"Why don't you come, I'm quitting anyway"

  Haitang shook her head directly

  These two days can be said to be his disaster day, neither he nor Kiba have been calm

  Because smartbrain sends orphnoch to attack every day, sometimes two or three times a day

  Although they are all low-level combat power, that's not enough, it's just endless.

  There is also that kid Teruo Suzuki, who is so pitiful when it comes to others, but when he gets to him, it changes completely, he is even worse than a bear child.

  "Mr. Tianluo, I am also very strange, why smartbrain will only send those low-level combat power, as if it is specially for us to kill, it is too strange"

  Kiba on the side also said with some doubts.

  In the past two days, everything has revealed strangeness, which made him have 803 very bad premonitions.

  "Who knows, there may be some conspiracy."

  Tenra shrugged, then glanced at Teruo Suzuki

  Well, I am a bit fatter than before, and my spirit is also very good, especially the light in my eyes... cold light

  "Until now I don't know what happened to this kid, why did the smartbrain people look for him?"

  Kiba also noticed Teruo Suzuki, but he didn't doubt it.

  Teruo Suzuki lost his parents, and it's not surprising that this blow made him like this

  He also checked Teruo Suzuki's body, nothing happened, he was just an ordinary child

  "Maybe they also think this kid is too annoying, so they shot..."

  Haitang suddenly answered

  "Mr. Haitang..."

  Kiba, who was knotted with flowers, looked at Haitang at the same time, with a helpless look in his eyes.

  This guy Haitang actually likes children very much, otherwise he would not agree to keep Teruo Suzuki

  Now he's just complaining like this, so the two of them are just helpless

  "Maybe it's true~"

  Tianluo suddenly smiled and said, making you stand up and walk to Teruo Suzuki's side

  "I'm getting more and more curious about you, little guy."


  Seeing Tian Luo coming to his side, Teruo Suzuki took a step back subconsciously, and then looked at Tian Luo with some vigilance.


  Just then, an explosion suddenly came from outside the door, and then the door was blown to pieces

  Several figures also appeared at the door, and then rushed in

  It was a few orphnochs. They rushed in and rushed towards Teruo Suzuki and Tian Luo.

  "Bastard, these guys are here again!!!"

  Seeing these orphnochs, Haitang and Kiba scolded secretly, and then quickly rushed to Teruo Suzuki to protect him

  "Even if you want to fight, don't fight at home. My business is worth a lot of money..."

  Tian Luo's eyes focused on the top of the door, and then he sighed helplessly.

  "Jiehua, I'll give it to you, remember to leave their wallet and bank card after the fight, and treat it as compensation."


  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Jiehua nodded, and then a belt appeared in her hand, a white belt


  With a low voice, Yuhua put the pistol into the card slot next to it

  A burst of white light suddenly shrouded the entire room, and Kiba and his group who had been fighting also stopped moving.

  "This is……"

  Kiba looked at the flower in the light in surprise. The white belt just now looked like a delta, but why was it white?

  The white light slowly disappeared, and the figure of Jiehua finally appeared in the eyes of everyone


  Pure white, and the next moment, blue stripes appear on top of this white

  Bird-type helmet, light blue eyes, and the body structure has also changed to a female shape. The alternating white and blue lines are very beautiful.

  This is a whole other set of armor, not a delta at all

  "What exactly is going on?"

  Whether it was Kiba and the others, or the orphnochs were dumbfounded, they stared blankly at Yuka

  "It's still delta, it's just a change in shape, how is it, isn't it a lot more beautiful?"

  Tian Luo smiled and explained to the few people beside him

  "Hey, hey, can you do this kind of thing? Are you a ghost?"

  Haitang looked at Tian Luo in shock

  Can the armor or something be redesigned?Even smartbrain can't do that.

  This is black technology, how is it done?

  "Anyway, with your IQ, it's hard for me to explain it to you clearly, Jiehua, let's get started."

  Tian Luo shrugged and said.


  Yuhua nodded, then held the gun and aimed a shot at one of the orphnochs


  A muffled sound and the sound of the wall shattering came out, and the orphnoch directly hit the wall and flew out.


  A burst of explosion came from below, Tian Luo looked down, and the orphnoch had no ashes left.

  "The power seems to be a bit large. This kind of low-level combat power can be used for one shot"

  Tian Luo nodded in satisfaction

  "However... Yuhua, don't use a gun for now, use a close-up weapon"


  After listening, Jiehua nodded again, then turned on the mobile phone on the belt, and pressed a few times.

  [Angel's holy light activates...]

  【Startup completed...】

  A burst of white light suddenly emerged from Yuhua's hand, then quickly condensed together, and finally formed a double-edged gun

  The gun body is made of silver, with icy blades on both sides, which looks extremely sharp

  Angel's Shenghui, the name of this gun, a weapon specially made by Tianluo for Yuhua

  The blade is extremely sharp, can easily cut through steel, and can freely control the size, similar to the orga gun

  And Angel's Shenghui is equipped with "ice" memory

  As long as the flowers stimulate the power of the body, it will activate the energy of the memory to control the ice

  "Mr. Tianluo, I'll take them out first, otherwise the house will be in chaos"

  Jiehua nodded at Tianluo, then the double-blade spear in his hand suddenly widened, looking at the remaining orphnochs

  Slowly lay the double-edged gun flat, and the knots rushed directly towards the orphnoch.

  There is no extra action, just a horizontal push, a few orphnochs have no resistance at all, and are directly taken out by the power of knot flowers

  And that wall could no longer withstand the impact, and the whole wall collapsed.

  The breeze blew on Tian Luo's face, causing his heart to be in a mess.

  "If I knew this, I would have Jiehua kill them directly, my wall..."

Chapter eight hundred and eighty-four goodbye flower shape, ask

  With the new delta belt, Yuka's combat level has reached the top

  It's just a few low-level orphnochs, and it's a breeze for Yuhua to deal with this.

  The battle only lasted about two minutes, and several orphnochs all turned into ice sculptures, and then dissipated around

  "Mr. Tian Luo..."

  After solving the matter, Yuhua returned to her unintentional, but she was a little embarrassed when she saw the wall with one missing side~ looking at Tian Luo

  Now a house like this is completely uninhabitable. I knew that I wouldn't have to take those guys down so violently.

  "Oh~ my poor house, forget it, let's think of a way."

  Tian Luo looked around in distress, then thought about how to restore the house to its original state.

  It's actually very easy to recover, but it's just too many ways to make people distressed.

  "The memory is still to be found, Aquarius doesn't know if it will work..."

  "The time coin stops time, but it is difficult to reverse it"

  "If the zerg sublimator is used, the zerg will be revived even if it goes back to before..."

  "Forget it, let's use the power of the fruit."

  After thinking for a moment, Tian Luo stretched and stood up, and then the power of the golden fruit appeared in his hand.

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