Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 129 Nobuhiko: Let’s solve the leather suit war all at once (Second update)

The next day, Nobuhiko got up early, had breakfast with Kotaro and others, and then took Xiaoye back to Xiaoye's home.

Originally, it didn't need to be so urgent, but there was something he had to confirm.

Kotaro and Shiratori Reiko came to see Nobuhiko and Xiaoye off together.

"It's always so fast."

Looking at Nobuhiko, Kotaro couldn't help but sigh.

Yes, if the time in the Monster World is counted, this is the fourth time he has seen Nobuhiko off, but this time seems to be different. Nobuhiko, who is not actually from this world, now has partners from other worlds around him.

This is a good sign.

Kotaro was very pleased, and then he stepped forward and said to Nobuhiko:

"If you need anything, call me, and I will rush to your side in time like you did this time."

"I am looking forward to it, but I may need more people on my side."

"Don't worry, everyone will go."

Kotaro smiled knowingly, thinking of the agreement they made last night.

Afterwards, Nobuhiko waved goodbye again, and under the gaze of Kotaro and Shiratori Reiko, he started the motorcycle and disappeared in the white light.

"I don't know when we will meet next time."

Looking at the direction they left, Shiratori Reiko said with some sadness.

But Kotaro was very confident about this:

"Don't worry, Reiko, one day, we will live together in the same world!"

Yes, that day will not be long.

Kotaro's intuition told him so.

Between the worlds, Nobuhiko drove the motorcycle towards Xiaoye's original world.

Before leaving, he used the power of the Emperor Stone to set up a barrier in the villa. As long as he went back to confirm whether the barrier was destroyed, he could determine whether someone had been spying on him and Xiaoye.

"It should be you..."

Thinking of the shadow moon that was hit by W in the movie, he murmured.

It seems that this is the only possibility, because he is very sure that the shadow moon in the movie is not himself, but the shadow moon from the parallel universe - that shadow moon is not called Akizuki Nobuhiko, but Tsuki Shadow Nobuhiko.

Considering that black and black rx appeared in the parallel universe, the origin of this shadow moon seems to be certain.

However, when he quickly rushed to the periphery of Xiaoye's world, a shocking scene happened to him - Xiaoye's world was surrounded by dozens of different worlds.

These worlds seemed to be attracted, surrounded, and merged by some kind of gravity.

"What's going on?"

Nobuhiko was very surprised. When he left, several worlds were still fine. It was only one day. How could it become like this?

"Could it be... Dashocker?!"

Nobuhiko instinctively thought of this name, and Xiaoye behind him looked at this scene, but a panicked look appeared on his face:

"Is our world going to be destroyed?"

"Don't worry, it won't."

As Nobuhiko said, a light flashed on his body, and after turning into a shadow moon, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards Xiaoye's world.

He must figure out what happened.

On the other side, the villa of Kadashi family welcomed its long-lost owner.

"Is it here?"

Kadashi, whose temperament has become a little vicissitudes, looked at the villa in front of him, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

He lost his memory and kept traveling through the world in the process of searching for his memory. Now, he came to this world that is different for him-he can take pictures of this world with a camera. In other worlds, the pictures he took will be inexplicably covered by phantoms, but it is different in this world.

Maybe, it is here.

"Is this Shi's home?"

"Is Shi a rich man?"

Behind Kadashi, there are two young people, a woman and a man. These are his partners who met when he traveled through the world-Mitsuru Natsumi and Onodera Yusuke.

Kadashi met a mysterious photo studio in another world-through the photo studio, you can travel through different worlds. Mitsuru Natsumi is the granddaughter of the owner of the photo studio, and Onodera Yusuke is the Kamen Rider Kuuga from a parallel universe.

At this moment, they found the villa through the portrait of the cafe.

Looking at the tightened door, Kadoya Shi subconsciously reached into his pocket and took out a brass key. With some trepidation, he inserted the key into the keyhole.


The door opened and the three walked in carefully.

The room was very clean and spotless, but it seemed that no one had lived there for a long time.

Mitsuri Natsumi looked around and shouted:

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

The silent villa, no echo, seemed to be the place where a horror movie took place.

Mitsuri Natsumi instinctively felt a little scared.

Kadoya Shi looked at the stairs, and several images flashed through his mind quickly-it was a girl.


Kadoya Shi rushed up the stairs quickly, and Mitsuri Natsumi and Onodera Yusuke behind him hurriedly followed.

The door of the piano room was opened, but there was no one inside, and even the piano was covered with white cloth.

Kadoya continued to move forward, following the memories in his mind, and finally stopped in front of a door. He reached out his hand tremblingly and turned the doorknob.


The door opened, and the room was very dark, but you could clearly see that this was a bedroom, and it was a girl's bedroom. There was a figure lying on the bed in the bedroom.


Kadashi quickly came to the window and saw the appearance of the figure clearly - it was a girl who looked fifteen or sixteen years old, but her eyes were closed at the moment, like a sleeping beauty.

"Does Shi know her?"

Seeing Kado Yashi being so excited, Mitsumi asked in confusion.

Before Kado Yashi could answer, a strange voice suddenly came from the door:

"Who are you?"

The voice was extremely angry, and the three of them turned around quickly - a figure in a suit appeared at the door without knowing it, and walked towards Kadashi Shi step by step.

After seeing Kado Yashi's appearance clearly, the man's expression changed, and the angry expression disappeared, replaced by a look of joy:

"You are back, Master Shi!"

"Are you... Yueying?"

Looking at the person in front of him, Shi asked subconsciously.

Kadayashi's performance was obviously beyond the expectations of the man named Tsukikage, with a puzzled expression on his face. Mitsumi Natsumi on the side quickly explained:

"Actually, Shi lost his memory."

"I see. It seems that it will take some time for you to recover, but before that, I must confess to you."

Tsukiyage said to Kadoya Shi in a very sad voice:

"I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of your sister, Miss Xiaoye, she has been in a coma for half a year."

ps: As the title says, I thought about it for a long time and decided to serve the two theatrical versions together. After all, the second theatrical version has too many ridiculous pitfalls, and... I will write two chapters about the leather case battle. It would be too repetitive to say so.

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