Parado said solemnly.

  Tianluo felt really dangerous to him, as if he was naturally restrained, giving him a lot of pressure.

  "I'll keep it a secret for the time being, don't worry, if we're not enemies, I also really want to play the ultimate game. If we find out, we can play together."

  Tian Luo waved his hand to dispel Parado's hostility, and then suddenly thought of what Parado seemed to have asked just now.

  "By the way, what did you just say?"

  "I said you don't want to help Yong Meng anymore. He won't be able to grow up like this. I want to wait for him to grow up and play games together."

  Parado said with a very ugly face.

  Because of the appearance of Tianluo, Baosheng Yongmeng's ordeal is much less, but this is not what Parado wants to see.

  Continue to encounter hardships, then grow, and then continue to evolve from the battle, this is what he wants to see.

  So this feeling of eternal dream being protected is not what Parado wants to see.

  "It turns out that, but I just promised poppy, if Yongmeng is in danger, I will take action."

  Tian Luo said in distress.

  "You don't have to come in this situation, I will also take action."

  Parado said after listening.

  "That's good, then I'll make soy sauce."

  Tian Luo agreed.

  It's stupid to disagree with this kind of thing that you don't need to be a nanny.

  "Oh, by the way, how was the data collection of Tan Lidou's death?"

  Thinking of something, Tian Luo suddenly asked.

  "It's almost done, but he still wants to go further into the x state."

  Parado didn't hide it, even if he didn't say Tianluo and Ding, there was a way to know.

  "Well, if there is any difficulty, I can help him, then I'll go first."

  After nodding, Tian Luo walked towards the distance, leaving behind a serious parado.

Chapter [-]: Rampage and Problems

  "Ah, it looks like a fight has already started."

  When they came to the place where Yongmeng and the others were fighting, Tianluo directly entered the game field.

  However, the battle at this moment has become white-hot, and Jing Feicai and the Hua family are all there.

  And at the moment Tianluo entered the game, the magic dragon in the sky has been transformed into data and integrated into the golden cassette in Yongmeng's hand.

  "Tianluo, I succeeded..."

  Seeing Tian Luo come in, Yong Meng shouted excitedly.

  The action this time is far from what was expected, and there must be internal contradictions.

  The Hua family is not here to help at all, but to snatch the cassette in his hand.

  But fortunately, in the end, he still won and successfully defeated the dragon.

  But Tianluo once said that this is an online game, how is it connected?

  "You don't have to think about being online. You should solve this guy's business first."

  Tian Luo saw what Yong Meng said and pointed to the graphite of one person versus three people.

  Even though all of them have been upgraded to lv.3, the result has been unable to stop the fate of being hanged by graphite.

  "There's no way to win graphite at all if it goes on like this, that's all there is to it."

  Yong Meng also understood the seriousness of the matter, he hesitated and looked at the cassette in his hand.

  "Hey, don't you want to use it alone?"

  Tian Luo said in surprise.

  But the next moment he knew that he had guessed correctly, and Yong Meng inserted the cassette directly.

  "What a guy who likes to mess around. It seems that I have to run farther."

  Tian Luo shrugged helplessly.

  Kamen Riders or something really are some guys who like to fool around.

  On the other side, Jing Feicai and the others also noticed the abnormality of Yong Meng, and they all stopped the movements in their hands.

  "Big big...transformed"

  Yong Meng had already moved the belt at this moment, and with the move of the belt, a magic dragon ran out of the cassette, which was the one that was subdued before.

  At this moment, the magic dragon is no longer the irritable before, looking at Yongmeng below and rushing directly.

  The next moment became a set of armor and put it on Exaid.

  Dragon head, dragon body, dragon sword, dragon cannon.

  At the moment, the exaid has been fully armed and looks extremely powerful.

  "This is the power of lv.5..."

  Seeing this, everyone showed a surprised expression. Just standing there can already feel the power of this armor.


  Suddenly, the originally calm Exaid trembled violently, and a layer of black mist appeared on his body.

  "How is this going?"

  Jing Feicai frowned.

  "Sure enough, this guy can't control the power of lv.5 at all."

  Tian Luo in the distance shook his head helplessly.

  This kind of forcible use is very harmful to the body.


  Exaid roared again, and the next moment a powerful flame suddenly spewed out of the dragon head.

  Graphite, Jing Feicai, the big self of the flower family, and Kuriya Kujo, all of these people are within the attack range.

  "What the hell is this guy doing?"

  Seeing this, Kuriya Kujo hurriedly fled to the side, and then wiped off the cold sweat that could not be wiped off at all.


  There was no time for everyone to react, and at this moment, Exaid had already rushed towards graphite.

  The speed is very fast, and it is in front of graphite in the blink of an eye.


  A punch hit graphite, accompanied by lightning, and graphite flew out directly.

  "Damn, how can it be so strong, this guy..."

  Climbing up from the ground, graphite stared solemnly at Exaid in a rampant state.


  There was another roar, and the flames struck again.


  The surrounded people were all blasted out.

  "Bastard, you are lucky this time!!"

  Looking at exaid angrily, graphite finally left in a huff.

  I am most afraid of fighting this madman, even if I kill myself.

  The graphite disappeared, and Exaid's gaze also turned to the three people who fell to the ground, but the next moment he fell too.

  The armor was forcibly removed, otherwise it would be dangerous to continue like this.

  Tian Luo came to Yong Meng's side in an instant, and saw that his life was not in danger and smiled a little.

  Several other people also lifted their armor, and the surrounding fields disappeared.

  However, the important task of returning to the real world was silent, and they all looked at the unconscious Baosheng Yongmeng.

  This time it can be said to be very embarrassing, not only did not beat graphite, but also was abused by the runaway Baosheng Yongmeng.

  They are all geniuses in various fields, and this blow is not small.

  "You win this time, I'll go first."

  With a cold voice, the Hua family left here.

  "Since this is the case, I have nothing to do with me, let's see you later."

  Kuriya Kujo smiled and waved his hand.

  Only Jing Feicai and Tian Luo were left in the field.

  Jing Feicai stared at Baosheng Yongmeng, then slowly came to Tian Luo to support him.

  "Let's go."

  "it is good"

  Tian Luo smiled, and then supported Baosheng Yongmeng back with a trace.


  "What's wrong with me?"

  Waking up from the hospital bed, Yong Meng looked around in confusion.

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