Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 216 J's angry and violent trump card (second update)

"Shoutaro! Shotaro..."

Calls rang in Shotaro's ears. He opened his eyes in confusion, then subconsciously coughed a few times and coughed out a few sips of water. Then he raised his head and looked forward - Philip was looking at him anxiously and saw him. I breathed a sigh of relief when I woke up.

"Great, you're finally awake."

"Why did you escape? It's too dangerous... Don't forget, the organization is looking for you - hiss!"

He subconsciously wanted to get up, but severe pain came from his chest, making him frown.

Seeing this, Phillip quickly said:

"It's best not to move around casually. I was hit head-on by Maximum Drive. It's a miracle that I can wake up so quickly."

"I can't rest yet, that guy is going to see Representative Kusuhara..."

"Why are you so desperate? If you do this, don't talk about her. Even you can't protect yourself!"

"Because she is the client! Protecting the client's life at all times is what a detective is."

Having said this, Shotaro's eyes became sharp:

"Besides, I will never allow that guy to act recklessly in the name of Kamen Rider!"


Didi Didi……

At this moment, the phone rang, Shotaro answered the phone, and Yasuko's panicked voice came from there.

"Sorry, Shotaro, Representative Kusuhara and Asuka are gone. They don't seem to have told anyone. What should I do?"

"Calm down first, Yashuzi, and leave it to Phillip and me."

Go ahead, he hung up the phone, then turned to look at Phillip:

"Please, partner, lend me your power."

"...Well, it looks like it's the devil's turn to go to hell with you this time."

Hearing his words, Phillip took a deep breath, and then agreed:

"Then you take a rest first and I'll search it. I've brought the motorcycle back too, so don't worry."

"Add the keyword, the hospital where the bodyguard is located."

"Is there any basis for this?"

"It's my intuition, let's use the keyword hospital to search."

"Interesting, let's start the search."

Phillip started searching without any hesitation, and within a minute he confirmed Shotaro's guess.

Immediately, the W duo split into two teams. Philip returned to the base on the RevolGarry, while Shotaro drove his motorcycle towards the hospital.

Although the pain in his chest kept stimulating his nerves, he had no time to think about it.

He has only one purpose now - to save Kusuhara Masaru and Asuka.

"Nobuhiko Tsukage, you are not a Kamen Rider at all!"

At this moment, Shotaro was in an extremely high mood.

When he arrived at the hospital, he happened to see countless people running out of the hospital in panic, and he could vaguely hear screams of "monsters" and the like.

"Is it too late?"

Shotaro made a quick decision, put on his transformer and rushed into the hospital, covering his chest.

"Philip, I'm about to transform."

In the crowd flowing against the current, Shotaro's figure seemed extremely out of place at this moment, but no one noticed him. When he rushed to the corner of the second floor, there was no one else around, and Shotaro completed the transformation without hesitation.

A strong wind surrounded him, but this time, the cyan wind was mixed with more purple.

Nobuhiko, who was standing on the rooftop, noticed this and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Sure enough, has the ace started to strengthen?

Let me see how far it can go.

Thinking of the figure in the manga who used one-third of the ace to beat up the cadre, Nobuhiko's heart arose with anticipation.

On the other side, when Kusuhara Masa was begging the other party to let go of her daughter, the Anomaly shrimp memory transformed by Takamura said extremely angrily:

"It's all because of you, you stinky woman, that made me what I am now. Since you don't want me to live, then let your daughter be buried with you!"


Seeing the opponent waving his forelimbs and about to kill Asuka, a cyan figure suddenly broke through the ceiling and came to Takamura in an instant. The gentle breeze enveloped Asuka, and the fierce ace hit Takamura with a fierce uppercut. Fall to the ground.


Asuka shouted in surprise when she saw w's appearance.

"...Well, let's go to mom first."

After hesitating for a moment, Shotaro recognized the title. He didn't want to ruin Asuka's dream.

Then, he scanned the audience, locked eyes with Nobuhiko in an instant, and immediately asked:

"You guy..."

"Before you accuse me, you should look around. There are more than one."

Nobuhiko reminded.

At this moment, another prompt sounded:


w turned his head, and another anomaly shrimp appeared, standing side by side with Ying Cun.

"Are there multiple memories of the same kind? As expected of the person in charge of the factory, Shotaro, let's find a way to solve it quickly."

"Well, I'm holding my fire right now!"

Immediately, he ignored Nobuhiko, pulled out the Hayate memory and inserted it into the kill slot, and immediately rushed towards the opponent.

Cyclone! Maximum Drive——!

Different from the ace's dismemberment kick, Hayate's extreme control caused a blade-like whirlwind to wrap around w's body. W was like a light ballet dancer, easily dodging all the opponent's attacks, and then a side kick instantly knocked out the second player. The two Anomalocaris dopant bodies were destroyed.

But it wasn't over yet. W rode the whirlwind and knocked Takamura to the ground with another flying kick. However, Takamura immediately stood up again.

His tone was obviously abnormal:

"You guys, it's because of you guys that I... absolutely cannot forgive you!"

Ying Cun roared to the sky, and his body quickly grew in size. If he still had a human form before, now Ying Cun has completely turned into a huge anomalocaridid ​​monster.

