"Behind you."

  A low voice came from behind the king of orphnoch, and then he felt himself hit hard.


  With a loud bang, the body of the king of orphnoch flew straight out, and it didn't stop until it flew fifty or sixty meters away.

  "How could it be so fast, he was able to escape my eyes."

  The king of orphnoch stared at Tian Luo with some vigilance.

  His eyes can see things in any corner, and he can also see the figure of extreme speed, but this time it has failed.

  "Since you've already made a move, it's time for me..."

  Looking at the king of orphnoch in the distance, Tian Luo said

  "Spear of Orga, Slash of Giants"

  The orga spear in Tian Luo's hand suddenly became huge, and it became hundreds of meters in an instant.

  The golden blade of light shines in the space, and you can see his sharpness just by looking at it.


  Holding the head of the spear lightly, Tian Luo slashed towards the king of orphnoch below.

  "How can this attack defeat me!!!"

  Feeling Tianluo's attack, the King of Orphnoch suddenly roared.

  He didn't dodge, but resisted.

  The golden light blade fell on the king of orphnoch, and there was a sudden sound.

  Not the king of orphnoch, but the gun of orga turned out to be a problem.

  Click, click, click...

  The crisp sound came out again, followed by continuous.

  The huge light blade of [-] meters began to shatter and gradually disappeared.

  "Is that so? Come again..."

  Seeing that Tian Luo's attack failed, orphnoch yelled at Tian Luo.

  He had just been resurrected, and with so much energy, he also really wanted to find someone to fight.

  He was very lucky, and he met Tian Luo as soon as he appeared, it was just like the arrangement of fate.

  "That's interesting. It would be boring if it was solved all at once."

  Tian Luo laughed and looked at the king of orphnoch, then he jumped up and came to the sky above the king of orphnoch.

  "Knight Kick"

  The strength condensed on his feet, and Tian Luo fiercely kicked the king of orphnoch.


  The knight kick collided with the king of orphnoch, and the powerful force instantly blew a big hole in the ground.

  "It's not enough, go on"

  The king of orphnoch roared angrily, and punched Tianluo right after he landed.

  A full-strength punch could shatter a mountain, but this kind of power only made Tian Luo take a few steps back.

  "Direct enough, I'll come too"

  Tian Luo shouted excitedly, and then rushed up without hesitation, punching the belly of the king of orphnoch.


  Suddenly a hurricane hit, and the king of orphnoch stepped back ten steps.

  "So strong, that's it, I'm more and more optimistic about you."

  "Me too, go ahead."

  The two who were flirting with each other just now had a hard time fighting each other, and both of them were already on fire.

  The moves are simple, nothing fancy, just a collision of power and power.

  This is the real battle, at least both Tianluo and the King of Orphnoch think so.

  But as time got closer.

  The fiery heart of the king of orphnoch just now slowly sank to the bottom.

  The two were in high spirits three hours ago.

  Two hours ago he lost some physical strength, but the guy across from him was still the same.

  An hour ago, his strength also decreased, and the guy on the opposite side was still the same.

  Now my body is starting to hurt, and my stamina and strength have been consumed by half, but the guy on the opposite side seems to be fine.

  What a joke, even if you are very strong, you will be tired if you keep attacking with all your strength, this guy is a monster! ! !

  However, as a king, his dignity cannot be provoked by Tian Luo, so the battle continues...

  One hour...two hours...three hours...

  A day has passed in the blink of an eye.

  Time passed quickly, but this was only for Tian Luo.

  In the heart of the king of orphnoch, it was very long, because it was too uncomfortable.

  After a few hours of full-strength sparring, the body has completely disappeared.

  Even if he is the king of orphnoch, he has to rest for half an hour to replenish it.

  But he can't, because of the guy opposite.

  After playing for so long, it was still like nothing.

  What the hell

Chapter eight hundred and ninety-two changes, the existence that makes Tianluo fear

  "You guys are monsters!!!"

  The king of orphnoch looked at Tian Luo with grief and indignation and roared.

  He is the king of all orphnochs, and his power completely crushes thousands or even tens of thousands of orphnochs.

  But the mysterious guy on the other side can fight him for so long, and he has the upper hand.

  What's wrong with the world now?You seem to be the monster, right?

  "You're pretty good, I feel like venting a lot"

  Tian Luo also stopped and said lazily.


  The king of orphnoch froze, and he looked at Tian Luo in disbelief.

  "Yeah, although I like a quiet life, but after all, I have too much power. If I don't vent for too long, I will be very distressed..."

  Tian Luo shrugged

  With his current strength, not everyone can be an opponent, and if no one hits him all day, his strength can't be suppressed.

  A good game today made him a lot more comfortable, and the whole person was relaxed.

  "Just venting? You guy... it's so hot!!!"

  A powerful energy rose again from the king of orphnoch, which was anger.

  As a king, to be so looked down upon by others, it would be good for him not to blow himself up.

  "Do you still have power? It seems that I have underestimated you."

  Feeling this power, a smile appeared on Tian Luo's face again.

  After all, it is the boss of this world, if it is too easy to solve, it will be too boring.

  However, just when the power of the king of orphnoch reached its peak again, a red light suddenly flew in the space.

  The light was extremely fast, and it entered the body of the king of orphnoch in the blink of an eye.


  The king of orphnoch suddenly let out a roar, both pain and joy.

  "What the hell?"

  Tian Luo was also stunned.

  How did that thing just appear?It's impossible for ordinary people to come in here, right?

  "Blood red, and the breath is very familiar..."

  Just as Tian Luo was thinking, the sky suddenly darkened, and a bright moon appeared above. No, it should be a blood moon.

  And orphnoch's body slowly floated under the blood moon, his body gradually turned blood red, and a pair of bat wings grew behind him.

  "Your sister, the blood-toothed ghost, your uncle Minglong..."

  Seeing the changes in the king of orphnoch, Tian Luo immediately understood.

  At this moment, the King of Orphnoch has the blood-toothed blood ghost's genes, and the fusion of the two makes him enter a new realm again.

  Being able to come here quietly and with the blood-tooth ghost gene, Tian Luo really can't think of anyone other than Minglong...

  "You're so boring to even play this one at the end."

  Shrugging his shoulders, Tian Luo directly removed his armor.

  Now this level can no longer be solved with armor, and can only use its own body.

  The golden magic circle flashed from the soles of the feet and covered Tianluo, and then slowly disappeared, and the golden phoenix form appeared in this space.

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