"Really, how can you dance like this..."

  Poppy sighed speechlessly when he saw the state of the two.

Chapter [-]: Desperate Music Bugster

  Dance is an art composed of music and the body.

  But Tianluo and bugster are now interpreting how to turn this art into a cramp scene.

  The passionate music was accelerated to ten times, and the bodies of the two danced like convulsions.

  You can step on the ground more than a dozen times in a second, and the whole person seems to be flying.

  There were constant explosions caused by the movements of the two people around, and the ground did not vibrate for a short time, and occasionally there would be explosions and lasers.

  "Damn, I will never lose to you!!!"

  The music bugster attacked while gasping for air.

  An illusory staff rushed towards Tian Luo.

  "Hmph, don't dream of winning if you want to win, Super Earthquake."

  Tian Luo curled his lips in disdain, then stomped his feet.

  With his movements, the ground suddenly rumbled, and then the entire city shook.

  The originally flat ground suddenly cracked, and some protruding ground thorns blocked the attack of the staff.

  "Want to block me, music bomb!!!"

  Seeing this, the music bugster roared again, and suddenly many notes appeared around, and then rushed towards Tianluo.

  Some notes began to explode in Tianluo Zhoushen before they rushed over, and flames and morning suddenly filled the entire space.

  "Paradise tornado."

  Tian Luo also had a new movement at the moment, his Zhou Shen kept spinning, and a gust of wind suddenly spread out with him as the center.

  The flames and smoke were instantly blown away by the sudden dragon whirlwind, and the space became clear again.

  "Music bomb!!!"

  "Paradise Tornado"

  "Music bomb!!"

  "Paradise Tornado"







  "Bastard, you two are enough!!!"

  Just when Tianluo and the music bugster wanted to continue their competition, several roars came out at the same time.

  Tian Luo and his colleagues from bugster stopped and looked at the place where the sound came from.

  "Ah? What's the matter with you?"

  Tian Luo was startled when he saw the appearance of several people.

  After a while, not a few people actually changed their appearances.

  Not to mention graphite, he was black when he came.

  But why did the exaid brave also turn black?

  and many more……

  "poppy, you went out to make a mask? Why is it so dark?"

  Tian Luo couldn't help but ask.

  "Who do you think did this!!!"

  Poppy's face darkened and he roared.

  The ghost knows what they have just experienced.

  It was a good fight, but suddenly there was an earthquake, and after the earthquake, there was an explosion. After the explosion, the smoke and dust were all blown away.

  Back and forth more than a dozen times, if there is nothing inside the tornado, but they are outside, it all blows on them.

  After blowing it a dozen times, the three were completely dyed black by the smoke and dust.

  "Please, can you be more serious when fighting, we are in a team battle, so pay attention to your teammates~"

  Baosheng Yongmeng looked at Tian Luo helplessly.

  Fortunately, he was wearing armor, otherwise he would be as black as poppy.

  "It turns out that, but you guys look pretty good now, it's a good match for four people to stand together."

  Tian Luo nodded, then looked at the three and the graphite.

  Black Blondon, really has a sense of picture.

  "Don't be kidding, Lao Tzu is a manifestation of evolution, how can it be compared with their garbage."

  Graphite said angrily when he heard Tian Luo's words.

  "Evolution? Are you degenerate~"

  Baosheng Yongmeng pouted.


  Graphite looked at Baosheng Yongmeng angrily, and was ready to take action when there was a disagreement.

  "By the way, Yong Meng, where's the magic dragon from before?"

  Tian Luo suddenly asked Baosheng Yongmeng.

  His opponent was the Demon Dragon that day, and he hadn't seen it since it stopped.

  "That, was blown away by your tornado just now."

  Baosheng Yongmeng was silent for a while and said something lightly.

  The magic dragon flew in the sky, so the wind was the biggest, and it flew straight away.

  If they weren't lucky enough to run fast, maybe they would all fly.

  "So that's the case. If that's the case, you should quickly get rid of this guy. It's too much time wasted."

  Tian Luo nodded, then pointed to the music bugster standing in the distance.

  "Okay, let me do it."

  Yong Meng nodded.

  "Leave this to me."

  Jing Feicai on the side suddenly spoke up.

  At this moment, he was very angry in his heart, angry with his own powerlessness.

  Even if his enemy appeared in front of him, he couldn't avenge Xiao Ji.

  The gap in levels is too big, so he must become stronger. If he wants to become stronger, he can only get this lv.3 cassette.

  "OK then."

  Yong Meng nodded.

  He himself is already lv.3, so he doesn't care that much about this cassette.

  "Do you bastards think I don't exist?"

  And hearing everyone's words, graphite's anger value is almost full.

  It was too arrogant to actually say that he wanted to kill his subordinates in front of him.

  "graphite, go back."

  At this moment, a voice entered the ears of everyone, and they turned around to look and found that the black knight had come behind them at some point.

  "Why, do you think that's it?"

  graphite looked at the black knight angrily.

  "You shouldn't have come forward in this matter at all. You should also understand that even if you come out, it won't change anything."

  The black knight said lightly.

  "You don't have to worry about it, I'll handle it myself."

  graphite snorted coldly, and then disappeared directly here.

  He was still a little guilty, after all, he stole the original cassette, and the main owner appeared.

  Sure enough, let’s run first, and if it’s a big deal, I can’t go back, and I can make my own waves in the future.

  Seeing graphite leave, the black knight looked at Yongmeng and his party.

  "What do you want to do?"

  Yong Meng and Jing Feicai looked at him vigilantly.

  "Hehe, this era is destined to belong to me, exaid, brave, you will all be my pedals, making me more motivated to pursue a higher level."

  After he finished speaking, he glanced at Tian Luo, and then disappeared into the field.

  "This guy has a sick mind. He still pedals. Who does he think he is?"

  Tian Luo smiled disdainfully when he saw the back of the black knight disappearing.

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