Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 730: Old artist prodigal son Liu (1/3)

Da Da Da!

A burst of blasts blew over the collar of the farm, and a series of bullets struck Liu Zilang like rain hitting the beach, causing countless dust on both sides of the fast-moving motorcycle.

噗嗤 —!

Unfortunately, Liu Zilang was hit with a shot, and a burst of blood burst out instantly, and his blood volume was also lost.

Faced with this degree of controlled gunfire,

Liu Zilang did not dare to envy, and quickly turned his head and ran towards the other side.

"Wow! This wave of four-fold guns from Weishen has things and things."

"Hehe, the 4AM players are really addicted to the civil war. Wait for this Poway sauce to clear the portal."

"But since this point is already occupied, will the guy Vic just slip away?"


Facts soon proved that Liu Zilang was not a weak-willed player.

He rode here to a grove on a hillside near the Golden Zodiac to the south. After stopping the car, he just rested a little and soon returned along the road again.

From the recent wave of fire from the other side, Liu Zilang at least got a message that there is only one person in the double room barn.

It's like this kind of point that is almost in the center of the safe area and has a great location.

He really didn't make sense to let out.

However, this time when Liu Zilang came in, Liu Zilang did not venture to touch the point. At this moment, he was driving his motorcycle around the barn in a circle.

After a few waves of Wei Shen's side, he found that the other party was not close at all, and he gradually gave up shooting. After all, the bullet can still be saved.

In a single row competition, the more late, the less chance there is to lick the bag.

So this is why many players will hoard various supplies in the early stage.

Wei Shen chose the Golden Zodiac as the jungle route for Novice Village in this game, but what he didn't expect is that since the first lap, he has continued his fate.

Until the fourth lap at the moment, Wei Shen actually came to a "Four Destiny".

All kinds of signs made Wei Shen more and more convinced that he is the son of this game!

Well, as a man who wants to eat chicken last, Wei Shen naturally has a long-term vision and can't just care about the little motorcycle in front of him.

After a few laps of Liu Zilang's wandering, he found that Wei Shen suddenly ignored him.

This situation made him a little unexpected.

Is there not much bullets in the other party?

He wondered in his mind,

Driving the motorcycle again,

But this time he hadn't approached the barn, and the sound of the gun rang again.

For a while, the bullets struck, and a trembling sound of "Ding Ding Ding Ding" was hit on the motorcycle.

Hearing the gunshots, Liu Zilang couldn't help but cool down, he soon realized that the gunshots didn't come from the barn, but from the hillside just southwest where he had just stopped.

The man was obviously there when he saw Liu Zilang, a wind-like man, naturally he couldn't help raising his hand as a shuttle.

Perceiving the cold gun behind, Liu Zilang also had an eggache. Do we hate it so much?

Wei Shen, on the second floor of the barn, heard the sound of gunfire outside, but couldn't help sneering in his heart.

Let you compare!

Dare to ride around on such a circle,

Isn't this owing?

Since someone shot, Wei Shen naturally didn't mind helping the other side, so he joined the encirclement.

"Well? Qiu Shen is on the other side of the south slope. Where should he be right now and he just met Vic."

"Wei Shen also shot it, wow! Vic should not dare to wave again this time."

At this moment, Liu Zilang, who is riding a motorcycle, is really not ready to wave.

After making another round around the barn, looking at a sloping fence not far from the barn, Liu Zilang couldn't help but move quickly and decided to make a quick decision.


The roar of the motorcycle engine became louder, and Liu Zilang, who was riding a motorcycle, was madly snake skin twisting the body in the burst of gunfire.

The bullet whistled in his ear, but his gaze was fixed on the fence ahead.

Just a breath, in a blink of an eye, the motorcycle loomed and rushed to the fence.

At this time, Wei Shen on the second floor of the barn was okay, because he couldn't see Liu Zilang at that angle.

However, Li Muqiu on the far **** and countless spectators off the field couldn't help holding it after seeing Liu Zilang's operation.

With previous experience.

This time everyone felt vaguely that this guy seemed to be doing something big.

Just as they were thinking ...

Liu Zilang's motorcycle had already rushed into the inclined fence, and immediately "sniffed" suddenly, like a flak firing!

People are still in the air,

Liu Zilang operated the motorcycle,

A 360-degree Thomas maneuver looked like a motorcycle stunt.

"Tortoise! ​​This guy is starting!"

"Well! Vic is always picturesque!"

"But this guy has a purpose every time he shows his car skills. Is there any conspiracy this time?"

"I think this wave should just be a comparison? He can't fly into the window at that angle ..."


When the audience in the domestic live broadcast room was talking hotly on the barrage, some people suddenly stared at the game site, one finger pointed at the big screen, and one hand covered their mouths and made an irresistible exclaim!

In the picture, Liu Zilang saw the second position of the barn suddenly as he flew over the second floor of the barn, and then a palm grenade slid out very quickly.

Pull strings,


Throw it out!

Although people are spinning in the air,

But Liu Zilang's entire operation was done in one go. It seemed like there was no stagnation!

Window on the second floor of the barn.

Suddenly, Wei Shen saw a motorcycle “嗖” flew over, and he couldn't help touching his chin. He felt that this scene had a feeling of “coming to an old man”.

The next moment, as soon as the body of the motorcycle passed the window, something suddenly flew in.

哐 当 —!

After the thing flew in from the window, it smashed into the wall first, and then bounced to Wei Shen's feet.

Wei Shen looked down and took a closer look.

Suddenly frightened!


He quickly drew his gun and turned, and ran downstairs and ran away. Fortunately, the thunder of Liu Zilang couldn't warm up too much in the air, and in addition Wei Wei's response was timely.

At the moment when the fire broke out behind him, Wei Shen ran to the edge of the explosion.


The deafening explosion sounded, and Wei Shen was lifted by the air waves behind him, swooping straight down the hallway, but the residual blood survived.

It's him!

It must be him!

Wei Shen, who was long and stubborn, was shocked ~ www.readwn.com ~ I suddenly thought of someone!

That man is naturally Liu Zilang.

You know, in this world race, there are not a few professional gods who have a strong sense of guns, but they can perfectly combine motorcycles and thunder to this extent ...

Except for the "old artist" Liu Zilang, he really couldn't think of anyone else.

At the same time, when Wei Shen at the entrance of the staircase came up with a first aid kit to prepare for medicine.

The barn main entrance.

A car sound suddenly came from far and near.

The next moment, the car stopped.


The door was pushed open from the outside ...


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