Kamen Rider: Prince of Shadow

Chapter 217 Consortium x's project competition (update 1)

Sonosaki Ryubei's words made everyone present have different expressions. Saeko had a look of surprise on her face. In her opinion, this was a sign of her father's trust in her.

However, Wakana's words made her expression change.

Wakana put down her knife and fork and said to Sonosaki Ryuhei:

"I'm sorry, dad, I'm very busy with work in Taiwan recently, so I may not have time."

"Really, then there's nothing we can do about it."

Sonosaki Ryuhei didn't say much about this and nodded.

Seeing this performance, Saeko couldn't help but clenched her hands - she knew that if it was her who said this just now, she would be greeted by Sonosaki Ryubei's ruthless rebuke.

However, Wakana was always like this, living recklessly, and those innocent words were not reprimanded, but favored by Sonosaki Ryubei.

It seems that in his eyes, his youngest daughter Wakana will always be just a child.

Saeko's face darkened, but he didn't say anything.

After waiting for Sonosaki Ryubei, Nobuhiko and others to leave one after another, she sarcastically said to her sister:

"Wakana, you are really going too far."

"I don't need you to take care of what I do!"

"I don't know if you don't want to get involved in work or if you simply resist marriage, but as a member of the Sonosaki family, it is natural to always put the interests of the family first."

"Hmph, don't say something about me that both parties deny. You should take care of yourself. Our son-in-law, whom our family is proud of, has been performing very poorly recently. If there is a problem with the company when father leaves, The reputation of my sister and brother-in-law will be completely ruined, and it will be a matter of course to change to a son-in-law. "

Wakana left such words, then turned and left.

And her words seemed to sting Saeko. Looking at Wakana's leaving back, Saeko's face became more and more gloomy.

In this way, time flew by. During this period, Nobuhiko found an opportunity to go out and brought Zelena and Silina to Fengdu. With the help of Saeko, he applied for the household registration for foreigners. As for Original nationality is set to Greece.

Under Nobuhiko's arrangement, the two entered the third grade of Fengdu Junior High School. There was no need to worry about the exam. Nobuhiko had injected enough knowledge into them in advance. The rest was up to them to develop on their own. Nobuhiko was very happy about this. It's expectation.

What changes will happen to His Holiness, who is from the same Creator as human beings, after integrating into human society?

Shortly after this matter was resolved, Nobuhiko and Sonosaki Ryuhei embarked on a journey to the Consortium X facility.

Of course, there were more than just the two of them going together, there was also a woman in a purple maid uniform and several subordinates. The maid costume Nobuhiko remembered, one of the later executioners, a woman who used Hopper memory. , and was finally defeated by Brother A in trial mode. He had never seen the other ones, but they should be users carefully prepared by Sonosaki Ryubei.

On the private plane, Sonosaki Ryuhei handed a folder to Nobuhiko and said:

"This is the project that Consortium X recently competed with us. Although there is no need to worry, let's take a look at it."


Nobuhiko nodded, opened the folder, and familiar words appeared inside:

"Super soldiers?"

"Oh, um, it's just a simple little character, just like Never. Although it has great practical value due to its various superpowers, the physical requirements for the experimenter are too high. More importantly, Yes - the leader of that project is still using the power of our museum, so there is no need to worry. What you need to focus on is the other one. "

Sonosaki Ryuhei is obviously familiar with all the related projects, and he is also very clear about the details of the super-powered soldiers. In his eyes, the super-powered soldiers are just a sidekick and do not need to be paid attention to.

However, Nobuhiko's thoughts moved when he heard this. He suddenly remembered Daido Katsumi's super-powerful soldier project, which was the key to the other party's complete loss of humanity.

But Nobuhiko remained calm on the surface. He took a cursory look at the part about the super-powered soldiers, and then turned to the next item.

Another familiar thing.

"The Zodiarts Switch (Zodiarts Switch) is worth noting compared to super-powered soldiers. If our memory is tapping the power of the earth itself, then the Zodiarts Switch is pursuing the power of the universe. Really, it is not down to earth at all. ”

Sonosaki Ryuhei complained, and then continued:

"In terms of side effects, it seems to be better than memory, but in terms of practicality, it can't be compared with us at all. It can't even compare with super-powered soldiers. That's it. These two projects are the only ones that are qualified to compete with us. ”

Indeed, before the plot begins, I hope Guangming seems to have spent a long time developing a few cadres. Even after the plot begins, the large number of apostles of the constellations are all students of their own academy.

In contrast, although there are some people who cannot use Gaia Memory, the range of choices is much better than that of the Constellation Apostle Switch. It is even so extensive that even ten years after the museum was destroyed, there are still adulterant activities in the wind.

"You sound confident about this meeting?"

"Well, our museum's opponent is never others, but ourselves. I brought you here just to prove that the museum is still the master of Gaia's memory. Show off your power, Yueying-kun."

Sonosaki Ryuhei had a confident smile on his face.

In his eyes, other competitors don't need to pay attention at all.

A few hours later, they arrived at Consortium X's Dongjing facility. When the helicopter landed, a row of Consortium X members wearing white uniforms had been waiting for a long time.

"Welcome, Mr. Ryuhei Sonosaki, and everyone at the museum. I am Jun Kato, the envoy of Foundation X. Your accommodation has been arranged. Please come with me."

A cadre who looked to be in his twenties or thirties led people to Sonosaki Ryubei.

Looking at Gatoushun who was not yet dead, Nobuhiko's heart moved slightly.

Utopia memory seems to be quite consistent with its own attributes.

As if aware of Nobuhiko's gaze, Kato Jun raised his head and glanced at him, feeling a little confused - compared to the others, Nobuhiko was standing next to Sonosaki Ryubei, which meant that his status was not low, and Kato Jun was so There is no part about Nobuhiko in the information he has, and his appearance does not seem to be that of the new son-in-law.

It’s not to blame that Gatoushun didn’t do a good job in intelligence work. It’s because Nobuhiko joined the museum too short ago, and Consortium

That is to say, Jia Tou, who will be in charge of the memory department, will catch on.

"Hahaha, this is Tsukikage Nobuhiko-kun, and he is also a promising cadre in our museum. You two are young talents, so we can talk more."

Sonosaki Ryuhei smiled and introduced the two of them.

However, Nobuhiko did understand what Sonosaki Ryubei meant - when it comes to communication, isn't it just about showing strength in disguise and improving product competitiveness?

As for Sonosaki Ryubei's words, Katojun didn't pay attention, but said with a smile:

"It must be great to get the person you like. Please come with me. There are still a few days until the project meeting. Please come with me."

"Then I will be disrespectful, hahahaha."

Sonosaki Ryubei let out a hearty laugh, and it was obvious that he was full of confidence in this meeting.

ps: Some book friends have reminded me that although Consortium X has also developed core coins, according to the strength of Hongshang Group, it should not be so dependent on Consortium X, so it was changed to super-powered soldiers.

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