Kawaranu Mono <Kirameki no Gōremu>

Episode 84: Thoughts to convey

I will be a golem.

I've been entrusted with the security of the village, but it has to work perfectly. That's what it's like to be a professional adventurer.

So, what do we do?

Build a fence around the village? No.

You wanna dig a moat around the village? That's no.

No one has defended and won for a long time. We can win because we attack!

That's why, late at night, I start acting to find an Auga base. I was going to sneak out, but Haku found me, and Haku was going to follow me.

During the day, there was no new Auga watch in the place where the Auga watch was. But there was a new footprint, so I think I have an orga here once.

Heading to the fort under construction, the orgasms form a circle around one large orga.

"Sudden Gi, Wang Ni Report Sulzo"


"Ogaga?" (Who?)

"Ogosaku, O Mae Ni Ren Cell"

"Ooga" (ok)

Do you go to the king to contact him that a lookout has been done?

Hmm, it's a hassle to be contacted and taken care of. Hey, let's slap them first. When I tried to get out, Haku snapped, "Me, I'm going," and popped out on my own. Wait a minute. I'll rush after Haku.

"How dare you!!"


Haku uses the spiritual magic of the wind to jump over the surrounding augs and approach the larger ones in the middle of the circle. Yep, they'll stumble on me!? while I shoot line lights into the arms and feet of the surrounding augs in circles and push them out of combat.

Ugh, the orgasms are coming at me more than Huck. It's a wishful situation, but it's a little grumpy. Pasi, I gently slapped Pasi and the orgasms and let them lose their minds.

Makes all the orgasms that were in a circle non-combatant and takes a sigh of sigh. I can't breathe, though. I didn't hear the log that I was out of breath, so none of the augs seem to have died.

The battle between Huck and the big Auga is still going on. The big augs were all hit by the augs around them, and they floated. Don't miss that gap, Huck sticks a knife up Auga's right arm. And he quickly took another knife and also stuck it in his left arm.

The big aug can't keep holding the axe he had and drops it to the ground. The big orga turns to me and Huck. Waterfall-like sweat runs through my face.

"Gugaga, O Maeda Ha What Ga Purpose Da?"

"Purpose? Defeat"

Can this auga be the only one who can talk after all? Tell Haku to tell Auga my words.

"Why are you building a fort here?"

"Why, fort, make?"

"Wang no order da"

Who's the king? Where are you? '

"King, who? Where?"

"Mount Salani no deep cunni, country, attail"

For what?

"For what?"

"King, Jong-yi! Augga, the mighty one! Soledake!"

Well, I guess I'll have to meet the king. Not much conversation with this ogre.

"Guide me to the King."

"Until the king, guide"

"Gugaga, Sonna Hadeki"

I erased all the fortifications under construction with line lights that occurred perpendicular to the ground. The big aug who sees it opens her mouth wide, her eyes open and she is amazed. After a while, I finally got back to my sanity.

"Wakatta. Guidance sul"

I said, and the big auga was to guide me and Haku to the king. Waiting for the hurtful augs to wake up, and all the augs head to the king.

The orgasms who shot out their feet with our line lights started to lag behind from the line because they were dragging their feet. Because of that, I received good wound medicine from Haku and healed the wounds of the orgasms.

"Oga!?" (what!?)

"Ooga!" (cured!)

"Oogaga!" (cured be!)

The healing of the foot wounds also eliminates the lagging Auga from the line and goes as far as the place where there is a king of Auga as a group.

The king of Auga, huh? I said good things!

Going to the back of the mountain, the country was certainly made there. Well, it's crude even when it comes to the country. I'm just punching Marutai into the ground, building a fence, and building a simple building in the fence.

An auga on the lookout who suddenly discovered us appeared rang a bell with Cancun. We were surrounded by straws and the orgasms that came out of the gate. A large auga, who had walked so far to our head, shouts out, "Wang Ni Hui Itai!". We are surrounded by armed orgasms while being taken to a square in the heart of the country.

Around the square, over 600 orgasms are watching over us. The orgasms, who were in the fort and came this far with us, scattered around the square, except for the big orgasm.

Me and Haku, and only the big Auga, stand in the center of the square. And from the building that was in the front of the square, an even bigger orga appeared about a turn larger than a larger one. Perhaps that's the king of the Auga. Behind the king of the orga, there are about 10 well-fitted orgasms lined up in rough black armor.

"General Auga, why have you followed all men back from the fort without any further orders?"

"Oshu Shikdasai, Wang Yo"

The big Auga puts his hands and head on the ground and this is how forgiveness is given to the King of Auga in a dusty manner.

"I, the Haconos, guide the king, Nomotoni, Suluyou, command Saletanodes."

"You weak bastard! People like you don't need it for the rest of us!"

The king of the ogre, who threw up abominably, throws a spear toward the big ogre when he takes the spear away from the ogre that was behind him.

The big aug sitting in the ground only looks up, but can't seem to make it to the dodge. I move in front of a big, refreshing orga and stop the spear like a serious blade removal!


A loud noise stopped when a spear hit my body. I was going to grab the spear tip, but I kind of failed. If it weren't for my metal golem, I'd probably be dead. It was a dangerous place.

"Looks like you're going to do a pretty good job of stopping the rest of the spear. But if you're gonna get stuck in front of the rest of us, you're gonna crush me!"

The king of Auga takes a sword from his back that creates a decadent atmosphere. And spread your hands and speak to the ghosts around you.

"You guys! What should I do with these people?"

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

The ghosts around them start calling in silence and killing simultaneously as they step on their feet.

"Who is the strongest in this world!!?"




It's hard to tell if you're a king or a response.

"Who can unite this world!!?"




Ha!!? One, I feel wrong!!

