"What the hell is this guy doing?"

  Looking at where Parado disappeared, Tan Lidou pondered.


  "Tianluo, why are you so unmotivated?"

  The next day, Tian Luo got up and went to the CR base.

  Yong Meng asked Tian Luo with some doubts.

  "It's too late, and it's too exhausting, you won't know anyway."

  Tian Luo waved his hand in the name of Hache.

  Yongmeng, who was excited to say hello just now, turned petrified in an instant, and he felt a deep malice from the world.

  "By the way, Tan Lidou has not been in contact with him recently. After all, he is also a partner of the Ministry of Health."

  Tian Luo looked at Poppy again and asked.

  "The president just said Merry Christmas yesterday, and then nothing happened."

  poppy said.

  "He's really a boring person, and he didn't invite everyone out for a meal together."

  Tian Luo shrugged indifferently.

  I guess that guy is still worrying about how to get to level [-].

  "What about Fei Cai?"

  "There was an emergency patient just now, and Fei Cai is undergoing an operation."

  "Well, being a doctor is really a tough job."

  Tian Luo nodded thoughtfully.

  "Aren't you a doctor too? Why don't you have the temperament of a doctor."

  Baosheng Yongmeng also stood up and said helplessly when he heard Tian Luo's words.

  Tian Luo can be said to be the most relaxed one of them. He can do whatever he wants and is free.

  However, Yongmeng didn't envy anything, after all, if you choose this profession, you must do your due diligence, although you have also fantasized about being like Tianluo.

  "this is……"

  Suddenly, Yong Meng saw a document bag in Tian Luo's hand and asked.

  "This is where I met Kuriya Kujo at the door. He asked me to hand it over to you. I haven't seen it."

  Tian Luo handed the document package to Yong Meng.

  In fact, you don't need to look at him to already know what's inside.

  This is some information from Koriya Kujo's investigation, about the operation sixteen years ago.

  Anyway, it probably means that the operation was not easy, there may be a conspiracy, and the master of the conspiracy is the doctor who Yong Meng admires most.

  "Impossible, Mr. Koutarou can't lie to me, that guy Kiyoshi will definitely lie again."

  Sure enough, seeing the document, Yong Meng immediately showed a shocked look on his face, and then shook his head.

  Killing him would make it impossible to believe that Hyuga Koutarou would lie to him, who was the person he admired the most.

  Compared to Kyotaro Hyuga, Kuriya Kujo is the guy who most deceives people.

  "What on earth is that guy Kuriya trying to do? Why are you trying to provoke me and Mr. Kyotaro?"

  Yong Meng said solemnly.

  "It's really a tragedy."

  Tian Luo silently rubbed the 577 acupoints of the sun.

  What is this called, a typical wolf coming story.

  There are too many deceitful people. Now no one believes the truth.

  However, this does not mean that Kujo Takaraya is right, because Tianluo knows that Yongmeng's affairs are not too related to Hyuga Koutarou.

  "Just don't be influenced by the outside world, just follow your original thoughts."

  Looking at the dignified Yongmeng, Tian Luo shook his head and said.

  He can't get involved in this matter, and the only thing he can do is Yongmeng. It's up to him to believe it or not.

  "I see……"

  Yong Meng nodded, then sat down silently.

  Although he didn't believe it, this kind of content still made him feel a little ups and downs, and he needed to calm down.

  "Tianluo, what do you think is going on?"

  Poppy walked over to Tian Luo and asked in a low voice.

  "Don't interfere in this matter, let him think for himself, there will always be results."

  Tian Luo shook his head again.

  "Yeah, but it's kind of boring~"

  Poppy nodded, and then looked at the empty base with some decadence.

  "How about... let's play games?"

  Tian Luo looked at Poppy and said suddenly.

  "Hey? No, I'm very tired~"

  "It's okay, just play."

  "Hate, slow down..."

  So, during Yongmeng's thinking, Tianluo and Poppy played happily.

Chapter [-] The battle between Gui Liya and Tan Lidou

  "No, there are infected people again."

  Dean Jing's exclamation came from outside the door, and the three people who were originally quiet came back to their senses.

  Yong Meng also put away the confused look, and then showed a serious look on his face.

  "President, where are people?"

  "It has been delivered, and it will be here soon."

  The headmaster explained.

  "Okay, let's prepare first."

  Yong Meng nodded, then opened the various medical equipment in the room.

  "I didn't expect it to appear so soon."

  Tianluo looked at the busy Yongmeng thoughtfully.

  Soon, the door of CR was opened again, and a group of people walked in with the patient.

  "You better go out, Dean."

  Seeing the patient, Poppy hurriedly kicked out the idle people and other people on the side, which made Dean Jing suddenly depressed.

  The three of Tian Luo also began to check the symptoms.

  This is a middle-aged man, Kazuki Shirakawa, who looks like he is in his twenties or thirties, but he is very energetic and doesn't look sick at all.

  "Mr. Baihe's mentality is very good. In this case, the bugster will not be able to get pressure."

  Tian Luo laughed aside.

  "There's no way, it's just a dying person, and I've seen it all through."

  Shirakawa Kazuki smiled and said.


  Hearing Shirakawa Kazuki's words, the three of Tianluo squatted up and looked confused, what's the situation?

  "Don't be surprised, I am also a knight, a surgeon in the gastroenterology department."

  Seeing the surprised expressions of the three, Shirakawa Kazuki explained.

  "Then what did Mr. Baihe mean just now?"

  Yong Meng asked quickly.

  Although Shirakawa Kazuki kept laughing again, he could feel a trace of despair in his heart.

  "I have pancreatic cancer..."

  After being silent for a while, Kazuki Shirakawa spoke slowly.

  Yongmeng "..."

  poppy "..."

  Except for Tian Luo's expressionless expression, both Yong Meng froze.

  Pancreatic cancer is a tumorous cancer.

  Cancer, cancer can be said to be the most terrifying disease now, no matter what kind of cancer it is, the hope of cure is very slim.

  Pancreatic cancer, which requires surgery to remove the tumor.

  However, the risk of surgery is very high, and even the most famous surgeon has only one percent chance of completing it.

  This is also the reason why Shirakawa Kazuki has given up. He is a surgeon himself, so he understands the risks of surgery.

  You can live a few more days without surgery. With surgery, there is a [-]% chance that you can't even give birth to hope.

  "So don't worry about me, just let me go on like this, there's not much time anyway."

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