The corner of Tian Luo's mouth showed a smile, and then he looked at the house behind him.

  "Hehe, as expected of the bugster who once made me crumble, he found me so quickly."

  A voice came from the house, and a man in a suit came over. It turned out to be Tan Lidou, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

  "Deliberately show your breath, and then let me notice it. It seems that your understanding of bugster has reached a certain level."

  Tian Luo smiled and looked at Tan Lidou.

  He sensed Tan Lidou's arrival just now.

  However, this breath will not trigger the CR's alarm system, it can only be said that Tan Lidou is stronger now.

  "Hehe, Tianluo, right? Can you tell me what kind of bugsters you guys are? They don't belong to any kind of game. Even parados don't know your existence?"

  Tan Lidou's tone became serious, he stared at Tian Luo and asked.

  No one knows the birth of bugster better than him, because it was developed by him.

  All ten games had bugs in testing and became bugsters.

  These bugsters are evolved and then re-collected data, and when all are collected and put together, the ultimate game will be born.

  Kamen Rider Chronicles, the ultimate game that can change the world.

  But at the moment when it was about to be completed, another bug appeared, Tian Luo and his party.

  This kind of thing was beyond Tan Lidou's imagination and made him frown for a long time.

  Because according to the way Tenra and the others appear, they should be bugsters born from the unfinished Kamen Rider Chronicles.

  But is this really possible?

  The current chronicle is just a bunch of useless data, and the only thing to watch is the newly born gamedeus.

  It's just a connector, and even the shape is similar to that of a mosaic. It's not even a normal game, let alone a bugster.

  What's more important is that this guy appeared out of his family. What a joke, it doesn't conform to the rules of the game at all! ! !

  And bugster can make cassettes, heck, is this his talent? It's a foul! ! !

  It's just a bunch of useless data, how could it be more than making that kind of terrifying game, how could this kind of guy let him exist! ! !

  "How can I say this, it's a long story..."

  Hearing Tian Luo's question, Tian Luo said thoughtfully.

  "So long story short!!!"

  Tan Lidou roared angrily.

  If he doesn't understand this kind of thing, he can't even sleep well, and he always feels like a stone is pressing in his heart.

  "Well, well, it's actually very simple to explain. For example, game viruses can evolve through humans, and humans will disappear after evolution, but what if it was the other way around?"

  Tian Luo thought for a while and said.

  "in turn?"

  Tan Lidou was stunned for a moment.

  "Yeah, what if the power of the virus was taken away?"

  Tian Luo nodded.

  This explanation is similar to that of looting.

  The virus wants to occupy the human body, but humans somehow control the power of the virus.

  Hmm, perfect explanation.

  "What are you kidding, how..."

  Tan Lidou felt that his three views had suddenly collapsed, and then stared blankly at Tian Luo.

  Humans have robbed bugsters of their power, so... it doesn't seem impossible, right?


  Why does it still feel so weird.

  I'm the one with the talent of God, why haven't I thought about this situation?

  No, I must have thought about it, but I just forgot, and this method is completely like shit, and has no research value at all.

  Yes, it must be like this, how could I, who possess the talent of God, make mistakes, I must not let him see anything.

Chapter [-] Genius and Madman

  "Cough, although this method does have a feasible probability, it is too weak compared to my card."

  After a dry cough, Tan Lidou said sternly.

  "Well, it makes sense, so I made another cassette..."

  Tian Luo nodded in agreement, then took out the cassette and shook it in front of Tan Lidou.

  "Damn, I will never admit it, the cassette is mine, you have no right to make it!!!"

  Seeing Tian Luo take out the cassette, Tan Lidou was furious again.

  This is one's own talent, only one can do it, and no more is allowed.


  Black icons emerged from around Tan Lidou, and then shattered into Tan Lidou's body.

  The black knight appeared again, and the surrounding area became a game field.

  "Remember, my name is Genm"

  "Genm? It turns out that I can have another name, so I'll just call it x."

  Tian Luo nodded thoughtfully after hearing the words.

  This statement is also correct, it can't be called exaid, but...

  "You guys are serious to me!!!"

  Tan Lidou was annoyed directly by such a random naming method, and he was about to explode with anger.

  For the player, the game name will accompany the existence of a lifetime, especially in his game.

  Every game name has a meaning and a statement, which is completely inconsistent with Tianluo.


  What the hell kind of name is that?

  "X, there is no limit, unknown, I feel pretty good, transformed..."

  Tian Luo shrugged, and then directly transformed, golden energy shone in the space and took shape.

  "Level lv.3."

  Once again, he took out a cassette and put it in his belt, and Genm entered the lv.3 state directly.


  Tian Luo also hesitated and said.

  Seriously, do you really need to fight again?Isn't the level difference a bit big?

  "Cassets and players that do not meet my regulations must not exist."

  With a roar, Tan Lidou charged directly towards Tian Luo.

  "Although your tone is very sincere and your meaning is in place, why do I still want to laugh?"

  Tian Luo couldn't help but complain.

  Looking at Tan Lidou who was attacking, he didn't even mean to dodge, it was too weak.

  lv.10 is so capricious.


  The two collided and made a violent noise, and Tan Lidou flew out.

  It was the second time, this was the second time that Tian Luo was knocked out, and both times he didn't fight back.

  "I'm a game administrator, you fuck me, get out of my game!!!"

  Tan Lidou got up and roared.

  The administrator was actually hanged and beaten by the player. Does anyone believe it?

  But what really happened, as an administrator, he only has lv.3, but the guy on the opposite side is already lv.10.

  How can this kind of cheating be acceptable? It completely destroys the fairness of the game.

  "Anna, you have to learn to get used to it. I have a hunch that there will definitely be a lot of people who open your game in the future. You have to be mentally prepared."

  Tian Luo waved his hand.

  He is someone who has experienced several worlds, and he definitely knows the most about the protagonist.

  How to beat monsters if you don't hang up, how to kill bosses if you don't hang up, and how to go to the pinnacle of your life if you don't hang up.

  It can only be said that all of this is destined, and it will be a matter of time for the remaining knights to hang up.

  "The ghost will believe you, and I will never let you go today, either you die or I die..."

  Tan Lidou said fiercely, and then a black wheel was thrown towards Tian Luo in his hand.

  The wheel shot at Tianluo as fast as an ordinary dart, and the energy flowing on it seemed to be able to cut people apart.

  "Props, Tempered"

  Tian Luo shook his head, then walked to a stone beside him.

  The game field at the moment is also arranged according to the exaid scene, and there will be props hidden in the surrounding stones.

  A tempered item entered Tian Luo's body, and then Tian Luo directly turned into a piece of steel.

  bang bang

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