"What should happen to anyone but Auga!!?"

"Hit the ground!"

"Hit the ground!"

"Hit the ground!"

Happy with the performance of one street, the king of Auga moves loosely ahead of me.

"Weak man, if you fall before the rest of us now, you can only save your life? What do we do?"

I shake my head with a willingness to put my hands up like a ha-ha and not have one.

"If you say no, die good!!"

The king of Auga comes running towards me. It's so powerful. And he comes swinging the Great Sword down from the top as he gains momentum.

I am, this time! I think I'm going to take the blade seriously!!


Metal and metal collided and a clear sound spread around. I hold my hands together firmly over my head. And the sword is on my head.

But I think we're making more progress than just now! I manage to grab the edge of the Great Sword!! I didn't grab it after the Great Sword hit my head and stopped. Maybe.

The king of Auga is trying to pull the sword back, but because it is pinched with my hands, I cannot pull it back. Ha-ha-ha, I know you can't do it with a lot of force! The King of Auga lets go of the Great Sword and takes distance from me. He puts a rush on his face and asks me questions.

"Oh, who the hell are you!"


Well, now that I have a hack, I guess I can say it too!! Ask him to invite me to call and tell me what to say!

"I'll be a golem! Respond to people's voices for help, be the risers! Golem to help weakness and frustrate strength is my thing!! '

"Me, Golem! Golem, is!"

That, because Haku didn't mention the line between them, it simply appealed to the Golem. It's a little different from what I had in mind. Well, okay.

"Golem, Golem," he said. That's an unusual name. But the rest are kings! You can't lose! "

The king of Auga stands against me when he takes the spear from the man in the black armor behind him. But it looks like we need to show the difference in power.

I poke my right hand up and let a small, thin line light occur, moving it to concentrate on its right hand. Then, the right hand itself also holds the line light together to produce a glowing fist.

The king of Auga breathes with Gokuri. The ghosts around them are breathing out what it is.

Pfft. One of my cool-looking moves is a punch! As I was, I proceeded before the king of Auga and swung my punch down against his feet!

Along with the loud noise of Dogorn, there was a great hole under the feet of the king of Auga. The King of Auga is blown away by the aftermath of that shock. This is intimidation. I don't kill.

{Log: Golem did 300 damage to orgasm kings}

{Log: The orgasm is out of breath}

Oh, my God. The King of Auga is out of breath. Not if the King of the Orga says so!

Looking around, Haku is as usual.

Around the king of Auga, Auga in black armor screams more than "King Yo!", "Sikkari!!", "King Ga Dead Kunaraleta!" and "Wang Ga Dead Nda!". And the orgasms surrounding the square are pulling back and forth on purpose.

I didn't think I'd die, either. I'm not asking you to forgive me. Just sleep in peace. I join hands with the king of Auga.

After a while, the confusion finally subsided. And the big aug that was in the fort and the female aug dressed in a robe comes out in front of me and Haku and lays flat.

"Strong Ki Fong Yo, I Laha Anatani Obedient Imus"

"Auga obeys the mighty, Mass"

Oh, my God, you follow me, maybe power is everything in the aug. It's just that I'm not just a golem to succumb to my opponent by force.

Yes, because it's the heart that counts.

I'm going to tell my orgasms how I feel about hanging out with humans. Asked Haku to convey his words, and I decided to convey my thoughts.

"Augs, if you attack people, they'll kill you too."

"Auga, people, attack. I'll kill you guys."

The two orgasms shake their bodies burly.

'Cause the humans are turning their backs on you to crusade you. Then you won't be able to retreat easily. "

You guys, crusade, easy.

Two orgasms, as well as the orgasms around me, shook up. That would be so. You must have imagined a future where humans would kill you in my words. It's roughly like that, and a big orga asks questions.

"Augs, Dowsley Bay?"

'Move where you don't have as much contact with people as you can. I suggest you avoid people and even go to the back of the mountain where people don't visit'

"Relocate. People, don't visit"

Orgases in large orgasms and robes look at each other. Yes, because you meet people, there's a problem. Let's just be careful not to make a country or something like that again.

'Don't try to make a country or something again. The humans won't allow there to be a threat near them.'

"Country, make, don't tolerate"

The orgasms snort. My thoughts seem to be slowly getting through to the orgasms.

'I won't even tell you to coexist with the humans. I just don't want you to get involved'

"Coexistence, no. Get involved, don't."

'If you want to live longer, stay away from the territory of others. Never.'

"Live long, want, come close, don't"

The orgasms blush their faces and nod.

"Strong Ki Fong Yo. Augs, return Razno Mori Ni Ryuk. Asshole, People Come Nye"

"Never, to your word, disobedience, Sen! Please, pity the orgasms!"

Oh, you seem to understand my words. I nod and say goodbye to the orgasms.

'I don't know if I'll get a chance to see you next, but live with a master. Don't ever forget my words. "

"Next, no. Forget it."

The orgasms blur their blued faces further, saying, "Haha, Bizuya" and lay flat. I can imagine the horror of fighting humans with my words. Good. Good.

'I hope you get used to life in a new place soon. Cheer up and walk.'

"Quick, go"

"Haha!!" he shouted, and the orgasms rushed off to make a schedule to travel, aiming for a place called the Forest Without Return. You don't have to rush anything so fast.

Me and Haku go back to the village before nightfall. The orgasms have traveled, and now security in this village will be fine. No one seems to have noticed that I and Haku were out of the village.

Unbeknownst, it solved the problem.

Ha-ha-ha. The orgasms seem to understand my thoughts, and I can't help but laugh! I don't have a look though.

Turns out, power isn't the only thing that matters in this world!

I watched the morning sun rise from the roof alone.

The morning sun flickers as it reflects on my body.

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