Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

Vol 2 Chapter 814: City Head Changing King Banner

After hearing the sound of a car coming from behind, the IFTY group who was quietly sneaking in from the gate of the school suddenly became sluggish.

It's like a few people sneaking into a thief in the middle of the night, and uncontrollably someone set off a firecracker behind their butt.

Isn't it toxic?

In this case, IFTY dare not bet that the people in the swimming pool cannot hear them.

It is not that they are lucky, but that Liu Zilang and others in the swimming pool need to go to the otology for a check.

"Don't care so much, advanced building!" Brother A + ordered and rushed in first with a gun.

Several other members of IFTY naturally followed closely. After four people entered from the main entrance of the swimming pool, they were divided into two groups and left at the library door.

At the same time, Liu Zilang and others on the second floor of the swimming pool also found anomalies.

"It's wet, as if someone came up," Misaka Koto said nervously.

"Just here." Li Muqiu rubbed her hands.

Here at the edge of OB for a long time, his heart was a little impatient, someone came to the door, Li Muqiu naturally wanted.

However, after speaking, he suddenly looked at Liu Zilang with a vigilance, "This time I am with Ze Ze and a team of Xiaoqin Mei, and I will not be with you anyway."

He now has a psychological shadow over Liu Zilang.

Hearing Li Muqiu's words, Liu Zilang couldn't help but be a little speechless, but immediately he interrupted Li Muqiu, who was eager to try, frowned slightly, "Don't move, there seems to be a group of people coming down."

"Someone robbed in this place?" Li Muqiu wondered, "These are crazy, what is the contention of a broken school?"

"Because Feng Shui is good here." Liu Zilang thought without thinking. "Now you should know what is Tibetan ..."

"You will study your Feng Shui later."

Li Muqiu interrupted politely, "You tell me first, how can we fight this wave?"

"No rush, no rush." ​​Liu Zilang squinted. "Let's stop first and watch it change."

And Liu Zilang wants to watch the changes without a doubt, will there be any box reaction between the team downstairs and those who just entered the school ...

Host the commentator.

"17 should come from Xiaoqingshan, a detour around P city. What's going on? Are they blocked on the roadside?"

"I think it's possible, otherwise 17 wouldn't have to go so far, but wouldn't they really stop at school?"

"Oh! 17 really stopped."

"The school situation is more complicated now, 17 and IFTY and Se7en2, the first to arrive at the school, none of these teams are vegetarian."

"Well, it's okay to say if they are in the safe area, but the problem is that the school is so large, only the area around the swimming pool is in the safe area ..."

"Oh, no matter which team you prefer in this wave."

"I ... I still don't like it first, so as not to be blocked in the toilet by fans who are optimistic about that team."


At the same time, the game is in competition.

As soon as the 17th team's car stopped outside the fence, several people immediately jumped out of the car and quickly leaned against the wall to find a shelter.

"Let's really do this team?" Ma Niuniu glanced in the direction of the swimming pool, at this time the gunfire inside had stopped.

"Why, why not?" Dajing said. "They played so well. We don't do him. He must hit us by passing by."

After hearing Dajing's words, Ma Niu Niu nodded, and naturally 17shou and the style did not have any opinions.

In fact, many teams understand this principle, but not every team has the strength and confidence of 17.

In the event of an attack on the transfer road, most teams are more inclined to avoid war and prevent unnecessary downsizing.

Of course, everything is relative.

At this time 17 did not see the IFTY four who just slipped in like ducks, let alone that the team in the original swimming pool was Se7en2.

If you know these,

I'm afraid the 17 wave is not so relaxed when thinking about deciding to attack the building.


In the game screen of the big screen, I saw a group of four people touching the door lightly.

The first floor of the swimming pool. IFTY heard the footsteps outside the building, and quickly knew in her heart that the other party might not have found them.

"Shh, don't move." A + 's mouth slightly raised. "A little white rabbit has come to the door."

next moment,

Two figures appeared at the main entrance of the swimming pool.

The IFTY people thought that the wave came in a group of little white rabbits, but did not expect that the group came in.

From the God's perspective of the guide, as soon as 17 people rushed in, the sharp gunfire rang.

If other teams are ambush by ITFY, I am afraid they will catch it.

But in the current wave, the beasts and horses and cows rushing in front of them almost reacted at the moment when they were knocked in the door.

Seeing that a blow would almost succeed, how could IFTY willingly let the cooked duck fly, and the people who were stuck in it wanted to chase them out holding the gun.

But the tacit understanding of the entire team was exceptional.

As soon as 17Shou and Ma Niuniu were attacked on the road ahead, Da Jing and the style in the rear gave way and quickly added firepower to his teammates.

The muzzle flickered, two fire dragons spurted out, and the bullets quickly interwoven into the death blockade.


IFTY's pursuit was immediately curbed.

At this point they may be able to chase them out, but the price they pay is undoubtedly unbearable.

And the 17 outside think that they are the people of the swimming pool, but IFTY, who came first, knows clearly that the swimming pool has a real "owner".

They chased out, even if they broke the 17-defense line, but when they lost, they would undoubtedly make wedding dresses for others.

"Don't chase it! Come back!"

Brother A + shouted in his voice, IFTY ordered the ban, and the four quickly withdrew.

The next moment, they regrouped in pairs, and once again held the corridor on the left and right.

The audience and the commentary on the stage saw this scene and couldn't stand it for a while ...

"Big brother, they are a bit pity. At least they could eat 17 or more people."

"No way, this wave of 17 is totally based on personal ability, if it is changed to another team, it must be cold."

"Well, and IFTy's performance is also very sensible ~ www.readwn.com ~ They are not up at all and do not give Se7en2 upstairs."

"Oh! The poison has refreshed the border with the safe area. The next circle is in the city of R in the north!"

"In that case, I think the most passive thing is not the IFTY caught by the two teams on the first floor of the swimming pool, but the Se7en2 that the two teams bet on the second floor."

"Wait a minute! Se7en2 seems to have popped out of the window on the east side of the swimming pool. That place can be climbed!"

"Then they are fleeing."

"Huh? Se7en2 doesn't seem to want to go ... oh! They want to block 17 and IFTY."

This kind of situation change is undoubtedly no one had thought of. For a while, everyone on the court couldn't help keeping an eye on the game picture.


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