Kanna no Kanna

Episode 200 Congratulations 200 episodes!

"Then take a rest slowly." "Yes. Thank you for your concern .... Grandpa."

Calmly but clearly called by Real, Fosslin left with a happy smile.

The door closes, and Forcelin's footsteps move away. Really breathed relief, after which it eventually became inaudible.

"... Apparently, it seems that Kanna has not sneaked in."

There was almost no difference between Kanna leaving the room on the veranda and Forslin knocking on the door.

Forsulin visited Real's room for no special reason. After the end of the party, he just came back to Real to ask for his hard work.

The announcement was a great success for 80%. The remaining 20%, of course, complained about the ambiguous "". Forsulin was still sober in this regard.

Forsulin asked Kanna to have his nails stabbed in order for the prince to refrain from doing that in the future. Real nodded for the time being, but shyly shrugged, saying, "I'll never do it."

And now that Forthlyn has left ... You can feel free to break your face.

"Fufu ... fufufufu"

Introducing While talking to Forthlyn, I spent quite a bit of mental energy trying to keep my cheeks loose. By that time Real was in a good mood. Is over, and it's the difference between returning to the room.

She usually decided that even this was sloppy, and she was trying to rule herself. But this time it was nothing.

"I just thought it was thin, but it wasn't bad. Oh, it wasn't bad."

When you embrace your body, the feeling of "I just came back" comes back.

When I first came to this world, I was impressed physically, but not physically.

But how many battles have trained him so far? Kanna's arms were much stronger than I had imagined, yet warm.

He said he wasn't bad, but he was full of joy in his heart. The proof is that Real's face is now just red and his cheeks are loose.

And ──.

"... were you bold?"

Put your finger on your lips.

Despite his cheeks, he had never “kissed” a man.

If that first experience becomes the person you want.

I can only admit it anymore.

──You have a longing for a man named Kanna.

Real had been fighting since his mother died and his father left. Since becoming an soldier after adventure, she has always worn a mask and armor and was rarely treated as a woman. He was acting so that it would not happen.

He himself was biologically aware of being a "woman," but had only minimal consciousness, and was unrelated to the behavior of a woman. In my heart I even felt as if I had abandoned the woman.

That's why I didn't notice at first.

She pretended not to notice.

She was jealous of seeing another woman, Kanna, get along with her, and was told that she was still a "woman."

"It's too late to admit, but this" idiot "

Real shouted at himself, but his face was glad.

A recent mental upset seems like a lie.

Feeling as if the gap between the mind and the body was completely settled. Strong heat seemed to rise from the depths, and the feeling was favorable.

As a matter of fact, they did not communicate their thoughts to each other. However, it is no longer doubtable that "feelings" are the same.

Kanna said.

ら When you return to Diagar. I want to talk about something I couldn't do tonight.

It's not as sloppy or insensitive as you can't tell the story.

Rather, it is.

"... Do you just end up talking? Maybe."

Real's face, which was just red, became even more reddish as it squeezed. It is bright red to the end of long ears.

As a result of my various imaginations, I came to my mind, "Beyond the story."

"I'm a raw girl! ... No, I don't have any experience! I'm definitely a raw girl!"

In the book, I knew "The Affection of Men and Women" as knowledge, and I heard that subordinates of the Phantom Dragon Knight bought a woman in a colored town. From the days of the adventurer, the story of such a hand was familiar. In any case, it is a profession that will not be able to survive tomorrow if you do bad things and make bad things. As I understood it, I didn't feel any reluctance, but I thought that I had nothing to do with myself, so I couldn't even be interested.

It is like this.

"Uh ..." he shyly covers his face with his own hands. Completely, the previously suppressed “Motoshin” was running away.

She knew it too. I was able to understand that their behavior and thoughts were quite disappointing compared to usual. But he didn't want to be cool. By that time her heart was soaring.

"Hehehe ... I have to thank that prince."

At first he thought he was going to kill him, but from a different point of view he had developed a close relationship with Kanna. The next time you meet, don't treat it underneath.

Of course, if we talk about engagement, we will definitely decline.



The knock of the door sounded light, and Real shook his shoulders.

"Who is it?" "I am"

If you whisper, it was Fosslin, who had left the room earlier, just returned from the door.

Real switched his mood to normal as a deep breath. As expected, this is the head of the knights. Switching between feelings was a familiar thing so I could make cool decisions in any situation.

The girl's mind was not fully open until a few seconds ago.

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