Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 673: How are you all!

"Come here! Come here! They're here!"

On the cliff, Li Muqiu heard the sound of the boat in his ear.

He looked at the figure not far away, his eyes flashing fiery light.

This time!

I will let you know what cruelty is!

On the sea, Liu Zilang said to Misaka Kotomi, "Don't shoot at random, you know?"

"Ah?" Holding on to her sister's eagerness to testify, Misaka Ginmi could not help but hesitated, "Why wet?"

"Because ... keke ... this is your own person." Liu Zilang explained slightly awkwardly, "Did you hear the shot?"

Misaka Kotomi listened to her ear, and suddenly she came to her senses, whispering quietly:

"I see! This is a secret sign! Wet you taught me, three long and two short, nine shallow and one deep right!"

Speaking of which, she couldn't help shining her eyes, and admired her heartfeltly, "Wet you are so old and weird!"

"..." Liu Zilang's face turned dark.

Next, the two jumped off the boat.

Misaka Kotomi, holding a gun, looked at it secretly, looking like she wanted to say hello to her.

At the same time, Li Muqiu and Gao Yunyang on the cliff saw their prey come to their door, and their minds were a little bit alive.

"How's it going?"

"Let's see which one is the kid first. Let's set fire directly to him and don't give him a chance to react."

"Well, I'll come."

Saying in their mouths, the two held their guns at the same time and looked down, and Gao Yunyang couldn't help but ask, "Which one do you think is more like some?"

"Do you still need to ask?" Li Muqiu's eyes flashed with wisdom at once, "Did you see that lucky suit?"

"It's him?"

"No, I mean the one next to Geely."

"Yes! The one holding MK14!" Li Muqiu raised his lips proudly, confidently. "That guy is a dead girl control, it is him who is holding the girl control! This can't be wrong!"

"Is that so?"


Seeing Li Muqiu being so determined, Gao Yunyang naturally had nothing to say.

Next, they saw the two men raise their guns at the same time, and leaned out together, aiming at the person holding the girl control!

Under the seaside cliff, Misaka Kotomi walked, looking up at her head.

When she saw two figures suddenly appearing on her, she felt an instant excitement in her heart, could not help but want to shout the friend Ni Meng above!

However, when seeing the other person seemed to raise his muzzle, Misaka Ginmi could not help but hesitated a moment, then quickly reacted, and hurriedly said to Liu Zilang, "wet wet ~! They seem to be beating me ... . "

嘭 嘭 嘭 —!


Before she could finish speaking, there was a sharp gunshot above her head!



The sound of bullets piercing the smashing helmet sounded!

Without warning, Misaka Komei's head burst into two groups of eye-catching blood!

She was still silly, but she didn't respond, and there was a shudder at her feet, and she fell to the ground with a thump.

Koizumi Misaka lying on the ground with her hands in front of her. At this moment, the whole person was compared. She twisted her neck stiffly and asked, "Wet ... wet? Is this herself?"

The first time Liu Zilang fell on the ground, Misaka quickly moved a wave of snakeskin to hide under the cliff, avoiding the opponent's gun line, and quickly threw a smoke bomb backhand to the past.

"It's my own ... yes ..."

Liu Zilang, who was smashing his mouth, had not finished his words, and accidentally glanced at the killing prompt at the upper right of the screen, his face suddenly became extremely exciting.

"Se7en-Lech knocked Menhera Sauce with his SKS headshot!"

Although Li Muqiu can be regarded as his own person to some extent, it is obviously not the kind of person Liu Zilang thought.

In fact, not only them, but Li Muqiu and Gao Yunyang on the high cliffs at the seashore were also a little stunned.

"what's the situation?"

"Isn't that the guy holding the girl?"

"I don't know!"

"It's all right, I don't believe he won't save people."


As soon as they were stunned by God, the smoke “wow” on the ground filled.

However, they are not in a hurry to make up for them. What if Liu Zilang basked in the sea again?

Now, as long as they fall to the ground, Misaka Kotomi, they can complete a wave of "surrounding aid".

Host the commentator.

"Uh ... Qiu Shen and Sloth are really a fresh trick. They actually turned around and got Vic again."

"Now that Menhera sauce has fallen to the ground, then Vic is undoubtedly facing the same situation as Ganglong Shen."

"Yes, Qiu Shen and Sloth didn't shoot in the smoke to try to fill people, their purpose is already obvious."

"Yes, Dragon God just chose to sell Wei Shen directly. What did Vic say about this? Will he also sell Menhera sauce?"

"Well ... with my knowledge of Vic, it doesn't seem impossible."

The commentary stage is hotly discussed.

At this moment, the director's camera lens was pulled, and suddenly gave M City the position to enter the lap. I saw two people with open hoods just entering the lap from the west.

One of them looked around habitually after getting off the bus.

Those sharp eyes were suddenly frozen!

The next moment, I saw a dark green sniper suddenly appeared in his hands.

The moment the octave was turned on, there were two figures in the field of vision that were slightly blurred standing high.

"It's Ze Shao! When did Ze Shao touch AM!"

"It should be the airdrop just now. I remember Qiu Shen and Wei Shen were fighting."

"Mistweed! Ze Shao's look is so good! Can you see it so far ?!"

"Hehe ~ www.readwn.com ~ Asian Eagle Eye to find out, wait, if I read correctly, those two should be Qiu Shen and Sloth, right?"

"Haha, that's interesting now, the old Se7en got together again."

"But this distance must be at least seven or eight hundred meters, right? Ze Shao, can this be hit?"

Seeing the footage that the director suddenly gave, the audience in the domestic live broadcast room were all excited, and there was a faint feeling in their hearts that they saw a good show.

At this time in the game, Shen Zeyan squinted slightly after holding AM, and suddenly pulled the trigger uncontrollably!


A muffled gunshot exploded!

The light flashed towards Dew, and a sniper bullet screamed away like Changhong Guanri!

"Ah! Brother Ze Yan, have you seen anyone?" Ke Xue, a teammate, was startled!


Shen Zeyan's answer was straightforward.

Li Muqiu and Gao Yunyang on the cliff on the seashore were wondering whether to throw a thunder or one to mount a gun, and one to go down the road.

Without warning ...

The rock in front of them suddenly flashed on Mars, and numerous fragments of stone debris flew up!

"I rely! Who is hitting us?"

"This gunshot ... seems to be in M ​​City we just came over, and it's still AM."

"Shoot so far? This guy is crazy!"

"No matter! That guy is just below us, and give him a flying grass directly !!! I don't believe that he won't die!"


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