Looking at the three of them, Kazuki Shirakawa smiled and waved his hand.

  "How can this be possible? We are doctors, and we can't give up even one percent of our hopes."

  Baosheng Yongmeng suddenly said.

  "I'm also a doctor, I understand what the result will be, don't cause trouble to others."

  Shirakawa Kazuki shook his head.

  He knew all the surgeons in this hospital.

  The genius surgeon Jing Feicai could actually let him come, but Shirakawa Kazuki didn't want to.

  For a gifted doctor, fame is crucial.

  If Shirakawa Kazuki died in Jing Feicai's surgical gown, then Jing Feicai would have a black spot on his back.

  This was what Kazuki Shirakawa didn't want to see, so he kept silent.

  "No, there must be a way. I will definitely make Mr. Baihe smile again."

  Baosheng Yongmeng nodded seriously, then walked towards the door.

  Tianluo knew what he wanted to do, but he didn't stop it.

  "It's really troublesome~"

  Shaking his head in distress, Tian Luo sat down depressed.

  Why didn't anyone think of him.

  Could it be that he, a genius surgeon, can't compare to mirror flying colors.

  Why was Jing Feicai the first thing that Yong Meng thought of about this kind of thing?

  Well, even if the certificate is bought, people are really talented.

  It's just cancer, it's easy to get rid of.

  At this moment, Tian Luo's phone suddenly lit up.

  This is an email sent by Kuriya Kujo.

  The content is very simple, he went to Tan Lidou to settle the account.

  "I go"

  Tian Luo scolded and stood up.

  "Tian Luo, what's wrong with you?"

  Poppy and Shirakawa Kazuki looked at Tian Luo at the same time.

  "I have something to go out for a while, you guys should be treated first."

  Tian Luo shook his head, then walked out speechless.

  That guy Kuriya Kujo went to Tan Li to fight, did he make a mistake?

  At the very least, you must be self-aware. If you can beat others, go to him.

  lv.3 has to deal with lv.10, who is locked in blood, are you giving it away?

  "Is this guy's brain caught in the door?"

  With a sigh, Tian Luo immediately found out the current location of Kuriya Kujo.

  Although I haven't known each other for a long time, he quite likes the character of Kujo Tiki Riya, so I can't watch him go to death.

  Quickly out of the hospital, Tian Luo's figure slowly disappeared from the crowd.


  An abandoned factory.

  Kuriya Kujo was standing there quietly waiting for something.

  The next moment a voice came out, and Tan Lidou really came too.

  The two just looked at each other so quietly, neither of them said a word.

  After a long time, Tan Lidou couldn't bear it any longer.

  "What did you call me to do?"

  "What do you do? President, you don't understand, right? No, it should be genm."

  Kujo Guiriya looked at Tan Lidou jokingly.

  He already knew about Tan Lidou's identity, but he didn't tell Yongmeng them, because it was too dangerous to do so.

  If Tan Lidou knew that his identity was exposed, he would definitely fight back, so he might as well just quietly get rid of him.

  "You are really smart, but don't you know that smart people generally don't live long?"

  A smile appeared on Tan Lidou's mouth.

  If it was before, he might still hide it, but now it is different, and it is no longer necessary.

  Because he has now reached x, the realm of energy unknown and immortal.

  Even if Tian Luo came, it would be impossible to really kill him.

  Compared with Tianluo, Kujo Guiriya was nothing in Tan Lidou's eyes, not even qualified to challenge him.

  "But since you're here, then I'll give you a chance, so that you can die clearly."

  With the belt on, Tan Lidou took out the zombie cassette, and the black mist instantly wrapped him.


  Kuriya Kujo also transformed directly upon seeing this.

  The lv.3 cassette successfully transformed him into a human form.

  "Tan Lidou, I want to avenge Chunwu."

  Kujo Guiriya roared angrily, and then quickly rushed towards Tan Lidou.

  "Hahaha, that friend of yours, I know, but he didn't seem to have died because of the bugster virus. He died accidentally. This is your responsibility..."

  Tan Lidou laughed after hearing this.

Chapter [-] Sorry, you have a virus

  Jungo is a close friend of Kuriya Kujo.

  But five years ago, he contracted game disease.

  At that time, it was not long after the game disease emerged, and there was no cure at all, which was equivalent to a terminal illness.

  At that time, Kuriya Kujo didn't think too much, but told Jungo all the truth.

  So Jungo completely fell into despair, and died not long after that.

  It wasn't the bugster virus that killed him, but an accident, or maybe Jungo's desperation caused this accident.

  Since then, Kuriya Kujo has fallen into deep self-blame, and if he hadn't told Jungo the truth at that time, there might still be a glimmer of hope.

  He never dared to tell the truth again, and ended up being a nasty liar.

  However, he didn't care much about such an evaluation, but stopped his forensic work and started investigating the bugster incident.

  Accidents and endgames caused by bugsters, Kujo Guiriya finally got a clue, that is the Dream Group.

  Then he also discovered that genm's real body turned out to be Tan Lidou, the current president of the Dream Group.

  The truth had come out, and he couldn't take it any longer.

  However, things often don't go as planned.

  "Hahaha, you must be very embarrassed right now, but this is something you can't do. 180 You are too weak, how can you avenge your friend?"

  Looking at Jiujo Guiriya who fell to the ground, Tan Lidou laughed mockingly.

  "Bastard, how could this be..."

  Kujo Kiriya gritted his teeth and looked at Tan Lidou.

  He could have killed Tan Lidou just now, but it turned out that Tan Lidou actually came back to life again.

  The body of immortality, is there really a body of immortality?

  "How can a guy like you understand me, who is beyond the limit of death, I am a god, the god who rules you!!"

  Tan Lidou laughed wildly again.

  Sure enough, he is still a god, without that bastard, he is invincible.

  So happy, this is the power of God, who can kill those humble people at will.

 "Bah, a guy like you still wants to be a god? Stop dreaming."

  Hearing Tan Lidou's words, Kujo Guiri Ya pouted in disdain.

  Even if this madman becomes a god, it is only a demon, and it will only bring disaster to the world.

  "You don't need to worry about this. After all, you can't see it anymore. Although you don't need to hide your identity anymore, it's better for a little mouse like you who almost destroyed my plan to disappear completely."

  Tan Lidou shook his head, then walked towards Kujo Guiriya on the ground.

  The matter is a foregone conclusion, the lv.3 lazer has no room for resistance at all.

  "Go to hell with remorse, this is the end of going against God..."

  Picking up the scythe that Lazer dropped on the ground, Tan Lidou slowly raised it.

  The black energy condensed on the sickle, just like the death god reaps life.

  "Are you going to die?"

  Kuriya Kujo also closed his eyes, and at this moment he didn't even have the strength to struggle.

  "go to hell……"

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