Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 671: Do n’t shoot yourself!

Airdrop box under the cliff.

Girl control!

7.62mm bullet!

Sniper Expansion!

Geely clothes!


But the key at this time is not the things in the airdrop box, but the people who came over to grab things, but suddenly disappeared halfway.

Miyazaka looked up at the top of her head, and then looked down at Liu Zilang.

Then he looked up at the top of his head.

Liu Zilang looked at her stupid fufu, without further explanation, but said, "Don't watch, lick it while we are hot!"

"Oh!" Upon hearing this, Misaka Koto quickly responded.

She could remember Liu Zilang's promise to let her choose first.

But looking at the auspicious clothes and sister-in-law in the box, Misaka Koto suddenly became a little bit distressed.

Girl control?

Geely clothes?

Both seem to be good!

However, she is still a child, so naturally not as much as an adult.

After a while, Misaka Ginmi secretly glanced at Liu Zilang, and then held the girl in her arms.

"I want this!"

Liu Zilang saw his eyes twitched.

My heart said that you can hit someone with this? Might as well pick up the auspicious clothes and lie on the ground honestly as a caterpillar.

However, since she has been told to choose first, Liu Zilang naturally will not regret it regardless of the dignity of the teacher.

So he quickly picked up the remaining auspicious clothes, put them on and quickly greeted Misaka Koto, and the two went back to the sea to bask in the sun.

Anyway, the next lap was unspoken, and he didn't plan to go ashore any time soon.

Although the wave of "gunfire exchanges" between the two sides was short-lived, the two sides initially understood the meaning of the other side.

At the beginning, Wei Shen shot and said that this airdrop was the first thing we saw.

Immediately following Liu Zilang's firing, first come first served.

Dragon God immediately said that we were not convinced.

Liu Zilang said that he would be gone if he didn't agree with you.

Wei Shen took a step back and shot to show that he had a meeting, half a man.

Liu Zilang immediately said that it was too fake, and next time when I encountered an airdrop to signal, I will help you.

This last wave of "kind and friendly" exchanges is over. Wei Shen did not think that Liu Zilang would also help them get one. After all, the airdrop in the game is not available.

This wave of concessions is mainly because Liu Zilang and his stupid apprentice are lying on the air drop box. If they really want to fight, they really have no idea.

Especially in the game of Dragon God and Wei Shen, all were slashed by Misaka Koto.

This immediately made them feel that this stupid apprentice seemed somewhat unpredictable. Naturally, this game was no longer dare to wait and see, so helplessly, the two people chose to give up this airdrop.

Next, Long Shen Jue and Wei Shen wanted to "go home" along the same road, and wanted to continue to the small power plant to continue guarding before the safety zone refreshed.

As soon as I got home,

It was found that a car sound came from behind.

The two couldn't help holding a gun and looking at the mirror. They were surprised to find a three-bouncer parked not far away.

Soon after they jumped off the two of them.

Who is coming?

They were alert at once!

Just then, there was a sound of gunfire in the distance.

Da Da—!

Da Da Da!


Da Da—!

Hearing the familiar sound of gunfire, Dragon God and Wei Shen could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, Dragon God decided to wonder, "Where did these two bunnies find, how did they keep up so quickly?"

"Well, what are they doing with us?" Wei Shen guessed, "won't you want to live with us?"

"Living together?" Dragon God quickly shook his head. "Can't you? It's a bit big!"

Although occasionally insignificant to the secret code in the exhibition match, anyway, it really can't say anything.

But if four people live together peacefully in a yard, then this scale is really a bit large.

Thinking of this, Dragon God quickly fired a warning.

The clinker partner jumped on the three jumpers, and shot the gun while riding over.

"What are these two people doing?" Dragon God was a little stunned.

Wei Shen hurriedly, "Tell them, we will shoot again when we come over."

"Dele!" Dragon God decided to ‘evil charm’ with a smile, hehe said, “I ’ll shoot them first to scare them.”

With that said, he held up the M416 in his hand, and there was a burst of fire in front of the three jumpers!

嗖 嗖 嗖 —!

Shuttle bullets across the air!

Hitting the grass in front of the three jumpers, the turf splashed up and down.

At that moment, I saw that the three jumpers suddenly stopped with a flick, and the man sitting on the third throne had not got out of the car, and quickly lifted the SKS in his hand.

嘭 嘭 嘭 —!

The fire flickered!

A series of bullets suddenly burst out!


The Dragon God is definitely a stun god, and a sniper bullet burst into his head.

Suddenly, he had just been shot by Liu Zilang M16 with a three-level head, and was instantly crushed by the sniper bullet surface. The whole person's health was suddenly dropped by more than half!


Dragon God hurriedly turned back to snake skin to take a position, and after another shot in his body, he just managed to hide behind the small power plant.

Seeing that he had only a trace of blood left, he could not help but utterly stunned, "Look! This is a trick!"

"No, shouldn't I say it?"

Wei Shen wondered, "Is the director's perspective on us, he's acting?"

When Dragon God heard it, he could not help crying out, "Impossible!"

"This kid just wanted to hammer me! If it's acting ~ www.readwn.com ~, then he's too realistic!"

"Oh, it's not impossible to be realistic." Wei Shen smiled and said, "Did you hit him just now? Is this guy careful?"

The dragon **** who squatted behind the low wall and applied medicine decidedly recalled it and shook his head flatly:

"It's impossible, you don't have my marksmanship ... keke, I mean, I just aimed at the three jumpers and hit them in the front, very accurate. I never hit him with a shot!"

"That's weird." Wei Shen scratched his head, glanced at the card's field of vision behind the wall, and immediately raised the quadruple AK in his hand, "I'll try."

Then came a familiar sound of gunfire, and the other party quickly picked up the secret sign.

Wei Shen couldn't help turning his head to Long Shen and decided, "It's his own person, that's right."

His words have just fallen!

At the end of the other party's familiar rhythm, a "Yellow River Chorus" came out of nowhere!

Da Da Da!


All of a sudden, a burst of rain came suddenly, and he shouted his head towards Wei Shen!



The sound of bullet and helmet penetration sounded.

Wei Shen was talking to Dragon God on the other side, but it was just a stun god, and the secondary helmet on his head was suddenly broken, and people fell on his knees behind the wall!

Just then, a killing tip was also swiped at the top right of the screen.

"Sloth knocked out 4 AM-GodV with an AMK headshot!"

Is this ... yourself?

Suddenly, the two could not help petrochemical on the spot ...


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