Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 128: First Flight (Update 1)

Kadoya Saya never thought that she would go so far when she went out for the first time since she was ten years old.

When she was a child, she always felt sincerely envious whenever she saw her brother Monyaji traveling to other worlds.

But now, her inner expectations have been fulfilled - her new brother, Nobuhiko Akizuki, was worried about her safety because he wanted to save an important person, so he took her to another world.

Because there was no time to delay, Nobuhiko handed her his mobile phone and told her to show the video on the phone to a woman named Reiko Shiratori when she arrived at her destination.

The situation was so urgent that Nobuhiko, after his transformation, didn't even have time to hear her answer before he left her side.

The highly intelligent Surprised Locust carried Kadoya Saya to Kotaro's house.

This was the first time Xiaoye went to an unfamiliar place alone. She got out of the car cautiously, holding her cell phone tightly in both hands, looking at the door she arrived at for the first time, hesitantly daring to step forward.

Want to knock on the door? Or ring the doorbell?

What should we call each other after meeting? Sister Baitiao?

What if she's not home?

For a moment, messy thoughts were playing out in Xiaoye's mind. She had never talked to a stranger alone in ten years, and she was extremely nervous at this moment.


Xiaoye took a deep breath and kept telling herself that this was her first time going out and it was something she had to experience, so she must do it well!

Thinking of this, she came to the front door of the house, then gritted her teeth and pressed the doorbell.

Jingle Bell·······

The crisp doorbell rang, and then there were rapid footsteps in the house. The door opened, and a woman who looked about twenty-five years old, dressed in casual clothes, and with a haggard face ran out and shouted:


That anxious look made Xiaoye take a step back subconsciously.

The woman also realized that the person in front of her was not the partner she had longed for, and she was a little confused. However, she saw the fearful emotion on Xiaoye's face, and quickly showed a gentle smile and asked softly:

"Is there a problem?"

"Well, um...I want to find Ms. Shiratori Reiko..."

"Well, I am, who are you?"

Shiratori Reiko's gentle smile made Xiaoye relax unconsciously, and she replied:

"My name is Menya Xiaoye. Brother Qiuyue asked me to come to you."

"Akiyuki...is this Nobuhiko?"

"Well, this is for you."

Saying that, Xiaoye opened her phone, called up Nobuhiko's video and handed it to Reiko Shiratori.

"Lingzi, Xiaoye is my...sister. She will ask you to take care of her first. Don't worry, I will bring Kotaro back."

The short video made Reiko Shiratori feel relieved. She turned off her phone and gave it back to Xiao Ye:

"Saya, right? I'm Nobuhiko's friend Reiko Shiratori, come on, come inside and sit down."

With that said, Shiratori Reiko took Xiaoye in.

Xiaoye sat on the sofa and looked at the decoration in the room curiously. This was the first time she had been to someone else's house in ten years. She felt a little scared and a little... curious.

"What to drink? Juice or tea?"

"Just black tea."

"Okay, I just made a pot before."

Reiko placed the teacup in front of Xiaoye, looked at Xiaoye's embarrassed look, smiled slightly, and said softly:

"Just treat this place as your own home. Nobuhiko and Kotaro are brothers, so there is nothing to worry about."

"Kotaro? Does Brother Qiuyue have any brothers?"

"Well, although there is no blood relationship, he is better than a biological brother. Kotaro was adopted by Nobuhiko's father. They grew up together, studied together, and lived together..."

As she said that, Shiratori Reiko couldn't help but fall into memories.

Although most of the information related to Nobuhiko was told to her by Kotaro, this kind of close relationship is really desirable.

Xiaoye unknowingly relaxed and listened to Shiratori Reiko telling her new brother's past.

This is a very novel experience. To her, Nobuhiko is familiar and mysterious. He comes to her like a god who heard the girl pray, and in the past few years, he has It left an indelible impression on her mind.

Some time ago, she also discovered another side of Nobuhiko - the stern side.

In a different way of taking care of Kadoyaji, her brother, he opened up another path in life for her and made her understand that her future would not be trapped in a nest.

Now, Xiao Ye unexpectedly heard about Nobuhiko's past from Reiko, which made her concentrate. Reiko started from the acquaintance with Kotaro, and then the invasion of the Clexis Empire. Speaking of that period, Reiko was also a little scared. .

However, Xiao Ye captured one thing:

"Are Kotaro-san and Nobuhiko-san both Kamen Riders?"

When she left the world, she witnessed the moment when Nobuhiko transformed.

"Do you know it too?"

Reiko was not much surprised. She had roughly guessed this:

"Well, I don't know why they turned into Kamen Riders, but I do know that people who become Kamen Riders must also be burdened with things that are unimaginable to ordinary people. When we fought against the Chrysis Empire, many times, I I can only stay at home and wait for their return, but I can’t do anything.”


Hearing this, Xiaoye's eyes flashed with a figure - the brother who left in a hurry with a nonchalant smile that morning.

For some reason, after hearing Shiratori Reiko's story, she instinctively thought of this scene.

Shiratori Reiko didn't notice Xiaoye's strangeness, she smiled bitterly:

"Well, some things can only be fought by themselves, I can only open the door and say one sentence when they return from the battle - welcome back, just like now."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang again, Shiratori Reiko sat up reflexively, hurriedly walked towards the door, Xiaoye followed closely.

When they opened the door, as expected, it was Nobuhiko who appeared in front of the two, and there was another person they didn't know.

That should be Mr. Kotaro.

Xiaoye thought in her heart, looking at Shiratori Reiko who was hugging Kotaro tightly, and then looked at Nobuhiko, he smiled and said:

"I'm back."

And Xiaoye said a little unskillfully:

"Well, welcome, welcome back..."

That night, many people came. According to Nobuhiko, they were all his relatives and friends. The whole family was lively. When they heard that Xiaoye was Nobuhiko's sister, although they were surprised, they also expressed welcome and friendliness.

This was a feeling that Xiaoye had never experienced before, and she was very happy. It was an experience that she had never had in ten years.

Uncle Sawara took Nobuhiko's hand and listened to his experience in the past few years.

The party lasted until late at night, and the Sawara family and others left. Nobuhiko and Xiaoye stayed at Kotaro's house tonight.

"Xiaoye, it's late, it's time to go to bed."

Looking at Xiaoye standing at the window and looking up at the moonlight, Nobuhiko reminded her.

Xiaoye turned around with a smile on her face, and she said to Nobuhiko happily:

"Brother Nobuhiko, this is my first time flying."

ps: Xiaoye's mental transformation jpg.

For Nobuhiko, this is an experience of saving his brother, and for Xiaoye, this is the first time she has gone out in ten years, so it is also a special experience.

In addition, the second update is a little later, there is a problem with the browser, which is being processed.

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