Genm looked at Baosheng Yongmeng and Tian Luo, and then said in a deep voice.

  And Solti's data has been collected by him.

  "That guy is the real genm."

  Yongmeng also recovered, and then looked at genm solemnly.

  "It's more interesting if it's not over."

  Tian Luodao just smiled at genm's threat, which is exactly what he wanted.

  Genm disappeared, and Tian Luo also released his transformation.

  Miss Yamanaka also woke up Zhou Ping, but things changed a bit, for example, Zhou Ping, who could have been discharged from the hospital, was hospitalized again.

  The legs that haven't been healed just now have an accident again, but it's not a big problem.

  Everything was done, and Yong Meng finally found Tian Luo.

  "Tianluo, what happened just now, why are you able to generate genm?"

  Yong Meng looked at Tian Luo suspiciously.He has already determined that Tian Luo is not a genm, so he is no longer vigilant.

  "Because my game can mimic."

  Tian Luo smiled and shrugged.


  "Yes, as long as I have the opponent's data, I can become another knight, like this."

  Tian Luo directly transformed, and the surrounding became an open space.

  At the moment, Tianluo's transformation is in the lv.3 state of lazer, which is exactly the same. If Yongmeng hadn't seen it himself, he would have thought that it was Kujo Guiriya and joked with him again.

  "This is... too powerful, isn't it?"

  Yong Meng looked at Tian Luo in shock, and then planned to see the flaw, but he didn't see it for a long time.

  No flaws, no way to tell. …

  "However, I don't collect much genm, so there may be some discrepancies in the shape. You should be able to tell it by looking at your head."

  Tian Luo once again changed into the genm state and said.

  "Well, it's clear, why didn't you say it earlier, you know I was scared to death just when I saw it."

  Yong Meng nodded, and then patted his chest with lingering fears.

  When he thought that Tian Luo was a genm, he was really taken aback. Fortunately, the real genm finally came out, otherwise he would really misunderstand Tian Luo.

  "This is also the ability that has just been developed in the past few days, and it looks good."

  Tian Luo smiled and stretched.

  "Cough, that, Tian Luo, can you help me get one too?"

  Yong Meng coughed dryly after hearing this, and then asked expectantly.


  Tian Luo directly refused.

  Yongmeng "..."

  So simple, so angry...

  "Okay, I'll go back first."

  Without paying any attention to Yongmeng, Tianluo walked towards the door.


  Seeing this, Yong Meng could only helplessly shrug.


  "Husband, hand me that lantern."


  "Husband, there's no soy sauce in the kitchen, go buy some."




  "Sure enough, I shouldn't have come back."

  After everything was done, Tian Luo lay there helplessly.

  If there are no men and women in the family, it will definitely be a fast group to do things, but as long as he comes back on 5.4, it is very good, all of them are weak little women, and they will not do anything.

  "It's been another year, husband, are you happy?"

  Wakana came to Tianluo and sat down, then asked with a smile.

  "Yeah, another year..."

  Tian Luo nodded, then looked out the window.

  It was already dark, but the streets were still lively.

  Christmas, it's been another year.

  I don't know how long it has been since I came to this world, and time has not been able to cause them any trouble.

  More and more ties of their own, has formed a big family.

  "Happy, very happy."

  Looking at the girls, Tian Luo smiled and nodded.

  "Really? Is it your time to eat today's meal..."

  Wakana asked thoughtfully.

  Tian Luo "..."

  Damn, I'm not happy now.

Chapter [-] Yongmeng's Choice

  "Breakthrough, magic, locomotive, shooting, plus graphite, and you, there are already six bugsters, soon..."

  Oh Dream Group headquarters, Tan Lidou said with a smile while sitting in the office.

  Beside him was Parado, and the two chatted each and every sentence.

  "It's very fast, but it's not so easy to find the remaining bugsters. After all, bugsters are not so easy to be born."

  Parado nodded, then looked at the crowd below.

  "And we still have a knife on our heads, you and I can't beat that guy no matter what."

  Thinking of Tianluo, even Parado felt a sense of powerlessness, and that magical creative ability has already left them behind.

  "Don't worry, there is no undefeated enemy under my divine talent. I can't do it at level 100 and I still have level 1000. I suddenly feel that it seems good to have someone blocking the way in front of me, at least it is better than standing alone. more."

  Tan Lidou suddenly smiled and said.

  At this moment, he is more relaxed than ever, even better than when Tianluo did not appear.

  He is number one in the world, and 15 would be too boring if it was just him.

  "You guy..."

  Parado really couldn't understand what Tan Lidou was thinking about. He looked like he was pissed to death before, but now he seems to see through the red dust.

  "I really look forward to the moment when the world can't be separated from the game, no, it should be said that the world at that time has become a game, whether it is a knight or him, it is just a part of the game, and I will detach from the game. …”

  Tan Lidou looked at the crowd below excitedly.

  Coming and going, everyone seems to be very happy, and it's a little annoying to be happy.

  "Yeah, human beings are too fragile, and they really die when they die. It's not like we can be resurrected. I'm also looking forward to when they all become bugsters."

  Parado also smiled and nodded, then looked at the table beside him.

  "This is……"

  Suddenly parado saw a black cassette.

  The cassette is solid black without any writing.

  However, the width of this one cassette is comparable to two, which looks very strange.

  "This is the cassette you used to collect data when you made the cassette, but it's useless because of the appearance of the x, it's enough to collect from that guy."

  Seeing this, Tan Lidou explained.

  "Use this to collect data? From where?"

  parado asked again.

  "From the bugster body."

  "Isn't it good for humans?"

  "No, because the bugster virus is condensed on this cassette, so as long as humans use it, bang~"

  Tan Lidou made an explosive gesture and laughed.

  "So that's the case, then leave this to me."

  Parado nodded, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

  "what are you planning to do?"

  Seeing this, Tan Lidou asked.

  "Play games, very special games."

  Parado shook his head and disappeared into the office.

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