Walking on the path of the hospital, Tian Luo couldn't help but complain.

  Thinking of the picture of Jing Feicai and Hua Jia Da me being covered with poo, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

  "Why don't we just change all of them to combat power games, which is more convenient, but isn't the level a bit high?"

  Thinking that he has the lowest boss of lv.50, Tian Luo shook his head in distress.

  What is unacceptable are games that are easy to clear, and the risk factor is relatively low.

  But if you delete these, the rest will be shit if you're not careful.

  To delete or not to delete.

  "You are Tianluo, right? I finally caught you."

  Just as Tian Luo was thinking about it, a voice suddenly came from the side.

  Tian Luo looked around and saw a young man leaning on a tree and looking at him.

  "You are……"

  "I'm graphite, did you make parado look like that?"

  graphite smiled and looked at Tian Luo.

  Since the last incident, he always felt that Parado and Tan Lidou were hiding something from him.

  But they didn't say anything. Graphite could only figure it out on his own. This time he finally couldn't help it, so he simply came to find the initiator.

  Tianluo, this is the name, the man whom Parado made him be careful about.

  He really couldn't figure out what the weak-looking guy in front of him had to be careful about.

  "graphite? Oh, I see, you are the bugster from five years ago, right? It seems to be related to snipe."

  Tian Luo suddenly realized, and then looked at graphite curiously.

  The full bugster is completely different from what I've seen before.

  "You know? That guy hates me to death, but unfortunately he is too weak."

  Graphite smiled and waved.

  "So, it seems that you are very strong, do you want to play a game?"

  Tian Luo asked with interest.

  "what game?"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, graphite asked strangely.

  "It's very fun, there are rewards for more than three levels~"

  A bright smile suddenly appeared on Tian Luo's face, and then slowly tempted.

  There is always a need for test items to improve the game, but I didn't expect to send one on my own initiative, it's just God helping me.

  "Yes, but can the reward be replaced with your life? Just let me kill you."

  graphite nodded with a smile, not thinking about the game at all.

  He just wants to see how strong Tianluo is, and then kill him, so that Parado can see how strong he is.

  "No problem at all, come on."

  Tianluo didn't care about the words of graphite, he took out his belt and summoned out of the game field.

  After a minute...

  "Spicy chicken, you can't pass the first level, I misread you."

  Coming out of the game field, Tian Luo threw graphite directly to the ground.

  At this moment, he has passed out in a coma, but the expression on his face is still terrified.

  "It looked pretty good when it first came out, but it turned out that even Jing Feicai and the others couldn't compare. Sure enough, the knights experimented better."

  Tian Luo looked at the unconscious graphite in disappointment.

  One minute, not even a minute, this guy actually passed out.

  Even if you meet the lv.100 Amber star, you don't have to do this, you can't run away, it's too embarrassing.

  "Forget it, I'll do the experiment myself."

  Shaking his head, Tian Luo walked directly towards the clinic.

  As for graphite...who is graphite?don't know him at all...

Chapter [-] Nine Gui Liya and Goodbye Tan Li Dou

  "So... who are you?"

  CR base.

  Baosheng Yongmeng looked at the two men in front of him in confusion.

  One is a young man in a suit.

  There is also a youth in a red jacket.

  Sitting beside them were Tian Luo, Poppy, Jing Feicai and others.

  The eyes of several people all turned to these two strangers, not knowing what they were doing here.

  "Introduce myself, I'm Takaya Kujo, and this is my colleague Konishi."

  The young man in the red jacket introduced it with a smile.

  "Hello, I'm Nishiwaki, they call me Xiaoxi."

  The young man in the suit also said sternly.

  "Then what are you doing here?"

  Tian Luo asked thoughtfully.

  Early in the morning, he was called by poppy, saying that the base was entered by outsiders, and the current situation happened.

  "As you think, I need someone to help me, and Xiaoxi has been infected with the bugster virus."

  Kuriya Kujo shrugged helplessly.


  Hearing his words, Baosheng Yongmeng stood up directly, and then began to probe Nishiwaki's physical condition.

  Sure enough, traces of the bugster virus were detected from his body.

  "We need to observe the diagnosis and treatment, and then learn about his information."

  Poppy also stood up and said.

  The treatment of the bugster virus requires an understanding of the patient's physical condition220, as well as the source of stress, which is responsible for the difficulty in completing the operation.

  "Okay, then Dr. Yongmeng, can you assist me?"

  Kuriya Kujo nodded and looked at Yongmeng.

  "why me?"

  Baosheng Yongmeng looked at Jiujo Guiriya strangely, but there are three knights here.

  "Because I feel that Dr. Yongmeng is more reassuring."

  Kuriya Kujo said with a smile.

  "Is that so? Hahahaha... I agree."

  Baosheng Yongmeng burst into tears.

  It's not easy. Finally, I'm no longer that humble intern, and someone will finally see their advantages.

  "These two goods..."

  The corners of Tian Luo's mouth couldn't help twitching.

  Because he clearly saw what he really wanted to say in Kuriya Kujo's eyes...because you are the stupidest here.

  But he didn't break it, because he didn't feel any malice in Kujo Guiriya.

  And from Tan Lidou's memory, this Kujo Guiriya also appeared.

  Kujo Guiriya, majoring in forensic medicine.

  But five years ago, my good friend died because of the bugster virus.

  So he started investigating the origin of the dead bugster virus, until he got to the Phantasy group.

  However, although it is known that the bugster is related to the Fantasy Group, there is no important evidence.

  Then I got the belt and the cassette, and then... not anymore.

  Not much, just a little bit of slightly useful information.

  "Who the hell is this guy?"

  Jing Feicai frowned as she watched Jiujo Guiriya and Baosheng Yongmeng walk out.

  "Don't worry about that, we just need to cure that guy."

  Tenra looked at Nishiwaki lying in the consultation room.


  Poppy nodded too, and walked into the emergency room.

  At this moment, Tian Luo's expression suddenly flashed a ray of light, and then he also left CR.


  On the top floor of the hospital, Tian Luo pushed the door and walked up, then came to the edge.

  There was no one here at the moment, and it seemed very quiet.

  "Come out, why are you hiding since you're here?"

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