Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 813: Do you believe in Feng Shui?

Good self-doubt on the stage is not mentioned.

In the game, at this moment, they looked at the safe area where they abandoned them.

The raised Li Muqiu was dumbfounded.

Say good "eat chicken point"?

Eat chicken in poison?

Liu Zilang also showed an awkward but polite smile, and said seriously to the three,

"The real strong must dare to face the dripping condemnation and defeat everything with strength. Only the weak will want destiny."

After speaking, the three did not seem to react much.

When Liu Zilang saw a dry cough, he cleared his throat, and added a strong sentence, "My life is up to me!"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Zeyan turned and left.

Li Muqiu couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Quickly said, you think you are a male pig's foot."

Seeing the reactions of the two, Liu Zilang couldn't help but feel awkward, but his mouth was awkward, "Nonsense, aren't all the main characters like me handsome?"

At this time, Misaka Koto glanced at Liu Zilang.

Sitting aside, Liu Zilang noticed her gaze very sensitively, and she could not help but smile with a gentle and easy-going smile on her face.

Hearing this, Misaka Kotomi quickly shook her head like a marmot, and then suddenly narrowed her eyes, and burst into a smirk.

"Wet ..."


"You just ... good secondary 2 ..."

"Medium ... two?" Liu Zilang's face turned dark for an instant.

Looking at the timid Misaka Komi after he finished speaking, he suddenly wanted to give this silly apprentice's head a bit wide.


On the map, the third safe zone is located in the school and the city of R in the north.

However, there is only a swimming pool on the school side, and only the southern half of the city, including the road, is on the north side.

As for the remaining part, it is the hilly grassland that the Longmen Inn is rolling to the north of Widow Village.

Li Muqiu glanced at the map and turned to look at Liu Zilang. "Give you another chance to talk about where we will eat chicken next?"

"School!" Liu Zilang duked, "This must be at school!"

Misaka Ginmi hesitated, "But wet ... the school is only a little bit inside?"

Shen Zeyan heard the words and looked at him.

"Do you believe in Feng Shui?"

Liu Zilang suddenly asked without a thought.

Immediately afterwards, he slowly spoke again,

"According to my analysis, the safety zone of this game is somewhat unstable, and the more likely it is, the less likely it is, like we are now."

He first came up to wash himself, then continued with a dry cough, "The opposite is the more impossible it seems, the more likely it is."

"Don't talk nonsense," Li Muqiu wondered. "What does this have to do with Feng Shui?"

"Uh ... can't say it doesn't matter at all."

Liu Zilang groaned for a moment, "Looking for dragons to see the mountains, the entanglement is a hurdle. This place has a sense of hiding the dragon. Do you feel it?"

Three people: ...

Feel your brother-in-law! How do you feel that this person is a bit unreliable?


However, the school is the closest to them. Although the R city in the north is relatively better, it has now entered the time of heads and fighting. R city, as the only town in the safe zone, will undoubtedly become the hardest hit area.

If they don't want to find a place to lie down in the middle of the hilly area, then the school looks relatively unstable although it is on the poisonous side.

But before the next lap refreshes, it is undoubtedly a relatively safe place.

So several people quickly followed the guidance of Liu Zilang and drove the jeep all the way to the school.

After arriving, a few people got out of the car for investigation and found no others. In this way, they easily occupied the place without much effort.

Several people came to the second-floor diving place of the swimming pool. Because the wall next to them was empty, they looked west from their side, just to see the grass outside and the hills in the distance.

Next, when the next wave of poison began to shrink, Liu Zilang of the swimming pool and others saw a picture of "ten thousand horses galloping".

I saw a convoy of south teams passing by the grass and rushing towards the north city of R.

In the big screen game scenes, the director's footage frequently switched back and forth between the hilly grassland and the R city.

no way.

As soon as the third wave of poisonous circles compresses the living space, several teams on the field are bound to collide.

Conflict teams in various places are constantly on, and the footage of the director is naturally busy.

"The battle on the field is fierce, and it looks like there will be a wave of downsizing after this wave of poison."

"The main reason is that there is only one urban area in this circle, and most of the teams don't want to sleep in the wild, so the best choice is naturally to go to the north of R city."

"But they forget that the better the geographical location, the more attractive they are. In this chaos, they don't know which teams will survive in the end."

"Speaking of this wave of Se7en2, it's a bit strange. I just thought they would go to R City. I didn't expect to go to school."

"Well, although the school is still one of the few buildings in the safe area at present, it is like a nest built on the coast, and it is likely that it will be completely submerged when the tide comes."

"I think that's why there aren't too many people fighting for the school. The IG team who just passed by the school seems a bit like it, but as soon as the gunfire sounded in the swimming pool, they immediately turned to give up."

"Oh, they may think that it is not worthwhile to fight for downsizing for this kind of place ..."

"Eh? Wait, a team came over from the poison in the direction of the puzzle floor. It was their brother IFTY!"

"A + they seem to want to take a break from school, but they have heard Vic's gunfire, so beware of this wave of Vic."

Seeing the director suddenly gave the picture, the audience could not help but hesitated, and they became a little worried.

After all, at this time, Liu Zilang's attention is on the grass on the west side. If this wave steals IFTY from the back, Liu Zilang is likely to have an accident.

Next, as expected, the commentary went to www.readwn.com. After squatting, he squatted outside the wall and took a rest.

Listening to the "cracking" gunshot in the swimming pool, they soon got an idea in their hearts.

The four squatted down to discuss the situation.

The next moment, they saw the cats on their waists after moving on the static steps, moving their bodies, looking like a group of ducks swimming in from the school gate ..

The crowd on the ground gradually held their breath when they saw this, and stared at the game picture without blinking.

But just then,

Suddenly everything in the director's scene!

I saw a row of convoys suddenly descending from Xiaoqingshan south of the school and rushed straight towards the school.

When the picture on the big screen was given, everyone on the field suddenly was surprised to find that this team was actually the leader of the P city of this game-Team 17!


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