Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 672: Zilang Boat Ride

Where there is fighting, there is a camera.

After the director's footage was given to the small power plant, the audience at the scene and the live broadcast immediately became a little aggressive.

What are these two teams ... doing?

One team seemed to be battering blindly, and the water was very obvious; the other team was fiercely attacking, and it was called a merciless one!

However, it is even more strange because of this. You have to say that the two teams have a Py trade, which is obviously not quite right.

But you have to say no, are the marksmanships of Dragon God and Wei God enough to go home to raise pigs?

Host the commentator.

If the wind rubbed his chin, he was a little suspicious. "Just that gunshot ... how can I feel a little spy."

"Oh, this ... we are not very convenient to say, everyone understands." Rongye said with a smile, "This wave is obviously Qiu Shen and Sloth played a wave of Mission Impossible, Wei God and Dragon God decided It didn't seem to go through here, and I was fooled without paying attention. "

"The situation with Wei Shen and Dragon God now is a little bad. They have already fallen one in this wave. I am afraid that only Dragon God will be alone."

"Oh! Qiu Shen and Sloth played aggressively. They rushed in with three jumpers!"

"Where's Dragon God? What does Dragon God say about this? Is it to save or hit people first?"

"It's a bit unrealistic to save people in this situation. Three jumpers are too fast. Qiu Shen and Sloth are ready to face directly!"

"Oh! Dragon God stands up! He wants to hit someone first!"

"No! Dragon God is running. He went to the side. Is this to hit the other side?"

"Wait! Dragon God jumped out, he got in the car!"


With Ruofeng's voice that suddenly raised his voice, "He is on the bus", countless viewers in domestic live broadcasts were shocked!

What about beating or saving people?

Why does Nima have a third option?

There wasn't that much of Dragon God over there. After jumping into the car, I stepped on the accelerator directly and hit the bottom. In the buzzing engine sound, I saw that jeep rushed towards the back door of the power plant very quickly. .


Immediately afterwards, Li Muqiu was riding three jumpers and bumped into the fence outside the power plant.

Hearing the jeep inside, the two stared at each other.

"Pull it up so soon?"

"Isn't it possible?"

With a hint of doubt in their hearts, the two held their guns vigilantly and flipped in through the gap in the wall.

The next moment, looking at Wei Shen who was falling behind the wall, he hurried forward, while throwing equipment on the ground.

Turning again to look at the jeep that was about to disappear behind the power plant, Li Muqiu and Gao Yunyang twitched in their eyes.

So ... sold it directly?

The two sighed, and came together behind Wei Shen, who was yelling ...

Seeing this terrible scene, the audience under the age of 18 in the live broadcast room couldn't bear to close their eyes and almost laughed in their hearts ...

"Hahaha! I feel bad for Wei Wei, Longshen's wave is too decisive!"

"Dragon God: Remember what you did to me last game?"

"It feels that 4AM is the‘ Best Super Brother 'of today ’s show, it ’s a skilful one sold by a teammate. ”

"23333 has iron heart!"


In the game, after Li Muqiu and Gao Yunyang resolved Wei Shen, they did not rush to kill the Jedi to continue to chase the Dragon God.

Is it true that they are softhearted?

This is mainly because the second lap is now in place, and many teams have settled in long distances from the west.

At this time, if they drive a three jumper to chase the jeep decided by Dragon God, what speed and passion are they playing, then it is really a bit frightening, let alone they have more important things to do now.

Going back to the three jumpers, Gao Yunyang couldn't help but ask, "Really going to engage him?"

Upon hearing this, Li Muqiu gritted his teeth and said, "This revenge will not be reported! I will not swear!"

Li Muqiu still remembered the humiliation that Liu Zilang was pressed on the road in the Lion City in the last game and frantically rubbed five times in a row!

Every time I think of the desperate and helpless situation at that time, Li Muqiu's heart is full of ups and downs, how can he not report such a great hatred?

Gao Yunyang, the clinker, heard Li Muqiu's words, but said casually, "Oath is not for you? Then you have to be mentally prepared."

Li Muqiu was wondering how to wait for Liu Zilang when he waited, and immediately understood Gao Yunyang's meaning.

Next, the two rode three trampolines and touched the beach calmly.

In order not to alarm Liu Zilang, who was basking in the sea, far away from Da Lao, they stopped the tricycle and rushed to the beach on foot.

After Li Muqiu secretly touched the cliff, he raised his gun and opened the mirror to look at his face.

I saw the undulating sea, and sure enough a yacht was floating in the distance to bask in the sun.

"Gone! I let you go!"

He sneered and wanted to shoot.

"Wait, don't fight." Gao Yunyang on the side stopped him.

"Huh?" Li Muqiu said for a moment, could not help but hate, "This special meow does not keep playing New Year?"

"This distance can you SKS not second?"

Gao Yunyang asked a question, and then his face calmly analyzed, "According to the boy's reaction, as long as he didn't hang on the cell phone, he would hit the sea with a shot at most, and it would be difficult to do so."

"What do you say then?" Li Muqiu asked.

"What's the matter." Gao Yunyang slightly raised his mouth ~ www.readwn.com ~ How long can they stay in the sea, at most not the next lap? Besides, do n’t they have a secret code? "

"I see, you mean ..." Li Muqiu quickly responded, and he couldn't help it for a while.

Looking at Liu Zilang on the speedboat on the sea, at this moment his eyes seemed to be looking at a corpse.


With the passage of time.

The radiation grid around the Jedi Island is shrinking.

Two minutes and thirty seconds later, the poisonous circle soon coincided with the boundary of the safe zone, and the next safe zone refreshed.

Not surprisingly ...

By this time, the area of ​​the safety zone was almost near the large and small power plants at the bottom right of the land, and there was almost no place in the circle at sea.

At this moment, Liu Zilang, who had been lazily basking in the sun for a long while, felt his spirits.

He glanced at the location on the map, but he was hesitant about where to land.

At this moment, there was a sudden change in length on the shore, and the rhythm was familiar with the sound of gunfire.

Hearing this gunshot, Liu Zilang couldn't help but hesitated slightly, and said secretly in his heart, "Are they still gone?"

Although he didn't hang on the cell phone just now, he really didn't pay much attention to the killing prompt at the top right of the screen. He didn't know that the God of Wei had been sold by Dragon God.

Hear the sound of guns over there,

Although I do not know why the other side shot.

But since he is his own person, Liu Zilang, who has no aim at all, has brightened his eyes!

The next moment, he drove quickly towards the shore.


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