Yongmeng "..."

  Are you showing off?It's definitely showing off, I'm so envious of people who have girlfriends...

  "What happened again yesterday?"

  Tian Luo asked Poppy who was beside him.

  "The black knight and the bugster appear again, and they appear together, two bugsters."

  Poppy said seriously.

  "and then?"

  Tian Luo also showed an expression of interest, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

  "But it's fortunate, although the black knight ran away, the two bugsters were also killed, and snipe and lazer also successfully entered lv.3."

  Poppy's serious face suddenly disappeared, and then replied with a smile.

  "It turned out to be like this, as expected."

  Tian Luo also nodded.

  Now that the average player is lv.3, the game is about to start.

  "In this case, we will deal with graphite even more, as long as he dares to come out again."

  Yong Meng said aside.

  At this moment, he is much more confident than before.

  "Indeed, but only when he comes out."

  There was also a smile on Tian Luo's face.

  At this moment, the phone in the base suddenly rang, it was Jing Feicai.

  "Moses Moses..."

  "poppy, there's a huge amount of game sick people found in the downtown block, all belonging to graphite, this guy is crazy."

  Jing Feicai's angry voice came from inside.

  "Nani? Okay, we'll be there right away."

  Poppy was shocked when he heard it.

  She didn't expect it to be like this. Before, they were infected one by one, but now it's on a large scale. Now it's troublesome.

Chapter nine hundred and twenty seventh exposed

  When everyone arrived at the scene, they did not encounter graphite, he had already run away.

  But the number of people infected by the bugster virus is very large, and it is not in one place.

  In just a few hours, there were many more patients in the surrounding hospitals.

  The country has not disclosed bugster to the outside world, so many people think it is a common fever and cold.

  However, the CR people are already in a hurry, because there are too many people, making it difficult for them to start.

  And among these people, there is also a very high status, that is the prosecutor of the Ministry of Health, Kyotaro Hyuga.

  "What's going on inside?"

  Back at the CR base, Tian Luo asked Yong Meng.

  "It's very bad. The virus in Dr. Kyotaro turned out to be a magic dragon. Just now, Feicai and I entered the game Daquan and shot, but we were stopped by the sudden appearance of graphite."

  Yong Meng's face was extremely ugly.

  Not only because of graphite, but also because of Kyotaro Hyuga.

  Kyotaro Hyuga is his savior, and it is also because of his existence that Yongmeng becomes a doctor.

  Yong Meng has always regarded him as an idol, so he must not watch Kyotaro Hyuga have an accident.

  "It turned out to be a dragon, it seems that this time you can only fight to the death."

  Tian Luo nodded.

  He also knows about Yongmeng and Hyuga Koutarou, but 560's situation this time is definitely many times more serious than the previous one.

  Using the graphite of the original cassette, plus the magic dragon in the game, this is definitely a terrifying existence.

  "So we must join forces with the Hua family and the others."

  Yong Meng said solemnly.

  After saying that, he plans to leave.

  This time, things can't be relaxed at all, whether it's for Doctor Hyuga or those infected patients.

  "Tianluo, can they really succeed in Yongmeng?"

  Watching Yongmeng leave, poppy said worriedly.

  "I don't know, it depends on this kid's ability."

  Tian Luo shook his head.

  "But why didn't you do it? You should be able to solve this matter, I can feel it, and I am familiar with the aura on your body."

  poppy said suddenly.

  "Familiar with what?"

  Tian Luo was stunned for a moment, then looked at poppy.

  "Bugster's breath, Tian Luo, are you actually a bugster?"

  poppy asked seriously.

  Tian Luo "..."

  No, does this girl feel it?

  But thinking about it, Tian Luo quickly understood that they were of the same race. If they wanted to hide and not often together, it was fine, but if it took a long time, they would definitely be discovered.

  It is also very likely that poppy has only begun to suspect in the last two days.After all, Tian Luo did not completely hide the breath of Gamedeus.

  "Haha, even knowing that I'm a bugster, how dare you say so, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

 Tian Luo suddenly looked at Poppy jokingly.

  "No, I believe in Tianluo."

  Poppy shook his head without hesitation.

  Tian Luo "..."

  What's the matter with this feeling of being trusted? Is my charm already so high?

  "Forget it, I'll help if they really can't."

  Tianluo waved his hand speechlessly, women are indeed the most troublesome, even if that woman is a bugster.

  "That's great, so I can rest assured."

  Poppy laughed happily.

  "What type of bugster was Luo that day?"

  Feeling that he finally found a similar kind, Poppy couldn't hold back a bit, and began to ask Tianluo questions.

  "I, it should be..."

  "No, Yongmeng has already fought."

  Just when Tian Luo wanted to answer, Dean Jing suddenly ran in from the door and said anxiously.

  "Is it graphite?"

  Tian Luo asked, he didn't expect to meet so quickly.

  "Yes, Feicai asked me to contact you."

  The headmaster nodded.

  Tian Luo also nodded, then looked at the observation room behind the mirror.

  Inside Kyotaro Hyuga's body slowly became transparent.As if it will disappear in the next moment.

  "Sure enough, it has already begun, let me go and see."

  Tian Luo said hello and walked out of CR.


  On the street, Tian Luo slowly walked towards the destination, and then thought about how to deal with this matter.

  Start the fight directly, or help Yongmeng collect the data of the magic dragon?

  "Well, if you can, please stop helping Baosheng Yongmeng?"

  At this moment, a word suddenly came from the side.

  Tian Luo looked in the direction of the voice, it was a young man with a game console in his hand.

  "You are... parado, I know you."

  Seeing the youth, Tian Luo said with a smile.

  "You know me?"

  Parado looked at Tian Luo in surprise.

  There are not many people who know him. Could it be that graphite said about him?

  "I got some information about you from Tan Lidou's mind, as well as that guy from Yongmeng."

  The smile on Tian Luo's face grew even stronger.

  However, Parado's face gave, and he didn't expect that he would be exposed so quickly.

  "Who the hell are you, I've never heard of it before, and the incubator on you is not something that humans can use."

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