rotate, and everyone on the side was exposed.

  Sayaka Kimura, the girl I saved last time

  And he was surrounded by orphnoch, thinking that Bei Qi and the others were all there.

  "It's really troublesome, let's just say it's not safe for her to bring delta, Kiba and the others should have seen the orphnoch attack."

  Tian Luo said helplessly

  This guy Kiba has a heart like Yuuka, but some people can't get good in this situation, and the ones who die the most are good people

  "Mr. Tian Luo, are we going to help?"

  Nagata Yuka said

  She is also a little powerless about this matter. It's too far away. When they rush over, maybe Kiba and the others are already dead.

  "Go, just ask delta to come over, save so much trouble"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  "But how are we going to..."


  Just when Nagata Yuka had not finished speaking, a crisp sound came into her ears.

  Tianluo punched a big hole in the space, and then Tianluo walked in as if nothing had happened.


  Nagata Yuhua stared blankly at Tian Luo, not knowing what to say.

  "Go, go."

  Tian Luo stretched out his hand towards Nagata Jiehua

  "Ah, yes..."

  Nagata Yuka nodded quickly, and then walked into the movement.

  As the two entered, the big hole in the space gradually closed, and the two disappeared into the room.


  On the other side, Kiba and Haitang are struggling with the surrounding orphnoch

  "Kiba, you were killed this time, why are you a good old man!!!"

  While dodging the attack, Haitang complained at Kiba.

  I'm just looking for trouble, why would I help myself stupidly, my brain is broken

  "But can you watch that girl get killed?"

  Kiba looks at the surrounded Sayadaw Kimura

  "Even if that's the case, you don't need to rush over directly. There will only be two more corpses. It's not better to call the police."

  Haitang said helplessly

  Beiqi, Takuma, Yoshiko Kageyama, and more than a dozen intermediate orphnochs, this is completely a repeat of the last incident, but what can they do without Tianluo this time?

  I finally enjoyed a quiet life for a while, well, it's all gone


  Suddenly, a strange voice entered the ears of the two of them. The two of them looked at the same time and saw that the girl who had been surrounded by them had been replaced by a black knight.

  "Hey, hey, am I dreaming again? That woman turned out to be a knight?"

  Haitang looked at Saya Kimura in disbelief

  "It makes sense, no wonder so many orphnochs are targeting"

  Kiba also suddenly realized that he looked at Kimura Saya thoughtfully.

  "Now is not the time to feel emotional, I feel like I'm dying, my grandfather in heaven is calling me..."

  Being hit again, Haitang endured the pain and shouted

  "Hold on, find a chance and we'll retreat"

  "Retreat? You have no chance"

  A voice suddenly interrupted the two of them, and I saw Yoshiko Kageyama slowly walking towards them not far away.

  "Little brother, I didn't expect you to tear up the previous agreement, since we don't have to keep you..."

  "If you have something to say, you can actually treat us as air."

  Haitang quickly explained

  "This can't be done, new hatred and old hatred are counted together, Zetian, kill them together"

  Yuko Kageyama shook her head with a smile, and then looked at a spider orphnoch beside her, and it was Aki Sawada who had been investigated by Tianluo before.

  The spider orphnoch nodded, and then the two slowly approached Kiba and the others.

  On the other side, Saye Kimura's situation is also not optimistic. Although Delta's strength is strong, it can't stand the crowd. It only takes a minute or so to lose.

  Looking at the orphnoch getting closer and closer, Saya Kimura, who had returned to normal, showed a burst of despair on his face.

  "Who can help me……"

  "Girl, do you want to sign a contract to become my magical girl?"

  A voice slowly rang out from Saya Kimura's mind

  "I would like to!!"

  Hearing this voice, Saya Kimura shouted as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

  Tian Luo "..."

  Just kidding, do you want to be so serious?

Chapter [-] Why is it you again! ! !

  At a critical juncture, Saye Kimura no longer knew how to think.

  The moment Luo made his voice that day, she seemed to have caught the last straw, hoping that the owner of the voice could save his life

  For Kimura Saye's answer, Tian Luo was speechless for a while, but he also slowly emerged from the void and stood behind her~

  "How could it be, it's you..."

  Looking at the two figures that suddenly appeared, Takuma and Bei Qi were stunned, and then they looked at Tian Luo in disbelief.

  "Long time no see, surprise or not?"

  Tian Luo smiled and said hello

  pondering "..."

  Bei Qi "..."

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