"It wasn't destroyed? It seems like the memory went berserk? The situation is not right, Shotaro, be careful!"

"It's okay, no matter what he becomes, I will never let him go!"

After saying that, Shotaro controlled his body and rushed forward without dodging, followed by a powerful straight punch!


The purple flames collided with Takamura's body, bursting out with dazzling sparks. This was a very contrasting scene - W, who was less than two meters tall, beat the giant anomaly shrimp to pieces with just his bare hands. Backing away continuously.

Nobuhiko, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was keenly aware that purple lightning was constantly bursting out from the dividing line in the middle of the w.

This is a symbol of power imbalance.

Philip also noticed this:

"Calm down, Shotaro, the ace's power is too strong, and the balance will be broken if this continues!"

"Sorry, I can't calm down right now, partner, please."

"There's really nothing I can do against you. If that's the case, then use this!"


The blazing ace switched instantly, containing a strong fighting instinct and high-heat memory, which was perfectly adapted to the ace at the moment. Just like that, red and black and purple flames were alternately shot out. Takamura's body quickly collapsed under the attack of W, and became dilapidated.

“That’s what I’ll use this time!”

Heat! Maximum Drive——!

The blazing flames wrapped around the whole body, and then all concentrated on the left fist. As Shotaro roared, he punched the anomaly shrimp's body from the front.

In an instant, the blazing flames completely defeated Takamura's body. Takamura returned to his human form and fell to the ground.


The memory of the Anomalocaris was also reduced to fragments.

"Okay, next..."

Although Shotaro was breathing heavily, his high fighting spirit still did not weaken, and he turned to look at Nobuhiko.

But Nobuhiko shook his head:

"It seems that the time to fight you is not now. I am very satisfied with your performance. See you next time, Mr. Congressman..."

"Huh? Congressman?"

Shotaro, who was confused by this title, understood everything instantly after seeing Asuka and frowned slightly.

"This guy·······"

Just when he was confused, Takamura's painful voice suddenly came to his ears. Shotaro quickly turned his head and looked - Takamura was lying on the ground, wailing in pain.

"Has this guy accumulated too much memory toxin?"

Under W's surprised eyes, Yingcun struggled for a while and lay lifeless on the ground.

"Those guys will never be forgiven!"

Shotaro's heart, which had been immersed in it, once again became filled with raging anger.

However, just when he was about to leave, Asuka's voice suddenly came to his ears:

"Dad, don't go!"


"You really have your style. Since it's like this, let's do it to the end."

Not long after, in the villa of the Sonosaki family, Ryubei Sonosaki sat at the dining table and looked at the newspaper report about Masaru Kusuhara's withdrawal from the parliamentary seat, showing a satisfied look:

"Well, that's the end. As expected of you, Moon Shadow-kun."

"That's right. In less than two days, we solved all the problems and defeated the legendary Kamen Rider head-on. At this point, our son-in-law seems to be outclassed."

Wakana secretly mocked, but her eyes were fixed on Saeko and Kirihiko.

After hearing this, Kirihiko's expression remained normal, but Saeko's expression was already a little ugly, but then it returned to normal, and instead showed a smile:

"Being so disrespectful to your brother-in-law, I don't remember teaching you this. Even if you are defending your lover, this is the demeanor of the Kozono Saki family."


Hearing the word lover, Wakana was a little angry.

At this moment, Nobuhiko suddenly spoke. He put down the tea cup and said to Sonosaki Ryuhei with a smile:

"After all, for me, this kind of killing job is the easiest, but there are some things that are quite difficult for me to deal with."


"I have two... relatives, I think, who want to study in Laifengdu. However, there is something wrong with their identity information, and they may have to re-apply from scratch. I am a little troubled by this."

"Hahaha, I thought it was something. Well, it's just a trivial matter. I'll leave this matter to you, Saeko."

"Yes, Father."

Saeko was keenly aware that this would be a good time to contact Nobuhiko, and he might receive unexpected information from the people around him.

After settling this matter, Sonosaki Ryuhei looked at Nobuhiko:

"By the way, Yueying-kun, I need your help with something in a few days."

"It's best to work in combat."

"Well, in a sense, it's also what you like best. Show the value of memory to our sponsors to the maximum extent. Wakana, come with me. During the time we're away... Saeko, the company's affairs are in your hands. The factory needs to be cleaned up."

Sonosaki Ryubei said to Saeko at the end.

When he heard the word sponsor, Nobuhiko's heart moved.

Are we finally meeting? Consortium x.

PS: To be honest, I like Shotaro in W, but Shotaro is often looked down upon throughout W TV. When I was fighting the aging episode, I felt a little weird. In the end, Terui Ryu had to take the aging attack on Shotaro, so I plan to strengthen Shotaro.

Also, the fiery special move was created by me. It doesn't seem to have appeared in the original drama. Anyway, it's an enchantment, so I followed the idea of ​​the knight's fist of fire.

In addition, regarding the price of memory, a forum user reminded that the stack of Japanese yen may be more than 5 million, but someone also mentioned that in the first chapter of the W comic, someone spent 500,000 yen to buy memory.

In short... It seems that the official has not set a price, so forget it, just treat it as a fluctuation.

Finally, regarding the new world, it seems that everyone is not interested in American comics, so I can only try my best to write special effects...

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