Baosheng Yongmeng's mouth twitched after hearing this

  Thinking of Jing Feicai's sullen face every day, I really doubt how his former girlfriend lived.

  "It should be similar to what you think. Their relationship before was not as good as you imagined, but it didn't take long for Xiaoji to suffer from gaming disease..."

  Dean Jing shook his head, his expression a little sad.

  "This happened five years ago. At that time, Xiaoji didn't let us tell Fei Cai, and the one who treated Xiao Ji was the big me of the Hua family, but it failed. When Fei Cai knew, Xiao Ji was already dead. Remorse, so he became Kamen Rider..."

Chapter nine hundred and twenty third black graphite

  Jing Feicai's story is very simple, it is the story of a straight man and a lively girl in love.

  During the university period, Jing Feicai devoted all her energy to her studies, and she never left the book in her hands.

  Even if they fall in love in the end, it's the same. When other people go out for dinner and watch a movie, he is reading a book with a book in his hand. Because of this, he and Xiao Ji often have conflicts.

  "Can you look at me on a date?"

  This is one of the words that Xiao Ji said most often.

  But for Jing Feicai at that time, he never heard of it, and he still went his own way.

  Until he knew about Xiao Ji's situation, unfortunately it was too late.

  At that time, Xiao Ji was about to die, so she just disappeared in front of him.

  Jing Feicai has been living in regret ever since.

  The sweets that he hated the most have also become a must-eat every day, perhaps the only way to make him feel the existence of Xiaoji.

  "Graphite? I didn't expect this to happen."

  Hearing Dean Jing's words, Yong Meng nodded, his expression also a little lost, and he felt a little sorry for Jing Feicai.

  "You lost your ass, it's better than a guy who doesn't even have a girlfriend."

  Seeing Yong Meng's appearance, Tian Luo couldn't help rolling his eyes.

  Although the ending may not be good, there is a process for others, and they are chased.

  "Hey, what's wrong with being single? Can being single be so casually despised?"

  Yong Meng wanted to vomit blood, this blow was even more uncomfortable than just now.

  "Look at my eyes and you'll understand."

  The corners of Tian Luo's mouth were slightly raised, and then he showed a look of contempt.

  Yongmeng "..."

  So angry, like hitting someone.


  At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the inner room, and everyone looked over immediately.

  Zhi Jian showed a painful look on the girl's face, and her body gradually disappeared.

  "No, the bugster has appeared again."

  Yong Meng, who was originally angry, said anxiously.

  "Let's go, since her pressure is his boyfriend, that means she has to go to the music school, right?"

  Tian Luo nodded and left the base first.

  Yongmeng and poppy also followed after seeing this.

  In the entire base, only Dean Jing was left.


  It was still the same school. Jing Feicai, who was at the moment when Luo and the others arrived, had already come here.

  "It seems that you are in a bad mood. How can you fight like this?"

  Looking at Jing Feicai, who was a little depressed, Tian Luo said.

  "You don't have to worry about this, there is nothing that I can't cut."

  Jing Feicai said lightly.

  "This time, I can't take this guy for granted."

  Looking at the music type bugster in front of him, Yong Meng's face also became solemn.

  The three transformed at the same time, and the surrounding scene began to change, turning into a barren mountain in the blink of an eye.


  At this moment, a roar suddenly came from above.

  A black shadow appeared in front of the three of them, and upon closer inspection it turned out to be a dragon.

  "what is this?"

  Jing Feicai frowned.

  "This is a small gift specially prepared for you."

  A voice came from the side, and then a figure came out.


  However, there is something different, the original green body has turned black.

  "How did this guy become like this?"

  Yong Meng asked in surprise.

  He had seen the appearance of graphite before, and he was not used to it suddenly turning black.

  However, the graphite at the moment exudes a powerful force, dark, evil, and violent, which makes people look uncomfortable.

  "Hahaha, this is the first time I feel this kind of power. It's too strong. This time I want to take revenge."

  graphite looked at the crowd and laughed.

  This is the change brought about by the original cassette, powerful, unprecedentedly powerful, graphite feels like it can destroy anything in front of it.

  "graphite, I'm going to kill you!!!"

  At this moment, Jing Feicai had regained his senses. He looked at graphite and roared, and then rushed straight up.

  "In that case, leave the bugster to me."

  Tian Luo also went to the music bugster.

  "I'll deal with this Tianlong, but why does this suddenly appear?"

  Yongmeng's eyes turned to the magic dragon flying in the sky, but when he thought of the change in graphite, he understood that it should be because of the power of the cassette possessed by his magic dragon.

  The three suddenly separated, and the battle became hot.

  "I will never let you go, graphite..."

  Jing Feicai gritted her teeth and looked at graphite.

  The guilt that I have written for five years, the ultimate culprit is graphite, how can I not be angry.

  "I remembered, it turned out to be you, the poor guy, just as pitiful as that guy snipe."

  Seeing Jing Feicai's appearance, graphite suddenly thought of something and said with a smile.

  "Death to me!!!"

  Hearing graphite's words, Jing Feicai became even more angry, and her attacks became more and more ferocious.

  "Hahaha, it's useless, I'm not something you can deal with now, it's really pitiful... angering Longya"

  Graphite laughed out loud, the light blade flew out, and Jing Feicai also flew out.

  "Until now I can feel the feeling of that woman before she died. He seems to have dumped you, right?"

  Looking at Jing Feicai who fell to the ground, graphite said mockingly.

  "shut up!!"

  Jing Feicai stood up straight after hearing this, and then rushed towards graphite again frantically.

  "That's right. What's the use of a useless man like you?"

  "Everyone told me to shut up!!!"

  "If it were me, I wouldn't want someone like you, and I wouldn't even be able to protect my own woman."

  "Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!"

  "Hahaha, Dragon God's Sword"


  Along with graphite's laughter, Jing Feicai was knocked out again.


  On the other side, Tianluo and the music bugster are on the battlefield.

  "The rhythm of Feicai is completely controlled by graphite, and it is impossible to win like this."

  Tian Luo danced while observing the situation over Jing Feicai.

  "Hey, bastard, take it seriously!!!"

  The music bugster looked at Tian Luo angrily.

  At this moment, two dance machines appeared in front of the music bugster and Tian Luo, and the two were dancing to the rhythm.

  "Well, one foot is enough for you."

  Tian Luo waved his hand lazily.

  "Damn, don't underestimate me, let you taste the power of this uncle, ten times faster, you can't beat me!!"

  The music bugster roared, the music speed increased instantly, and the two moved like crazy.

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