"What a powerful force, boy, no matter who you are, you will die here today!!!"

  The voice of the king of orphnoch above came again, and the power on him was stronger.

  The crimson energy condensed on his body, and then a dive rushed down towards Tian Luo.

  "Do you want a one-shot solution? Exactly what I want..."

  Tian Luo also smiled, then golden wings appeared, and then rushed to the sky.

  The two sides collided with extreme speed, but at the moment of the collision, Tian Luo suddenly disappeared.


  Losing his goal, orphnoch was stunned for a moment

  "Idiot, on top of you, do you think I'll kick against you?"

  A voice came from behind the king of orphnoch, it was Tian Luo

  "While your illness is killing you, I will kill you, and the crow will take a plane..."

  The strength condensed on his feet, and Tian Luo fiercely kicked the king of orphnoch on the back.


  With a scream, orphnoch lost control and was kicked down.

  "Super kill, Feng Yu Jian"

  Stopping in mid-air, the wings behind Tian Luo disintegrated into tens of thousands of golden feathers, and then charged towards the orphnoch that fell on the ground.

  puff, puff, puff...

  The feathers penetrated the body of the king of orphnoch, and there was a scream again.

  "Impossible, I can't be defeated, I have just been resurrected, I don't want to be sealed again!!!"

  "What nonsense, you will never be sealed again, because your power will be inherited, inherited forever..."

  Tian Luo looked at the king of orphnoch and replied lightly.

  The so-called inheritance, that also explains the next fate of the king of orphnoch.

  "Super super super kill, lightning kick"

  After Tian Luo finished speaking, the energy condensed on his feet again, and layers of thunder and lightning covered it.

  In just an instant, Tian Luo's figure suddenly disappeared, and an explosion suddenly came from below.

  Reappearing, Tian Luo has come to the place where the king of orphnoch exploded.

  A mass of golden energy was caught in his hand, and then sealed.

  The matter was settled like this, although there were some episodes in the middle, but there was still not much change.

  The surrounding scene disappeared, and Tian Luo reappeared in the research room of the smartbrain headquarters.


  "Mr. Tian Luo..."

  A figure plunged directly into Tian Luo's arms, it was Jie Hua.

  "Looks like you guys are here too"

  Tian Luo smiled and patted Jiehua's head, then looked at the few people beside him.

  Although it looked a little miserable, Murakami and the orphnoch had disappeared.

  "Well, it's resolved, it's great that Mr. Tian Luo is fine."

  Yuhua nodded, then grabbed Tian Luo's arm tightly.

  This time, it can be said that it is very dangerous, and Tianluo is their pillar. If Tianluo is defeated, then everything will be over.

  If Tianluo appears, it means that the matter of the king of orphnoch has been solved.

  "Alright, I won't lose"

  Tian Luo smiled, then walked over to Gan Qiao and them.

  "It's hard work, I don't know how to thank you this time"

  Kiba and Kanqiao looked at Tian Luo gratefully.

  The flower shape on the side also came to Tian Luo, and finally sighed.

  It was a bit of a blow, after all, I lost to the young people.

  He is the person who understands the power of the king of orphnoch the most, and naturally understands that Tianluo is already an existence that they cannot touch.

  "I have a purpose, and these are just some small obstacles for me. If you have to thank me, please treat me to a meal."

  Tian Luo smiled and waved his hand.

  "Okay, I'll treat you today"

  Qian Qiao nodded directly.

  "Oh, eat noodles, forget it..."

  After hearing this, Tian Luo shook his head in disappointment, and then left.

  Skillfully "..."

  Asshole, it's not my fault that I'm poor! !

  But just when everyone wanted to say something, they saw Tian Luo stop, no, it should be said that he suddenly froze.

  A trace of cold sweat left on his forehead as if he didn't want money, as if he had encountered a very terrifying thing.

  "Mr. Tianluo, you are..."

  The expressions of other people were also ugly in an instant. Could there be another enemy?

  "This breath... it will be good, it's over, it will definitely be killed this time..."

  Tian Luo regained his senses, then wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

  And in the sky in the distance, a black shadow suddenly appeared, and then rushed in the direction of Tianluo with a strange voice...

The eight hundred and ninetieth chapters of the arrival of the women

  "So, it's only half an hour that you haven't seen each other, and you actually gave us another sister?"

  In Tian Luo's bedroom, he was sitting shivering at the moment, while a group of girls surrounded him.

  Wakana, Li Xing, Maya, Naomi, Nana, Mai, and Xiaoxi.

  It was Wakana who spoke out. He looked at Tian Luo angrily, and the other girls looked the same.

  "It has been said that the time between the two worlds will be different. You are half an hour, but I have been here for more than half a year..."

  Tian Luo looked at the girls helplessly.

  He was sent directly to this world by Minglong before, and he hasn't greeted the girls yet.

  But fortunately, he once left a soul seed to the train of God, so it was easy to find him.

  But although he was found, the result was predictable.

  When he saw Jiehua pulling Tianluo's arm, Tianluo directly greeted Qidao's eyes that could kill people.

  "Oh, so you've forgotten about us for half a year?"

  A strange smile appeared on Ma Ye's face, and then said thoughtfully.

  Tian Luo "..."

  Feeling the killing of the girls again, Tian Luo really wanted to slap Ma Ye's ass a few times.

  This kind of cheating on her husband is really bad, and it will really kill people.

  "How is it possible, I have always kept my virginity, you can check if you don't believe me."

  Tian Luo hurriedly shook his head, and then planned to undress.

  "go to hell!!!"

  Seeing that Tian Luo was so shameless, the girls gave him a ruthless look.

  However, the atmosphere finally eased a bit, because for them, it was really clear that Tian Luo had not done anything excessive in the past six months.

  Of course, although it is not excessive, this kind of behavior of casually hooking up with women is still unforgivable.

  "Hey, hey, what are your eyes, what are you trying to do, don't go too far, I'll go... Ya Die..."

  After half an hour...

  Tian Luosheng sat there helplessly.

  The girls nodded in satisfaction.

  The tide of time, one minute in the outside world, one day in the bedroom, one of Xiaoxi's unique abilities.

  But in this half hour, Tian Luo experienced a whole month of torture.

  Although the first half of the month was very cool.

  Among them, Tian Luo almost even twisted his braids, but fortunately he is still strong.

  It's just terrifying that the seven women started to soar.

  "Okay, don't be angry, I'll make it up for you when the time comes..."

  Seeing Tian Luo like this, Wu said with a smile.

  "Bah, what a joke, who am I? God, do I need to make up for it? I can do it in another month!!!"

  Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Tian Luo collapsed from his chair and said arrogantly.

  "Okay, how about..."

  "Don't, there are guests outside, you can't let others wait..."

  Hearing what Xiao Wu wanted to say, Tian Luo shook his head and changed the subject.

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