"Leave people under the knife!!!"

  Just as Tan Lidou was about to attack, a loud roar suddenly entered the ears of the two of them.

  The door of the abandoned factory was suddenly opened, and a figure walked in slowly.

  White armor is worn on the body, and the sun shines on it, filling the holy world.

  Similar to genm, but it feels extreme, dark and light.



  Kuriya Kujo was a little puzzled, but Tan Lidou became gritted his teeth.

  The chain fell at a critical moment, why did this guy appear again?

  "Really, your behavior of sending people's heads is really bad."

  Tianluo shrugged helplessly, looking at Kujo Guiriya with resentment.

  "I, I didn't expect this guy to be so strong."

  Kujo Guiriya also smiled helplessly.

  "Okay, you leave first, I'll leave it here."

  Tian Luo didn't say anything else, and asked Kujo Guiriya to release the transformation quickly.

  His health is about to go out, and if he doesn't release his transformation, it will be over.

  "If you want to escape, have you asked me!!"

  Hearing Tian Luo's words, Tan Lidou looked at Tian Luo angrily.

  "Scene change."

  Tianluo didn't answer, and directly switched the game field, the warehouse became a beach, and Kujo Guiriya also disappeared.


  Tan Lidou almost vomited blood.

  Obviously it has been successful, but Tianluo, the whole thing is over when you came, so didn't you just come today?

  "Bastard, don't go too far. If you irritate me, we will die together. I will also tell CR them your identity. This is not what you want to see, right?"

  There is no way to defeat Tianluo by force, so Tan Lidou can only force him, otherwise he will be too passive.

  "That's it, I didn't even think of it if you didn't say it."

  Tian Luo nodded thoughtfully, then took out the main control panel, and then double-clicked on it.

  "OK, now you say a try."

  Tian Luo nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Tan Li Dou Dao.

  "What do you mean?"

  Tan Lidou was stunned.

  "Sorry, you have a virus."

  Tian Luo said honestly.


  Tan Lidou looked at Tian Luo in disbelief.

  "From the moment you enter the game body, you have been connected to the game, and you have become a part of the game, that is, data."

  Tian Luo revealed a sinister smile and said again.

  "And I made adjustments to your body and implanted a command virus, a new type, there is no way to expel it with your current strength."

  "You and I……"

  "Relax, this bugster virus is different and doesn't affect your body. However, it has given you an order that you can't reveal my identity, including writing, before I expel it. If you don't believe me, try it."

  Tian Luo's smile grew even stronger.

  "Impossible, how could there be such a virus, you are woo woo..."

  Tan Lidou didn't believe it, but the next moment he was speechless and could only scream.

  "Are you kidding me, how could I, you bastard..."

  Unable to speak again, Tan Lidou almost vomited blood in depression.

  It's so weird, I really can't tell Tian Luo's identity.

  Unknown virus, it is unreasonable to research other viruses without the consent of the game administrator...

  "Okay, it's over, I'm leaving too, you can play by yourself."

  Tian Luo smiled and left the game field.

  The matter is over, and Tan Lidou has also learned a lesson, there is no need to stay.

  Tan Lidou looked at Tian Luo's disappearing figure and widened his eyes, filled with anger.

  "Tianluo, you are my father... woo?"

  Cursing angrily, Tan Lidou suddenly reacted, and then froze in disbelief. What did he just say?

  "By the way, I hate being called Laozi in front of me the most, so you have to be careful, otherwise...hehehe."

  The sound of laughter echoed in the game field, and Tan Lidou didn't speak for a long time, just silently took out the cassette.

Chapter [-] The meeting between Yongmeng and Parado

  [According to media reports, the mysterious game virus has struck again, causing panic among the general public. I hope the Ministry of Health can handle it properly...]

  In the CR base, watching the news on TV, everyone fell into silence.

  It has been a week since the last incident with Kazuki Shirakawa.

  After Yongmeng's prayers, Jing Feicai finally took action, one to treat gaming disease and one to treat Shirakawa Kazuki's pancreatic cancer.

  The final operation was very successful. Not only was the game disease gone, but Kazuki Shirakawa's body was also successfully treated. It can be said that everyone is happy.

  But before they were happy for long, one troublesome thing struck again.

  The game virus has begun to spread again, and it is still on a large scale. No one knows who will be sick the next moment. The one who can give birth to b_ugster.

  They all know that the murderer behind all this is genm, but they can't do anything about it, because until now they don't know the true face of genm.

  "It seems that this guy has been looking for bugsters on a large scale. Has the game finally reached the final step?"

  Tian Luo muttered thoughtfully.

  Chronicle needs a lot of bugsters, and the ones that have appeared so far are obviously not enough, so Tan Lidou can only use this most labor-saving method to find bugsters.

  However, this seems to have gone too far. Sure enough, geniuses are all lunatics, and their concept of life is obviously different from that of ordinary people.

  You can even experiment with your own life at will, not to mention these ordinary people.

  "I have to be busy again~"

  Sighing, Tian Luo shrugged helplessly.

  "No, a patient has been born with a bugster."

  Just when everyone was silent, Dean Jing's voice came from outside, sounding anxious.

  "Hurry up and send it over, and the excision will be carried out immediately."

  Jing Feicai said solemnly.

  Soon the patient was brought in. It was a little boy, and his body had shown the characteristics of game sickness.

  "Start the operation."

  Yong Meng and Jing Feicai took out their belts at the same time, and then planned to perform surgery.

  But at this moment, the TV screen suddenly lit up, and a figure appeared on the screen.

  "Don't do it yet, Yong Meng, I need your help."


  Yongmeng and the others looked at the person on the screen in surprise, it turned out to be Tan Lidou.

  "What are you going to do, President?"

  Yong Meng asked suspiciously.

  It can't be delayed now, this child may run wild at any time.

  "I found some clues about the virus, it's very important, maybe it's about genm, so now bring this child to the park square right now..."

  Tan Lidou said anxiously.

  "genm... Park Plaza? I see."

  Yong Meng nodded solemnly.

  Although he didn't know what Tan Lidou was going to do, he could feel that things were serious and he couldn't waste time.

  "Let's go together."

  Jing Feicai also nodded, then picked up the child, and the three of them, except Tian Luo, left CR quickly together with the dean.

  "So...you were deceived so easily?"

  Sitting on the side, looking at Tan Lidou who suddenly turned into an evil smile on the screen, Tian Luo asked speechlessly.

  What can he do, he can only blame Tan Lidou for acting so well.

  Coupled with his status as the president of the Dream Group, most people would not doubt him.

  "Hahaha, sure enough, except for you, dealing with them is as easy as beating up children for me."

  Tan Lidou on the screen laughed proudly.

  "And then, what do you want to do, directly reveal your identity?"

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