Kanna no Kanna

Interlude 8: Where are the heroes now! ? (4)

The remaining Arizukis were standing on the spot with a subtle atmosphere. We are thinking about how to accept the development that is too much.

"For now, let's move here because it gets in the way."

Prompted by the moon, the heroes head to the guild doorway. Today, there was no choice but to stay here anymore. Above all, the current sight was witnessed by nearby adventurers. Everyone feels uncomfortable.

"... It's the result of Misaki's first run." "Ph. Oh, I didn't stop it." "It was a mistake to stop." I don't want to be as reckless as you are. "

Arizuki heads for the doorway with a depressed expression.

"Even so, that adventurer. I saw a person who uses a gun for the first time except Ayana, but it was a lot faster than that. If I used it at a close distance, I was not confident that I could determine the first move."

On the other hand, Arizuki praised Lukis rather than impressed.

Meanwhile, Phileas's chest was full of confusion.

It was not possible.

Events At least for a while since you came to Dragunir, nothing should have been noticeable. At least, there are no adventurers who can avoid Misaki's unexpectedly kicked out, albeit not seriously.

This should have been the case in scenario ──.

"... What's that adventurer?" "Lukes, the bayonet ──, so called, is the newest hope of the Dragunir branch."

When frustration unintentionally came out, there was a voice that answered. Philias and Arizuki looked back and saw a female employee of the guild, known as Synadie, standing there.

"You are ..." "It's my first time. I left my junior to handle the work, so I came to see you when I came back.

Philias paused for a while before asking Synadie.

"What's the" Gunshi "you've been using now?" "That's right. You can use the" gun "and the" sword "that you can use freely, even though they are D-rank, but are hardly distributed among adventurers. Two names. "

There are two main ways for adventurers to get a "name".

A-ranked and officially appointed by the guild.

Then, the adventurers around you start to speak on their own.

The latter is especially awarded when they demonstrate high achievements and abilities, and many of them later become famous adventurers. It was a sign of expectations from others.

"There are still rough parts, but they are still as good or better than you. Azuki, Misaki, Ayana, and Phileas."

Sinadi uttered each name with each face held firmly. Aritsuki and others open their eyes with surprise.

"Bo, why do we use our name?" Accepting "daily information gathering is necessary for smooth negotiations with the adventurers. Azuki's rumors have been inspired. He works in the adventurer's guild. ''

Nevertheless, I didn't see it if I expected it to be called.

"So what do you want us to do? It's not just talking to a rumored adventurer."

Cyndie responded without compromising her calm attitude, as she received a vigilant gaze from Phileas.

"... Lukes asked you this time, but as a guild staff or personally, I think there should be some penalty, but if I do any extra work here, I'm going to crush Luke's face, so I won't say any more about this. "

I didn't say exactly what she was pointing at, but it was clear to anyone who heard that Misaki was blaming Misaki's actions.

Misaki who is pierced by a nail distracts her face reluctantly.

"But please be aware that whatever happens next, you will be subject to punishment in any background." "Well, is that referring to me?" State power "How do you perceive it, but as you may know, the Adventurer's Guild is a separate organization. Please do not forget that effort."

These words were spoken in anticipation of Phileas, saying that she was a member of the Jurphyria royal family. He declared that he was from an aristocrat when registering as an adventurer, but he must have hid the royal family.

"... I keep in mind." "So, there are other duties, so I'm sorry for this."

Sinadi bowed down and walked away.

Arizuki left the adventurer's guild in a depressed state.

Misaki's depression isn't particularly odd. It's no wonder that all of the actions that started out of your own sense of justice backfired. The faces of Aritsuki and Ayana were slightly down. As usual, I felt a sense of responsibility for leaving Misaki's actions untouched.

"... I'm sorry, I was a bit ridiculous." "No, we didn't stop Misaki. We're guilty of it." "Recently, it was a bit of a fee to leave. It's the responsibility of us all. "

As Aritsuki puts it, these days, they have noticed unconscious actions. I just didn't realize it because almost everything I did was doing well.

It's almost as if everything we do is right.

And Phileas led the way to good results. Philias advised and followed the Arizukis, almost certainly if anything.

Phileas's turmoil was getting worse. On the surface, the wind was as depressed as the Arizona, and for a while he did not call him out.

For Phileas, this concern is fortunate. If I could call now, I would start with that, and the turmoil that I could endure would explode, and I could run out of bad things.

(What's the meaning today? I don't understand everything!)

That woman, Synadie, is simply a talented employee. However, the identity is the confidant of the Dragunir Guild Master. He is the guild master's eye and ear, reporting and handling various events within the guild, and is in fact the top two guilds.

If the scenario was "original," Arizuki and others who solved her would meet her and be referred to the guildmaster.

At the moment, the scenario is broken, and it is now desperate to try to correct the distortion. I couldn't decide when to contact Synady. I was expecting somehow to make contact.

It has become the worst form of reality.

Arguably, the actions of the Aritsuki will be reported to the guild master via a synadi. It's not a "new rookie" but a "person in need of attention."

It will definitely affect future activities.

Fate (Stupid ... I didn't include this in "" I saw the other day!)

Fate is essentially a story of a world that never goes away. Once you checked it, you didn't have to look twice, and if you could force it, you should check it regularly.

Even though it was an event, an unexpected and unexpected adventurer emerged today, starting with the failure to obtain a "hand back". In addition, unintended contact with the guild master's confidant.

Just before entering Dragunir for the sake of fate, I checked "" and decided on what to do today, but it didn't make any sense.

(Maybe this is also the influence of the adventurer such as "Shirayasha !?")

There was no evidence and no name came out today. But Philias was beginning to be mentally cornered enough to think so reflexively.

It is before Kore that Philias knows that her intuition was completely correct.

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