Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 729: Good Arrow! (Thirty-three)

West of M city, farm plain.

Looking at the safe zone getting closer, Evan, the assaulter of the North American Underhood team, opened his backpack.

He counted the only four bandages left in the bag, but could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Well, it should be enough.

If the spectators off the field saw this scene, I'm afraid the heart can't help but feel a bit of sadness.

This child has suffered too much.

Especially compared to someone who drove a happy motorcycle in the poison like wind, and "gurgle" every now and then to pour a bottle of Red Bull.

It's just that poverty makes people want to cry.

In this game, Evan floated high near the shooting range in the north, but unfortunately,

Either he didn't have a car along the way, or he got a car to be taken first.

This caused him to be in the first wave of poison when he brushed in the second circle, and he was still in the second wave of poison when he brushed in the third circle.

In fact, if you are serious, there are many vehicles in the island map. If it is a four-row team match, basically every team can find two or three cars in the early stage of the game.

However, in a single row competition, the number of vehicles is somewhat stretched, and it is in a state of too much wolf and less meat.

The most direct consequence of this is that many people like Evan are far away from the circle and have no cars.

Can only run the farthest lap,

Carry the most painful poison.

At this time, the happy motorcycle that came and went like poison in the poison, its target is obviously these people.

In fact, as professional players, even if you have n’t met before, everyone knows that this situation exists when the game resumes after the game.

It stands to reason that these people who carry poisonous running circles are naturally the most suitable targets for killing.

However, the reason why no one did this was not that everyone did not have the heart to hunt down those "poor players" who had no cars, but that no one wanted to take the risk.

In the survival of the Jedi, most people's first reaction to seeing poison is definitely to avoid it.

Who's okay?

Isn't that long?

And if you really want to snip these people, the card side can also snip.

It may only be relatively luck-based, but it is definitely more secure than running into the poison to find someone. After all, if the ship is overturned in the poison, it will be completely cold.

But among these people,

It does not include Liu Zilang, who is eager to hunt people in the first place.

And looking at Evan who was about to enter the lap, he never expected that someone was riding a motorcycle patrolling in the poison.

So when Liu Zilang found the target, he suddenly rushed out from the side.

The first reaction in Evan's mind was, this person is not running a poison?

But soon he found himself wrong.

Liu Zilang's look of contempt for Wolf Gu, no matter how he looks like running poison ...

All of a sudden, Evan's heart struck up, and he became extremely vigilant, and even prepared himself to fight hard.

The next thing that puzzled him was,

Liu Zilangming looked aggressive, but instead of riding straight up, he whistled and wiped away not far from him.

? ? ?

Evan, who was full of guards, looked at the man who looked like a wind when Liu Zilang passed him by. He suddenly became messy in the wind ...

What the **** is this meow?


Speed ​​Party?

Until the sound of the car gradually disappeared into the corner of the distant house, Evan, who had been nervous, relaxed slightly.

However, he glanced at his own blood, but he couldn't help but panic, and hurried forward to find a place, put a bandage on his head and startled.

And just as Evan bandaged,

Suddenly there was a whistle in the air, as if a breeze came from behind.

Evan squatting on the ground only felt that a huge force came from behind him, and the whole man couldn't help leaning forward!

The moment I looked down,

His pupils shrank suddenly.

A thin, long arrow, I do not know when it came out through his chest.


Evan, who was emptied of blood instantly, had time to think about it in the future, and his knees were already weak, and he fell directly to the ground.

Am I special?

Where does this come from?

At this moment, Evan just feels that he is all bad!

He never expected that Liu Zilang, who had clearly passed, would stop the motorcycle and give him an arrow backhand.

Seeing this scene, the barrage in the domestic live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

"Wow! Vic is too rough! This is the real hidden arrow!"

"It's almost maddening, this way of death is so awkward!"

"That man riding a motorcycle, advise you to be kind!"

"Vic said that labor and management used a crossbow to let the deceased die without fear and pain in his lifetime. Isn't that good enough?"


In the game, an arrow stole the man from behind his back, and Liu Zilang rushed over on his motorcycle.

Although he is not worried about eating and drinking now,

However, in the case of abundant space, there will not always be too many things like supplies.

After all, being in poison, "supporting war with war" is the last word for slaying homes and sustaining development.

However, when "Wild Dart" Liu Zi rushed over the motorcycle and looked at the only three bandages in the box in front of him.

He couldn't help but his face turned green ...

This is not even enough to pay for the motorcycle, it is not enough to pay for it.

However, thinking of the number of kills that the other party contributed to himself, Liu Zilang felt slightly more comfortable.

It wasn't too stuffy, though Evan was so stuffy that he was about to vomit blood.


In the following time, Liu Zilang walked around the poisonous side in the same way.

Whenever he encounters a person, he first comes by "passing by," and then he returns.

This is undoubtedly more secure than riding a motorcycle directly on the face.

And if you really slap your face, even if Liu Zilang can carry it, a few waves will not be able to carry it.

Another thing I have to say is that Liu Zilang's analysis of the players' psychology.

It usually seems that you haven't entered the circle in poison at this time. Most of the state will not be very good. When you meet people, the first thing you think is that more is worse than less.

As long as Liu Zilang shows a "passing" look, the other party will certainly be happy, so he will have the opportunity to enter from behind.

When the third wave of poison on the field began to shrink, when Liu Zilang finally ended his "hunting trip", the number of kills also came to eleven kills.

Obviously, the patrol in this wave of drugs made him a lot of money, and directly killed the number of kills into the top three.

After a while, the third wave of poisonous contraction on the field ended, and the fourth safe zone refreshed.

This circle is brushed in the middle of the East and West Bridge land sections ~ www.readwn.com ~ which is the area of ​​the farm collar. There is basically no safe zone in the sea to the south.

Just in the second wave and the third wave of poison, the number of players on the field once again experienced a sharp decrease. In this circle, including Liu Zilang, there were only 39 people.

At this moment, Liu Zilang should consider not only how to hunt, but how he should survive while hunting.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the map and quickly rode his motorcycle towards the barn on the farm collar.

It's too dangerous to wander around at this time. Finding a place to target is the most correct choice.

Of course, Liu Zilang riding a motorcycle has to use his mobility and find the best position in front of others.

What Liu Zilang didn't know was that in the two-story barn he chose, an "old acquaintance" was staring at the roaring motorcycle.


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