"Hello, I've heard the truth about Mr. Tian Luo for a long time, and it's really different."

  Mishima looked at Tian Luo strangely

  He had heard before that Tian Luo was a very cruel person. After all, his two classmates had become that way.

  But today, I feel very different when I see it, because Tian Luo doesn't look like a bad person at all.

  Well, people can't be seen

  If you don't know, who would have thought that this handsome boy in front of him would be so strong

  "Miss Jiehua, let's go over there and take a seat first."

  The truth's eyes turned to Jiehua beside Tianluo again, and then he opened his mouth to invite.


  Jiehua didn't refuse, she glanced at Tianluo and followed the truth to the side.

  And a few boys sat in a bunch and chatted.

  "Did Kiba and the others not come?"

  Tian Luo looked around and said

  "No, Mr. Kiba, they seem to have something to do."

  Gan Qiao shook his head.

  His relationship with Kiba is very good now, because the two of them seem to have the same point of view, so it is easy to chat

  Originally, he planned to invite Kiba and Haitang this time, but they refused.

  And Cao Jia on the side didn't say anything, because he really couldn't talk to Tian Luo and the others, he was just annoying to watch.

  he hates orphnoch and whoever is with orphnoch

  "By the way, Mr. Tian Luo, I heard that you have a belt yourself, didn't you say that the belt is only for three days?"

  Ketaro asked suddenly from the side, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

  It is his dream to become a knight, he can try his physique before and he is not qualified at all

  Seeing Qian Qiao and them being cool every day, Keitaro is not envious

  And Tian Luo not only has delta, but also has an unknown belt, which is really curious

  "You say orga, do it yourself"

  Tian Luo shrugged after hearing this.


  Hearing Tianluo's understatement, Keitarou directly sprayed it out, and the three of them were equally stunned.

  "What's the fuss about, the belt was originally made, why can't smartbrain make it, as long as I have the ability, it's not difficult to make it"

  Tian Luo shook his head.

  Keitaro "..."

  Skillfully "..."

  Grass plus "..."

  Mihara "..."

  Although I know you are strong, don't say that to attack people.

  Isn't it difficult?

  This kind of thing is difficult to do at least [-]% of the people in this world.

  "What are we? Suddenly I feel weak."

  Keitarou lost his color, and then hid there and drew circles

  People are desperately trying to grab it, but you can make it yourself, so angry

  Even smartbrain wants to hit people when they hear it, they only made three, which is the limit.

  "Cough, the truth seems to need help, I'll go."

  Qian Qiao coughed and left here

  "Oh, it should still need manpower"

  Mihara followed suit.

  "I...go to the toilet"

  Soka looked around, then left.

  "I'm so envious... I envy... I admire..."

  Keitaro still keeps his head down and draws circles

  Tian Luo "..."

  It seems to be overdressed.

  Isn't it just telling the truth, don't do it, it's too glassy

  All in all, it was a pleasant picnic

  Of course, if the atmosphere wasn't so awkward

  The boys looked at Tian Luo jealously, while the girls had no idea what was going on.

  Tian Luo arrived and didn't say much. There was food and drink. It can be said that today is a good day.

  It's night time soon

  The sky is getting dark, and the moon is slowly appearing in the sky

  The stars are shining brightly in the night sky, they look so beautiful

  "Mr. Tian Luo, do you think there are creatures living outside the earth?"

  Sitting next to Tianluo, Jiehua asked

  If Tianluo, who had not crossed before, heard this, he would have said no, because the planets in outer space are not suitable for biological survival at all.

  But it's different now, don't forget what kind of world this is, it's completely different from the earth before Tianluo


  Tian Luo nodded affirmatively.

  There are just too many aliens here

  "Have you seen Mr. Tian Luo?"

  The truth, who was resting on the side, asked in surprise after hearing it.

  "I have seen, but not here"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  Aren't the zerg also aliens? Not only have they seen them, they have also killed a lot of them.

  "Could it be that Mr. Tian Luo has been to outer space?"

  The truth asked again, and I was a little shocked. After all, this kind of thing seems a little unbelievable.

  "You won't understand anyway"

  Tian Luo shook his head.


  Hearing this, the truth snorted unhappily

  "The world is big, and you'll never understand if you don't get out and about"

  Tian Luo looked at the starry sky and said slowly.

  Jiehua nodded, and then looked at the stars like Tianluo, and the silent night looked extraordinarily beautiful.

  Time flies the fastest at this time, it was very late in the blink of an eye, and everyone finally planned to go back

  "Mr. Tian Luo, I had a great time today"

  Before leaving, the truth said to Tian Luo

  "Me too"

  Tian Luo nodded, then watched a few people slowly walk towards the distance

  But just when Gan Qiao finished packing his things and planned to follow, Tian Luo suddenly stopped him.

  "How long are you going to keep it a secret?"


  Gan Qiao was stunned when he heard this, and for a while, he didn't understand at all.

  "Even if it seems nothing now, the truth will be known sooner or later. What can you do then?"

  Tian Luo didn't say anything, nodded and left with knot flowers.

  Gan Qiao stood there silent for a long time, and then suddenly understood something

  "This guy... actually knows my identity"

Chapter [-]: The New Power of Jiehua

  "Hey, hey, can you stop acting like it's none of your business, I really can't stand it, why do I keep that little devil!!!"

  In Tian Luo's house, Tian Luo and Gyan sat aside chatting, and Haitang looked at them with some anger.

  He also has Teruo Suzuki by his side. It seems that they have been doing well recently... Not bad, they are attacked every day. Even if they can cope with the past, it will be annoying. What's more annoying is that this kid doesn't appreciate it at all! ! !

  "Ah la la, don't be like this, just a child, be considerate of others"

  Tian Luo lazily comforted

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